RE: I made it out....
Howdy cheetahs!
Just wanted to say hello while I had a few minutes! HELLO!! I posted last week explaining my busy-ness. but since I probably posted too late, some may not know why I’ve been MIA so much lately. Anyhoo, for those wondering what the heck I’m talking about, my brother had been hospitalized with congestive heart failure and well, talk about juggling my schedule. He’s been to the cardiologist and still they are working on ways to bring his blood pressure down further etc., etc. DS is in full force with summer school (high school preparedness something or rather) and freshman football training, and my list of responsibilities goes on and on. Sometimes I think my family experiments with me to see if I’ll outlast the engergizer bunny! LOL Anyway, I’ve been too busy at work too for popping in to post personals so please forgive me for not commenting on all the wonderful stuff going on here with you cheetahs, I did however, pop in a bit to quickly read up on some things though. Hopefully my schedule is calming down to a even keel but I sure would like to know when the surgeons are going to schedule my DH’s hernia surgery so I can plan on that and taking days off.
So, today I can post a few personals:
Laura – Good job getting that run in despite your busy schedule and bad air. And have fun on vacation to home. I love those kind and that’s when I can really tear my house apart and get it clean! Nobody in my house seems to know how to deep clean so I have to take days off of work to get it done!
Marcia – Howdy! Glad to see you are mixing in some weights with your running. I’m not sure you saw one of my posts from a week or so ago when you posted about WW and the Core program but I think I mentioned that I had checked myself back into “rehab” (WW meeting for me! Lol) I am lifetime member but I have found myself WAY up above my goal weight and well….I’m taking the bull by the horns. I am mostly sticking to core but I find that I must record my food daily, sort of like doing a workout rotation, or I don’t lose and stay on track as well. SO, what my blah, blah here means is that I think CORE is a better option for quick results but only if I also keep a daily food journal. If you need a buddy or someone to chat about WW the successes and struggles, please do PM or email me anytime. Email [email protected] . Anyway, stay motivated though cuz you really can do this!!
Karen – I’m happy to see you are going to the MD. I’m so sorry about the IT band issues as I know what it feels like and it ain’t pretty. Please take it easy on yourself and listen to the wise cheetahs on here. You’re a fast and powerful and a very ambitious runner but sometimes we all need a bit of rest to remain strong. Good luck to you and please do keep us posted on the MD outcome.
Jess! - I just want to say that lately you have been my inspiration. Yep, with my busy schedule lately I’ve been too tired to get out of bed and get going BUT all I have to do is think of you posting on here how you didn’t want to but got up out of bed anyway and went out to run and blew all the dust off of and broke the needle of the cheetah fast o’ meter and then I’m good to get my fat old butt up to do a measly hour workout before work. Lol Keep it up girl, I’m really proud of your accomplishments and what a great mom you are to your family! Have fun with your company, sounds like a really nice time is to be had this week!
Carole! Buddy! I am soooo sorry about your runner this weekend and to tell you the truth, I felt soo terrible for all of those runners out there trying to climb some SERIOUS HIILLS in this awful heat. I too heard the trail was pretty wicked this year which didn’t help either. I also was so shocked that my idol Scott Jurek (he’s a vegan you know
) would be involved with the disqualifying but after I read his quote of why he helped Brian Morrison over the finish, well then I figured I probably would have done the same. I am so in awe of these 100 mile runners - every single one of them! AMAZING is the word. Anyway, I hope we get some cooler weather soon so you don’t have to run around with your shorts sticking to you. But funny thing is I really don’t mind the humidity. I hate the dry scorching stuff. I love the tropics! Oh, and I have to laugh every time I see you post about a salt tooth! I have one of those too!! Wow, some of those rice chips sound good about now…mmm NO! tooo many points!
Mattea! Hey girl, I FINALLY got over to the postal center and sent that book out. Whew! Can you believe it? And yes, we’d LOVE some of your rain…it is soo dang dry out here and there’s a layer of dust on EVERYTHING no matter how often you clean it. If I ate that salty snack idea of yours I would probably blow up like that blueberry girl on Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory movie (the original). Veggies…I dunno, what is in season in your area right now and from there. I have found the fresher the better it comes out in recipes. I love stuff right out of the garden or from the farmer’s market. Definitely a difference from the grocery store. Let us know what you make and then invite us over to sample! YUM!
Christine – Whenever there is pizza in my house (vegetarian) a super loud speaker comes on and says, “Thomasina, step away from the pizza”….lol. I cannot control myself around pizza (veggie) so therefore, I just don’t eat it often. How was DD’s trip to DC? My DS had a blast and as you know, they get very worn out but have the time of their lives. I ‘m sad for the people back east experiencing flooding right now but I am also grateful that my DS isn’t stuck back there in it with his class. Tooo bad we can’t tunnel some of that water out here in the dry, dusty west! Good job getting motivated today even though the pizza hang over was lurking!
Barb – Howdy! Yep, we are all coming to stay the weekend at your house in flatland Michigan. Just until the heat moves on. Unfortutely, I think it is here to stay since it is only June..ugh. But, I like the sound of “flatland” for running…lol. I try to avoid hills at all costs but again, unfortunately that’s all that is out here for me! Lol Great idea for Mattea about the golden beets! I love love love them! Hang in there, DS will be home soon and will love you all the more! Funny how they are a little clingy the first few days back. My DS is 14 (today!) and he was a little clingy right after his DC trip a few weeks ago.
