:: CHEETAHS Check-in :: Tues, 6/13

Carole-Maybe we should just address each other in our posts no matter what, knowing that the other one is simulataneously, posting, lol. Thanks for the in-law vibes. :) To make matters worse, I have an hour and twenty minute car ride with my MIL before I even get to the showerx(
Maybe we should...:)...oh sweetie...I do feel for you....really....I think if I had an hour and 20 min drive with my MIL...I'd take my pepper spray...http://www.emotihost.com/glass7/4.gif[/img] good thing she lives about 600 miles away from us...:)
Hi Mattea! Hello again Carole! Hi to everyone else as well!

No time to chat right now...must hop in the shower but I had to come back here to tell y'all!

I did it! I'm registered for the class and therefore for the 5k too! WOO HOO!:7

Thanks for the encouragement everyone! I'm sure I probably would have chickened out of this if not for all you! :*
Wendy! High fives and hugs! That is so awesome:7 Totally proud of you:D :) :D

Carole-I love the little laughing smilie! That's the perfect illustration for ROTFLMAO:7 Would pepper spray work against the original dragon lady?:p Tell me the story again about the MIL that lives 600 miles away:+
I second that!! WTG for signing up, we all know you will do great!!!

Here's a little encouragement for ya. I was mainly a treadmill runner until last year (usually just 3-4 miles) & my longest run was 6 miles. I started doing a little running outside & did my first 5K in June, then my treadmill broke in July so I ended up HAVING to run outdoors. And I ended up training & completed my first half in Sept!!!! And I've been running outside ever since.....

I got in my *bonus* workout today!! We got all of our errands done, & my youngest dd down for her nap. My oldest is at day camp today (every Tuesday) which she LOVES & my 2nd dd is playing computer games so I ended up doing my own Cathe mix!

I did the leg conditioning drills from Kick Max, then I did the abs w/ stability ball from PUB (wow, this is so much easier when you haven't just fried your arms first!) & the leg/butt workout from PLB. I didn't want to do *too* much on the legs since I want to do some speedwork tomorrow! (gotta get speedy for my 5K Sat!).

Hope you're all having a great day!

Hey gals:

Just finished my 3.5 mile run and now wondering what to eat. I love veggies, so maybe a load of broccoli, carrots, water chestnuts, snap peas, onions, mushrooms, some low fat cheese, spray butter and a bunch of spices. Yep - that ought to do it. :7 I'm pretty sure I'll be as bloated as could be after eating all that fiber.

Have a great night everyone!

Question- How important is hill training for a half. On the Hal Higdon site he has you train hills only in the first three weeks where in other training schedules they don't do them at all. I have a steep driveway that is 30 meters. If I want to do hill training on that do you have any suggestion? The sucker is steep I tell you.

Wendy, That's so great! When exactly is the 5K?

Carole, My DH works for PG&E and they have cabins in various places that were built to house people building the infrastructure a long time ago. Now the company rents them out to employees. It was short notice vacation planning and the only place cabins were available for when we are going was at Pit River which is 35 minute from Burney. We'll be there July 5 through the 8th.

Cathy, Didn't someone accuse you of being Cathe awhile back because you live in New Jersey, close to Cathe's gym? Well, did you know that Cathe is also German and that her parents immigrated from Germany? And here you are, getting ready to visit Germany to visit relatives!! Are you SURE you're not Cathe?

Gayle, I'd like to take a peek at your marathon schedule. I'm gonna send you an email requesting it......

Mattea, So sorry about the MIL thing :( . And to think that you'll be passing up running a race for that...... But, from all of my life's experiences, I am sure you are doing the right thing!
thanks everyone for your kind words about DH's grandma. She isnt suffering anymore and is in a better place.

