Cheetahs Check In TGIF June 16


Good Morning CHEETAHS!

Just stealing Marcia's idea and getting it started quickly. I will be right back with personals!:)
Jess: Yeah, that makes sense and I must say that sounds like darn good job your hubby has there! If he ever wants to quit you'd better stop him!:+ You've done a lot of races in just a few months. Is there a full marathon in your future?

Pamela: I have no clue how to salsa dance but it sounds like fun! Were you all dressed up and struttin' your "compliments of Cathe" bod on that dance floor? ;) LOL BTW, yeah, I'm going on an 8 day cruise out of NY that leaves on wednesday and goes down to the Caribbean. It hits Puerto Rico, St Thomas and Tortola and has 2 days at sea on the way down and 2 on the way back up. I'm sooo excited!:+ :+ :+ DH and I haven't been on a real vacation since our honeymoon over 3 years ago! You need to try Mr. YP soon girl! I am going to try it for the 2nd time on Sunday.:9

Elaine: See, I'm not a big fan of the pyramids although I DO enjoy the PUB down premix going super heavy. I like the ctx u/b but it's not my fave. I am in love with the gymstyles! Who isn't, right!? LOL :p

Cathy: Hope that nasty bug is gone before you leave for your vacation!!!!

Marcia: So how dinner? What kind of fish/veggies did you have? We eat flounder a lot. I love flounder! My fave veggies are broccoli and spinach especially when they are sauteed in a bit of olive oil and garlic..YUM!:9

Christine: Having your older sister in the same school as you can be a GOOD thing or a very BAD thing! LOL I know I'm glad my sister was out of every school before I got there!!! She would have tormented me just like she did at home!:p

Hello to everyone else!!!:+

I have HSC on tap for today. FUN! }(
Good Morning Wendy and all my fellow Cheetah's. Today is leg day. I think I'm going to do gymstyle legs. For some reason that one seems to fly by for me. Then I'll do some sort of ab work. Dh has a three day weekend today so we have lots of plans with the girls plus it being Father's Day and all. He is taking my car to get brakes this morning so he is already starting on his honey do list. Now if I can squeeze in a foot rub from him this weekend my evil ways will still be working.
Hi Running Cheetahs

I was just finishing my morning coffee early so I will be ready to run at 8:15.

Super Carole- I hope your pacing help works well for everyone. Please tell us all about it!

Jess- How long is Baptiste's Yoga for athletes? Do you recommend it?

Wendy- Keep us posted on how the running class goes. will you start after vacation or sooner?

Shelly-happy vacation days. Did you say 20 pound DBs for PUB biceps? You are one strong lady!

Gayle- another marathon! Are you training for this one any differently?

Elaine- thank you for reading my comment on children.

Hi to Pamela ,Christine, Karen, Cathy, Mattea, and Thomasina and all the cheetahs who visit today.

Oh, as I mentioned before this morning is a 7 mile run followed by a tennis match. My running buddy did the same thing two days ago. I hope she has a positive comment about it this morning!

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
It's my rest day!!!

Yeah!! I was so tired that I was fast asleep by 9:30 last night & woke up a couple times to potty but slept til 6:45!!! That's 2 hrs past my up & running time, so it was wonderful!!! I was afraid I'd be too sore from doing MM y'day but I don't feel too bad!! I just plan on doing some stretching & pilates today so I'll be ready to race tomorrow!!! I was talking to a friend at the pool that did the 5K I did in May & she's doing the 5K tomorrow also. I told her about our little running group in the mornings & she might join in too. She said she needs to build up some miles again though! (her dh is the cross country coach at the local HS)

Unfortunately, we have a visitation/ funeral to go to today for my dh's best friend's grandma. She wasn't doing well for a while, so it's a blessing that she isn't suffering any more.

I've got to do some cleaning around here & packing up for the trip!! We leave Sunday for the Dells!! I know that there's a fitness room there so I can at least use the treadmill or I'm hoping there's a trail to run too. My brother runs so maybe I can talk him into it!

Ok, I'll post some personals now!

Wendy~ Yes, I'm planning the full marathon on Sept 24th w/ my running buddy Erin. Our other running buddy Melissa does team in training & is doing a Dublin, Ireland marathon in Oct! And I'm so thankful that my dh has such a great job so that I can be at home w/ my girlies!

