Cheetahs Check In TGIF June 16

Oh, Wendy - wanted to tell you that I plan to do your 20-20-20 mish mosh on Sunday. Thinking of maybe making it more a 30-30-30... We'll see. Or maybe not 30-30-30, but adding the drills from CK for some more true kick box - that would add 15 minutes. we are reading each others minds...:) did the premix go?...I'll tell you what my own leg exercises are: 4 sets of 12 reps and I do a set of 1 leg squats followed by extensions, then curls and then calf raises. Rest 90 seconds and then do that 3 more times. See...nothing to be afraid of...:)...I know my MIL had someone else picked out for her son...:)

Shelly...vacation!! You lucky girl....hope you have an awesome one!!! Yes I am very lucky to have my sister to run with. Although I think she might be regreting the day she got me to run a marathon...:)

Wendy...not ignorant at all...pacing is helping a runner stay where she needs to pace wise. There are cutoff times on this run and if you don't make them you get disqualified...

Christine...that will be so fun in Humboldt!!! I am really looking forward to running with you too...:)

So Jess....I guess when we screw up our PC's your DH will help out?...:)..Way to go marathon training!!! I am so excited for you... work schedule looks busy those days you'll be here....if I can't run with you maybe my DH & I can at least drive up and say "HI"...I'm with you as not a huge lover of CTX upper body. GS's are still my fav besides P90X. PlyoX on a rest day???? this is my first time pacing I just had to pic a tough one!!! I will share all the fun and maybe some pics too. Good job on 7 miles and then tennis!!!

The 10 mile run was nice. The lake is really full so a nice view and I only tripped once!!! Only animals were some vultures....I thought maybe we were running too slow and they might attack...[/img] now I'll do a coremax and some back and shoulder exercises...

Have a good day...:)
Hi again !
I just wanted to let everyone know playing tennis after running 7 miles wasn't so bad. My legs behaved nicely as far as agility goes. My brain and my upper body did not play tennis very well today. But it was great fun just the same.

PS- I had a huge appetite for lunch! Somebody left a bag of low fat tortillas in my eyesite. They are gone now, and they were good too!

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Those darn tortilla chips are always following me around...[/img]
Hi Cheetahs!
Very late check-in for me today as DH are out of town this weekend, for the DREADED weekend of IN-LAWS! Just apply Carole's screaming smiley above and you've pretty much got my reaction, lol! The good news is we get to see my parents as well:7 :7

As a result I don't have a lot time for personals but I want to allay everyone's concerns: I have officially made nice with the weights! Yesterday I did PP 80 min. premix and even had to up a bunch of weights (thank you GS!). Now Pamela can't come out of her room till she plays nicey with yoga, lol! Today I did all the cardio from the Gauntlet and just skipped through the weights but did the legs from BC. Being at my parents there is no big fan, so I was drenched. Carole-Where's the drenched smiley?

Shelly-Enjoy the vacation your are on as well as you, and Jess and Wendy the upcoming vacations! No 4:45 wake-up calls there Jess!

Judy and Karen-Sounds like a tiring leg day for both of you with runs, and GS, and tennis all over the place.

Christine-Two highschool girls! Good parenting vibes coming straight at you!

Elaine-Incredible thanks for the compliment:7 And may I sincerely add that I can only hope to have the dedication to fitness that you ladies have achieved!

Christine-I love 10-10-10, and remember that 20-20-20 awaits! For 30-30-30 you could do KPC W/U and Drills, MIC Hi/Lo, and SB (one of the 30 min. premixes).

Carole-Glad the vultures were held at bay and the 10 miles went well. I guess you're right, doesn't *sound* like anything to be afraid of, but you didn't say how HEAVY you were lifting! MIL didn't have someone else picked out, it was more of a general "anyone but that one". LOL!

Gayle-Hi! Bye! Glad you're loving summer and your training, keep us updated.

Karen-You had me cracking UP with your Barbie battle!!:p

Marcia-What a great accomplishment, the run sounds beautiful:)

Cathy-Get well wishes!
Hi to Kristi, Kathy, Thomasina, Amy, Karin, and Laura!

Have a great Father's Day weekend!
My brain must be on vacation as well! LOL, I wasn't paying enough attention to my notes on everyone! Oh well!
Hi Cheetahs,

Sorry I have been MIA for a few days. Too busy!
Am sticking with my running-- did 5 miles yesterday and 3 today and GSL today. But the rotation I am on isn't the Rock Bottoms one Cathe posted, it's trying to stay afloat during a busy time. But things should be calmer by Monday.