I went to the doctor this afternoon and to my surprise he said I had been fighting acute rhinitis and acute bronchitis. no wonder I have been having such a hard time breathing with my runs. anyway he gave me another antibiotic and hopefully it will clear it up completely. I told him yesterday I was able to breath better than I have for the last two weeks with the runs. I told him this is messing up my runs and its ticking me off. He just laughed at me. he also runs and bikes and knows that I have been doing races.

wendy, dont be nervous about the class ,you will do fine! after all , your a cheetah!!
Hey Cheetahs,
Just droppin in to say hello again. I enjoyed my rest day from running/lifting but still feel wiped, anyway, from being out in the sun chaperoning the kids at the lake. Got home @ 6:30.

Laura :: I'm sorry to hear about your husband's grandmother's passing. Thoughts are with you & your family.

Christine :: It sounds like DH is working hard to make things right. Your visit to the Villagio sounds like it'll be wonderful. Ahh, massage! Wish I could book one o' those for myself right now.

Jess :: I laughed when I read the comment about the jugs not staying in the bathing suit top. I know exactly what you mean! Some of those halters did not have ANY support.

Marcia :: I did WW several years ago and followed the Flex plan. (They did not have the Core plan at the time.) I liked the Flex options and it worked well for me; however, I was on hiatus from running at the time. I think it would be hard to follow WW while running and lifting as much as I am now. I know they used to give you some points back for activity, but it never seemed like enough. I have been using FitDay to set calorie goals and record my food intake, and so far, it has been working for me. I wonder if that may be why you are at a plateau right now. I do think WW points will keep you on the lower end of calories, and that's not conducive to running.

Wendy :: If the class has an opening, then consider it meant to be. If not, I'd say keep on training the way you are, and you will still be plenty ready for a 5K in September.

Elaine :: I laughed when I read about Cathe. I noticed before that her last name Friedrich sounded German, but I assumed it must be her married name. I didn't know her parents are immigrants, too. That's too funny!

Karen :: It feels so good to make fitness gains, doesn't it? My students can't believe that I can do 40 guy-style pushups now (thanks to GS). When I first did the workout, I barely eked out 8.

Well, I am off to cruise the net for a plain sweatshirt. They are nowhere to be had right now. No hoods, no zippers, just a plain 'ol crew neck. Northern Germany can be chilly at times even in the summer, so I want one to take w/ me. Don't own a whole lot of sweats. Thanks, everyone, for the well wishes...I leave on Thursday, so I will try to keep checking in between now and then.

Hi to Karin, Barb, Carole, Judy, Thomasina, Mattea, Pamela, and anyone else I'm forgetting. Have a great night!
cathy :)
Good evening Ladies!

Mattea: Why do I get the feeling that you just might not like your inlaws? :p

Jess: Thanks for the encouragement! I have to remember that the reason I am not excelling in my outdoor runs as fast as my TM runs is because I can do the TM lots more! Now that I am in this class I should be able to get in atleast 2 o/d runs per week so I'll excel faster! YEAY!:+ Plus the fact that now I will also have the year's membership to the running club now so I am going to try to take advantage of some of thier group runs when I can once I can maintain the minimum outdoor mileage for them! Good job on the bonus work out! Mish moshes are fun and usually end up being the most evil of all work outs!}(

Marcia: Did you enjoy your veggies today? Drink lots of water and the bloat will go away. :) Good job on the 3.5 mile run. You and I seem to be at the same place in our running. It's nice to have "the company"!;)

Elaine: The 5K is on Sept 2nd. It's the Saturday of Labor Day weekend and it starts at 9am. Here's the webpage if you want to take a peek: www.saturdayinthepark5k.org/ :+

Laura: Hope you finally are going to get back to your old self now that you have the proper meds!
I'm not too nervous about the class YET except for the fact that I am a very shy person and I walkin' in there alone when most of the women will probably be "buddied up"! I would have asked someone to do it with me but there is no one. My SIL lives an hour north of me and she is the only one who I would even think of asking! The 5K TERRIFIES me though! Ofcourse, that is still 2-3 months away and this course is designed to prepare me so why I am terrified of the 5K and not the course is beyond me! LOL :p

Cathy: Good luck finding that sweatshirt!:)

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