Pamela- I do the same thing w/ coffee. At home I try to limit myself to 1 cup, but usually at my Mom's (who has a huge assortment of wonderful coffee) I end up drinking too much!!! My dh always makes the coffee to take in his thermos to work & he leaves me 1 cup so that way I'm not tempted if I make it myself to make more!! ;-) Sounds like fun dancing! Did you get in your yoga?? I did mine y'day!!!

Elaine ~ I'm using Hal Higdon's beginner marathon training for the long weekend runs. I'm not following it as much during the week since it doesn't call for speedwork or any of that, but just doing between 4-5 miles 3 other days a week w/ 1 day of speedwork (usually Wed). Plus I'm doing my Cathe workouts & pilates plus maybe a bike a week for cross training. I love PUB & MM too. I really really want to get the Gym Styles, it's still waiting on my wish list until I can afford to get it!!!

Judy & Christine ~ I like BB's yoga for athletes, it's really a good stretch out for my hips especially. (the pigeon pose) The DVD that I have was like $30 for 3 workouts- it's called Baron Baptiste's LIVE & it has 60 min soul strength, 25 min yoga for athletes, & 25 min core yoga. They're all good when I can work them in to my schedule!! I need to do it at least once a week! And Judy- enjoy your 7 mile run & tennis today!!!

Karen- enjoy your GS legs & your weekend!! Sounds like fun! It sounds like you have a good routine that works for you & your family- that's great!! When I used to have my treadmill (before I killed it!!) my girls would be right w/ me keeping me company while I ran & they played/ watched cartoons. Now I'm all done running by the time they're up & they say, Mommy, did you run today? How far did you run?? :)

SuperCarole- I think it's awesome that you're going to pace a friend for 15-20 miles!! Wow!! I think you're just an awesome runner w/ some great workouts!!!

OK, to everyone else have a great Friday! TGIF! I'm off to start laundry & get to work!! ;-)

RE: It's my rest day!!!

Hi, ladies.

First things first....this morning's workout was Leaner Legs and abs. Good, heavy and sweaty.

Next, a few have asked about my marathon. It's marine Corps in October. It will be my 2nd full marathon. I'm training for it pretty much the same as I did for Disney, but making modifications where I knew I had problems (like adding in more stretching, keeping the lower body weight workouts in my rotation, etc).

I'm headed out to pack the truck for our camping weekend. Kids want to hit the town pool first for a little bit, so I may just give in, pack up, and leave straight from the pool. A friend of mine is training for her first marathon and she'll be there this weekend, so we've packed our running stuff and will be getting in a long run. YEAH!

Have an AWESOME weekend. Hugs to all DADS out there for Sunday. For Father's Day, (and all appropriate holidays), I take my boys to the cemetary and give them each a helium balloon. They each write a personal message to Daddy on it and we released them up the heaven.

RE: It's my rest day!!!

Good job getting in your workout, Gayle!! It sounds like you're being smart w/ your marathon training. I'm keeping in leg weights while training too, I think it is helping keep my legs stronger & it seems to be working so far! I will cut back towards the end, but so far so good!!

Have a great time camping & at the pool! I won't be meeting you there this time!

And I'm sure this is a really tough time for you & the boys but it sounds like you have a wonderful tradition. (((HUGS))) for you & those sweet boys! Enjoy your weekend & that's great that you can still get in a long run w/ your friend!

Big hugs,
Good morning cheetahs

Quick check-in for me this morning. I am off to do a 10 mile trail run with my sister...I will be back for personals later...:)
Jess- Today (funny story) my 4 year old comes in on the tail end of gymstyle legs. She starts to play Barbies and all of a sudden I'm doing abductors and Barbie and her remote controlled jeep are starting to come right at my head. I try to duck away from the jeep but it's coming straight for me. I'm starting to yell " Barbie back up" but of course now my dd thinks it's funny and Barbie and I have at it. I move to the side in time and Barbie and her jeep pass me by. Then I begin to do my ab work and I here the sound of the jeep again. This time Barbie has brought Ken with her to finish the job on my head. I'm just about done when they make there move for my face. Once again I have darted from the happy couple and was able to finish my abs while Barbie and Ken went to there dream house. Man that was more of a workout then Cathe. Trying to stay in one piece as Barbie and Ken try to dismantel me.
Wow! I can't believe I got here before so many others! Anyway, good morning! Today is my psuedo rest day so I will be doing PlyoX, core and yoga. When I initially made my marathon schedule I had just yoga down for Fridays but, as you can see, I've added more stuff. When the miles start to add up I'll probably back off but for now I'm going for it!

