Hey Cheetahs,
Just droppin in to say hello again. I enjoyed my rest day from running/lifting but still feel wiped, anyway, from being out in the sun chaperoning the kids at the lake. Got home @ 6:30.
Laura :: I'm sorry to hear about your husband's grandmother's passing. Thoughts are with you & your family.
Christine :: It sounds like DH is working hard to make things right. Your visit to the Villagio sounds like it'll be wonderful. Ahh, massage! Wish I could book one o' those for myself right now.
Jess :: I laughed when I read the comment about the jugs not staying in the bathing suit top. I know exactly what you mean! Some of those halters did not have ANY support.
Marcia :: I did WW several years ago and followed the Flex plan. (They did not have the Core plan at the time.) I liked the Flex options and it worked well for me; however, I was on hiatus from running at the time. I think it would be hard to follow WW while running and lifting as much as I am now. I know they used to give you some points back for activity, but it never seemed like enough. I have been using FitDay to set calorie goals and record my food intake, and so far, it has been working for me. I wonder if that may be why you are at a plateau right now. I do think WW points will keep you on the lower end of calories, and that's not conducive to running.
Wendy :: If the class has an opening, then consider it meant to be. If not, I'd say keep on training the way you are, and you will still be plenty ready for a 5K in September.
Elaine :: I laughed when I read about Cathe. I noticed before that her last name Friedrich sounded German, but I assumed it must be her married name. I didn't know her parents are immigrants, too. That's too funny!
Karen :: It feels so good to make fitness gains, doesn't it? My students can't believe that I can do 40 guy-style pushups now (thanks to GS). When I first did the workout, I barely eked out 8.
Well, I am off to cruise the net for a plain sweatshirt. They are nowhere to be had right now. No hoods, no zippers, just a plain 'ol crew neck. Northern Germany can be chilly at times even in the summer, so I want one to take w/ me. Don't own a whole lot of sweats. Thanks, everyone, for the well wishes...I leave on Thursday, so I will try to keep checking in between now and then.
Hi to Karin, Barb, Carole, Judy, Thomasina, Mattea, Pamela, and anyone else I'm forgetting. Have a great night!