Well, as usual, I may be posting this too late so here goes and I hope you all enjoy the rest of the day. I will repost this thing for tomorrow I guess…
Howdy cheetahs!
Just wanted to say hello while I had a few minutes! HELLO!! I posted last week explaining my busy-ness. but since I probably posted too late, some may not know why I’ve been MIA so much lately. Anyhoo, for those wondering what the heck I’m talking about, my brother had been hospitalized with congestive heart failure and well, talk about juggling my schedule. He’s been to the cardiologist and still they are working on ways to bring his blood pressure down further etc., etc. DS is in full force with summer school (high school preparedness something or rather) and freshman football training, and my list of responsibilities goes on and on. Sometimes I think my family experiments with me to see if I’ll outlast the engergizer bunny! LOL Anyway, I’ve been too busy at work too for popping in to post personals so please forgive me for not commenting on all the wonderful stuff going on here with you cheetahs, I did however, pop in a bit to quickly read up on some things though. Hopefully my schedule is calming down to a even keel but I sure would like to know when the surgeons are going to schedule my DH’s hernia surgery so I can plan on that and taking days off.
So, today I can post a few personals:
Laura – Good job getting that run in despite your busy schedule and bad air. And have fun on vacation to home. I love those kind and that’s when I can really tear my house apart and get it clean! Nobody in my house seems to know how to deep clean so I have to take days off of work to get it done!
Marcia – Howdy! Glad to see you are mixing in some weights with your running. I’m not sure you saw one of my posts from a week or so ago when you posted about WW and the Core program but I think I mentioned that I had checked myself back into “rehab” (WW meeting for me! Lol) I am lifetime member but I have found myself WAY up above my goal weight and well….I’m taking the bull by the horns. I am mostly sticking to core but I find that I must record my food daily, sort of like doing a workout rotation, or I don’t lose and stay on track as well. SO, what my blah, blah here means is that I think CORE is a better option for quick results but only if I also keep a daily food journal. If you need a buddy or someone to chat about WW the successes and struggles, please do PM or email me anytime. Email [email protected] . Anyway, stay motivated though cuz you really can do this!!
Karen – I’m happy to see you are going to the MD. I’m so sorry about the IT band issues as I know what it feels like and it ain’t pretty. Please take it easy on yourself and listen to the wise cheetahs on here. You’re a fast and powerful and a very ambitious runner but sometimes we all need a bit of rest to remain strong. Good luck to you and please do keep us posted on the MD outcome.
Jess! - I just want to say that lately you have been my inspiration. Yep, with my busy schedule lately I’ve been too tired to get out of bed and get going BUT all I have to do is think of you posting on here how you didn’t want to but got up out of bed anyway and went out to run and blew all the dust off of and broke the needle of the cheetah fast o’ meter and then I’m good to get my fat old butt up to do a measly hour workout before work. Lol Keep it up girl, I’m really proud of your accomplishments and what a great mom you are to your family! Have fun with your company, sounds like a really nice time is to be had this week!
Carole! Buddy! I am soooo sorry about your runner this weekend and to tell you the truth, I felt soo terrible for all of those runners out there trying to climb some SERIOUS HIILLS in this awful heat. I too heard the trail was pretty wicked this year which didn’t help either. I also was so shocked that my idol Scott Jurek (he’s a vegan you know
Mattea! Hey girl, I FINALLY got over to the postal center and sent that book out. Whew! Can you believe it? And yes, we’d LOVE some of your rain…it is soo dang dry out here and there’s a layer of dust on EVERYTHING no matter how often you clean it. If I ate that salty snack idea of yours I would probably blow up like that blueberry girl on Willy Wonka’s chocolate factory movie (the original). Veggies…I dunno, what is in season in your area right now and from there. I have found the fresher the better it comes out in recipes. I love stuff right out of the garden or from the farmer’s market. Definitely a difference from the grocery store. Let us know what you make and then invite us over to sample! YUM!
Christine – Whenever there is pizza in my house (vegetarian) a super loud speaker comes on and says, “Thomasina, step away from the pizza”….lol. I cannot control myself around pizza (veggie) so therefore, I just don’t eat it often. How was DD’s trip to DC? My DS had a blast and as you know, they get very worn out but have the time of their lives. I ‘m sad for the people back east experiencing flooding right now but I am also grateful that my DS isn’t stuck back there in it with his class. Tooo bad we can’t tunnel some of that water out here in the dry, dusty west! Good job getting motivated today even though the pizza hang over was lurking!
Barb – Howdy! Yep, we are all coming to stay the weekend at your house in flatland Michigan. Just until the heat moves on. Unfortutely, I think it is here to stay since it is only June..ugh. But, I like the sound of “flatland” for running…lol. I try to avoid hills at all costs but again, unfortunately that’s all that is out here for me! Lol Great idea for Mattea about the golden beets! I love love love them! Hang in there, DS will be home soon and will love you all the more! Funny how they are a little clingy the first few days back. My DS is 14 (today!) and he was a little clingy right after his DC trip a few weeks ago.
Well, as usual, I may be posting this too late so here goes and I hope you all enjoy the rest of the day. I will repost this thing for tomorrow I guess…