Tomorrow DH and I will be running a 1/2 marathon. We've agreed that we are NOT going to race it, just doing it for long run variety. How could I not pass up a course that is described as hilly with majestic views of the Pacific Ocean?

Karen, LOL at your Barbie story! My DD is always hanging around when I'm working out too. As a result she can now do 5 pushups from her toes with perfect form (these are comical to watch since she's only four years old) and she loves how down dog feels!

Jess, Here's hoping that the Gym Styles are in your near future! Good luck on the 5K tomorrow, although I KNOW that luck has absolutely nothing with how great you will do.

Gayle, Have fun on your camping trip and the long run with your friend.

Judy, WOW! Seven miles and then tennis? I gotta hear about this after!

Wendy, Hmmmm. Pyramids down going super heavy? I have never done PUB in any form other than it's original. Do you find that you can go alot heavier with that premix? And do you feel like you achieve strength gains when that is a regular part of your rotation? I just might give that a try....

Carole, See you when you get back!

I think that's everyone who has checked in so far. So, hello to Barb, Pamela, Cathy, Marcia, Sarah, Christine, Mattea, Amy, Thomasina......
Good morning all:

Elaine - your 1/2 sounds wonderful, the view will be very helpful and running with your DH. I wish I could interest mine into running, but I think that's will NEVER happen. He can't understand my running much less if I asked him to go along, too.;-)

Today I did a 5 mile run through the state park. They are doing construction on a bridge on one end so half of my run was with absolutely no traffic - it was wonderful running down the middle of the road and taking in the scenery and wonderful early morning smell of nature. :) I was so excited, the run was for the most part easy and so enjoyable - I LOVE IT!!! The last mile was a little tough because I could see the end in sight and the balls of my feet were starting to hurt, but I just moved right along and threw my arms in the air when I finished - VICTORY!!! ;-)

I'm off to get DH a father's day gift and see if I can find an anniversary gift as well. Tomorrow is our 11th anniversary. :* We are going out to eat, I think we are getting too old to stay out late, etc. We'll have to find "something" to do when we get back. ;-) ;-) ;-) ;-) :*

I'm also going to stop to get groceries and load up on veggies, string cheese, yogurt and trail mix. Anything else an addicted runner, who's trying to lose weight, and wants to eat CLEAN should have in her cart?

Have a wonderful weekend everyone, I'm sure I'll be back later.

Good for you, Marcia!!! It sounds like you had a great run!!! Happy 11th anniversary!! We'll have our 10th in August, doesn't seem possible! Enjoy going out to eat- where are you going??

As for an addicted runner trying to eat clean- here's some of my favorites- anything Kashi (cereals- GoLean, GoLean crunch, heart to heart) crackers (TLC are my favorite WW crackers!), bars- my new favorite is Pumpkin spice flax or really any of the granola bars for a quick snack! (but my Super Wal*mart carries it for much cheaper!) Low-fat dairy- skim milk, 1% cottage cheese, Cabot's 75% light cheddar, yogurt sweetened w/ splenda, fruits- apples, bananas, peaches, strawberries, blueberries, etc), veggies- any kind of veggies & for a more *carby* veggie I love baked sweet potatoes sprinkled w/ cinnamon & splenda, soyburgers (Morningstar farms, Gardenburger, Boca, etc- love them chopped up in my salads!). Um.... do you want more ideas???? I love talking food/ nutrition!! ;-) Chicken breasts, salmon, tuna.....

Happy shopping!

That's a riot, Karen!!! Sounds familiar!! I love when my dd's jump right in & exercise w/ me. They all know how to do the leg kick series from my Pilates- so cute!! My 7yo can do chin ups really well & pushups too. She said that she was the only girl in her gym class that could do them!!!

Too cute- gotta love those *helpers* when we're trying to work out!

Good morning beautiful cheetahs! Day #2 of VACATION :7 :7 :7 :7
Don't worry, I wont be subjecting y'all to a daily count:eek:
I had a great workout with bodymax yesterday. I can't wait for bodymax2! No running today- I'm dusting off an old classic- MIC.
Then some Coremax! Then packing and cleaning! DH and I are headed first to Lake George, NY. This Arizona gal is looking forward to some cool climate runs! My DH is a history buff so we'll visit the forts in the area...and for me...KAYAKING!!!! Then we drive down to NJ for our annual visit with the in-laws (oh boy). I registered for a race this year while I'm there. I'll be running an 8k a week from tomorrow, the 24th. It'll be on Long Beach Island so it should be a beautiful run! I've never run a race this short before and I'm interested in how I'll do racing at sea level!