Not enough times for all the greetings I have stored up, but quickly:

Jess-- Good luck on your 5K and have a fun vacation up in the Dells. I've been there in the winter .

Mattea -- good luck on the big weekend. Remember you're mah-velous and your spirit is on the Fortune 500 list. Great job making friends with weights again, too! How was your DH's race? Is it tomorrow?

Christine-- I loved hearing about your DDs. They sound like really interesting and fun girls to hang with! You must really enjoy them.

Carole -- Good luck pacing this weekend. It sounds like it will really be a cool experience. Your MIL had someone else picked out for her son? MIL probably did, too, the scary thing is I think that special someone was the Queen herself. Ahhhhhhhhhh, I hear the mirror cracking now!!!

Elaine -- I'm wowed by your training organization. I need some help figuring out how to stay in a kind of holding pattern for summer: we have a big family event at MY HOUSE in September and I can't do any racing or think about that until it's over. But I want to hold onto what I gained with training for my half -- am not sure what to do.

Everyone else feel free to chime in!! I am thinking of trying to just keep my weekly mileage the same and focus on weights a little more. I've been doing P90x, but it's weird to be done with training for the half. I'm a little sad it's over.

Shelly-- Are you on vacation? I wasn't sure.....;-) Enjoy being free. What a great feeling to have a break for awhile.

Karen-- Loved the Barbie and Ken story.

Judy -- can't believe you did tennis after a 7-mile run. Very cool! Way to go!

Gayle - have a fun trip. Leaner Legs is a killer for me.

Marcia -- good luck on your grocery trip. I don't eat dairy, so my suggestion is to throw some nuts in there with Nature's Path Corn or Wheat Puffs (sugar free cereal, 60 cal in one cup -- not high fiber, but a good snack) can add a few a poor-girl's trail mix.

Hi to everyone else: Pamela, Cathy, Laura (how are you??), Kathy, Thomasina, and anyone I am forgetting. Gotta go.


:) :) :)
Hey girls!

I haven't been around all day cause my internet went kerblewie pretty early this morning and didn't come back until about an hour ago!:eek:

I was *forced* to be constructive most of the day!;) LOL :p :7 :7 :7 I washed lots of clothes and got a lot of my own prelimary planning/packing done for the cruise. Still have to finish mine and take care of DH and DS now...:eek:

I don't have time for personals right now but I promise that I will come back a bit later and do them. :)

As for my workout today, it was High Step Challenge in full, no mish-moshes, no timesavers. It's such a great work out! I have been trying to avoid purchasing HSTA but I love HSC so much that I think I am going to cave really soon!}( ;) }( Mattea, that means that I'll have to do your mish-mosh!}(

Christine, were you talking about doing my kickbox circuit mish mosh or Mattea's 20-20-20 cardio mish mosh??

Tomorrow is outdoor run # 4! 9 min run/1 min walk! OH MY!:eek:

Well, time to get dinner started!:9

Barb, I normally keep a distance base of no less than 10 miles when I don't have a marathon in my near future and get out every weekend for a long run. I also tend to do Cathe and/or other cardio in place of some of the running. The weights part stays about the same all the time. :) I have a few mins for personals...:)

Judy: I will go to my first running class on Monday. Then I'll miss a week for vacation and then it's 9 more weeks after that! Doesn't seem like much time to prep to run a 5K!:eek: Glad you enjoyed those torillas!:9 }( :+

Jess: Have fun packing for your trip! That's what I started doing today. Our ship has a fitness room as well so I plan to use it every day!}(

Gayle: You probably won't see this but have a great time this weekend! You lucked out that you'll have a friend to run with while you're gone!:)

Carole: Thanks for the pacer explanation. Makes sense now. :)

Mattea: Good girl for making nice with the weights today!:p

ShelleyC: Have a great time! My sister and mom take her kids to an amusement park in Lake George. I'm going to go with them next year with Joey!:) If you are taking the Garden State Parkway down to LBI, honk when you hit exit 117! That's my exit!:+ Good luck with your upcoming races!

I'm out of time. :-( Gotta run to the store before it's too late! Hello to all of you that I missed though! :+

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