Shelly, DH has a friend who lives at about 6000 feet in Utah. He says that running down here close to sea level is a dream and he's much faster. So I would imagine that your 8K will be quite fun for you and that you'll do fantastic! Have a fabulous vacation, it sounds fun and relaxing.:) :) :) :)
Marcia - I smiled when you mentioned your shopping cart. It sounds pretty identical to mine. Especially the yogurt and string cheese. Cheese is my biggest food weakness! I sympathize with you about your DH not being into running. I'm so jealous of the cheetahs here who have DHs that race with them! At least mine does come along with me for support (and picture taking). Sounds like you had a wonderful 5 mile run today!

Jess- you're "easy" runs are at a 9m/mile pace? You are definitely WAY out of my league! I also am using Hal Higdons beginner marathon training guide for my long runs. But of course during the week I add in alot more crosstraining, ala Cathe :) You're starting your official VACATION :7 the same day as me! I'll be on a plane ALL day :( It's great you'll have a fitness room available. I always look for hotels that have one!

Christine- Congratulations on your DD graduating!! Now you'll have a highschooler :eek:

Pamela- Hey there partygirl! I saw a clip from "Along Came Polly"
last night and I thought about you Salsababe! Now go for a run and loosen up those sore muscles!

Elaine- I don't blame you a bit for passing on the job move to Alabama- You're much better off staying in Ca! Sounds like you'll have a great time with your HM tomorrow!!! Like I said earlier, I'm so envious of your cheetahs with racing DHs!

Wendy- Wow, an 8 day Caribbean cruise!!! You put my humble vacation plans to shame! But it sounds like you definitely deserve it! I don't need to say this but..have fun!! I love HSC btw!

Karen- I know what you mean about GS Legs, it's not only a killer but way fun too. You just cant beat it for variety and intensity!
LOL about your battle with Barbie and Ken! I would have taken prisoners!

Judy- I hope you still have some strength in your legs enough for a tennis match! You must be an iron lady!! Let us know how you do!

Gayle- I am so envious about your running the MCM! I dream about running that one even more then Boston! I came very close to signing up for it this year but decided I wouldn't be quite enough ready by them. Maybe next year. What a great way to spend Father's day with your kids, that is so touching!!!

SuperCarole- you and your sister must make some dynamic duo! I have a twin sister who lives fairly close. However she stares at me like an alien when I talk about running :-( I envy you! Have a great trail run!!

Hi to Mattea, Barb, Cathy (I hope you're feeling better), Laura and anyone else who comes along. Have a great one!!

ShellyC aka vacationing granny cheetah :7 :7 :7
Shelly, I am not contemplating a move to Alabama!! LOL!! I just mentioned that I lived there for a while when I was a kid. Christine's job is relocating from CA to AL and it must have been my comment regarding that that made you think I was moving there. I could handle living almost anywhere (other than LA, ick) but my DH is much more picky than me so I know that a move to Alabama will NEVER happen!
Good morning Cheetahs! TGIF! TGIF! TGIF! TGIF! (can you tell I'm happy it's Friday?) Short work week next week - only 2 days! YIPEE!!!

Eh hem... *comes back to earth* Wow, did I have one heck of a time getting up this morning. I got out of bed, made some coffee, then promptly fell asleep on the big comfy chair in front of the tv. At my usual time to get off said comfy chair, I did finally manage to heave myself out of it and get moving, but it took some strong self lecturing. I was about 15 minutes later than I wanted to be, but still managed to get in CTX's 10-10-10 (thanks to Wendy for reminding me about it) and P90X Legs and Back. I'll do abs tomorrow. It was a nice little workout and I'm so glad I managed to get moving as I would be beat today.

Wendy - I think the two girls will pretty much ignore each other in high school. They are so different that their paths will cross rarely. Which is good. :)

Karen - you had me in hysterics - evil Barbie out to interrupt a GS workout! I love the sense of humor of your DD>

Judy - enjoy your run and tennis - let us know how you survive!

Jess - sorry to hear about DH's best friend's grandmother.

Gayle - have fun camping! What a very special way to spend Father's Day!

Carole - hope you enjoyed your run!

Elaine - Where is your Half? It sounds gorgeous!!!

Marcia - WOW! WAY TO GO on your run!!! And HAPPY ANNIVERSERY!!!

Shelly - I'm with you on the pace. A 10 minute mile is a good pace for a long run - I cannot go faster - I'm trying though! And I'm also looking forward to BodyMax 2. BodyMax is one of my favorites!

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