CHEETAHS, April 9, Monday

Good morning everyone.

I'm going to go back and read yesterday's posts once I get to work. I will be the only one there today until at least noon so I will have time to catch up there. ;-)

Yesterday, I didn't work out and ate "OK", could've definitely been better SIL and I are planning on running a 10K at the end of THIS MONTH, so my rotation plans have already changed. I need to get out there cold weather or not and get my running in so I'm ready for this race. We are possibly in line to get some more snow, so that will really bite!!

I hope everyone had a great Easter, I'll be back.

Good morning, Marcia, and all the lovely cheetahs who follow! :)

Today is a beautiful Monday as I am off! :) :) :) I do plan to work today, grading and planning, but it's easier from home when there are no interruptions and you can get into a flow. I'm hoping to bang it all out in one day and then kick back the rest of the week. Workout will be CST, ARX, and a possible cardio add-on.

Time for personals!

Marcia :: good job staying on track with your eating yesterday. Hope the weather warms up for your outdoor training.

Jackie :: Glad I'm not alone! And here I was starting to think I was cursed! *lol* Before this, it was my Ralph Lauren Polo Sport perfume - it was so light and clean, not overbearing like so many other perfumes. It took me YEARS to find something I liked as much...Hope you enjoyed your rest day.

Carole :: LOVE the pic of Sadie ~ such a cutie!...I know - I felt terribly guilty spending that much on jeans, BUT I'd rather spend that on one pair of jeans that fit really well than have 3 pairs of jeans that aren't as flattering and make me feel self-conscious. Pants are always a challenge for me, so over the years, I have been willing to shell out a little more for something well-made with a flattering cut.

Jess :: sorry to hear about the ordeal with Kiersten. Hopefully an awareness of the allergy will help in the future...Re: church, I'm of the mindset that whether or not a person attends services or not has no bearing on how good of a person s/he really is, so I'd say no worries on missing yesterday. You had good reason.

Christine :: Putting the memorial flowers in the stream was such a lovely idea. I hope that gesture helped you through the grieving process some. Great workout!

Judy :: Blood & Guts - I love it! I had such a strong hankering to do that one yesterday but I stuck to L&B. I am about 50 pages into Chi Running.

OK, I think I'm caught up with everyone. Have a great day, ladies! I'll be in & out.

~Cathy :)
Enjoy your day off, Cathy! Sounds like you have a fabulous day planned! I love those days when you can spend it catching up and the rest is "your time".

Have a good one!
Hi Ladies :)

Jes:: I am so sorry about Kiersten's ills. It is tough for the little ones when they are sick on a holiday. Thank goodness you acconmplised all the moving of furntiure that was planned. Does your Mom live far from you?

Christine:: Your hike with DH and laying of flowers must have been very therapeutic. Don't fret abou not writing here each day. Our lives are what they are and our families come first.

Carole:: The picture of Sadie is sweet. I am sorry your dear kitty never returned ... Are you using Cathe DVD segments for Freestyle? What is a typical Freestyle WO for you? I am alwyas trying to learn and tweak as I go along. This week I plan on tryng light legs /floor legs before each run M W F and perhaps one other day.

Marcia:: good luck with the change up (in trainning) for the 10K

Cathy:: I hope you get those papers graded early this week so you have free time!

Well I'm off to do some light legs and a cardio coach for about 4 miles on the TM.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Good Morning Cheetahs!

Waddles reporting in! Oh I simply must get a handle on myself! So, I’m starting today. I just got done filling out the mass of paperwork that goes with a new job. Why do I have to tell them yet again what my employment history is – can’t I simply attach my resume? Oh well, it’s exciting. More money, but my commissions get paid quarterly which will be interesting… Oh well. It will make me budget better which is really good for me. I am NOT looking forward to giving my notice. I’m thinking I’ll do Imax 2 this morning and the new iClimb/abs that Carole talked me into over lunch.

Marcia – a 10k at the end of the month? How fun! I’ll be thinking of you and hoping for warmer weather!

Cathy – Enjoy your day off even if you’re working! And especially enjoy having all the time in the world to work out! Good for you!

Judy - Thanks, it was therapeutic, and much needed. Enjoy your Cardio Coach – I love CC’s!!

I guess I should consider getting my tail in gear. I really do need to make up for the crap I ate yesterday (and all week actually!)
Good morning cheetahs

Marcia...that will be fun to run a 5K with your SIL. I hope the snow stays away!

Cathy...Aren't mondays off great!...:)...Enjoy CST and ARX. Thanks, Sadie is a sweet little dog...I completely understand why you would buy jeans that fit well and spend the extra money.

Judy..thank you for your thoughts on Sadie and my lost kitty...I am doing 3 days of standing legs (mostly Cathe) for Freestyle and then 2-3 days of floor legs. When I do standing I add in leg extensions as I have always thought they hit the quads the best. I have stayed away from deadlifts too and usually sub reverse lunges for those. Have a good leg and CC workout today.

Christine...sounds like you had a nice easter day with DH and a very nice dinner...:)...Great workout too...those squats and lunges in PH go on forever! I actually think I got the link for the glittery graphics from one of yours...:)..Yes, dogs are the best. I liked the iStretch but should have printed out the PDf file as once I got confused I just bagged it. Enjoy Imax2 and the iClimb (hope you like it)

Jess...that is terrible about Kiersten being allergic to her meds! I am a faithful church goer myself...:)...Hope you and DH get to try out the "X" real soon.

I am doing GS BSB, abs and then probably a 40 or 60 min EXT workout. I am getting a massage this morning!! My Massage therapist wanted to see the foam roller so I am taking it to her.

Have a great day...:)
Good morning Cheetahs!

Carole - Sadie is a cutie pie! Glad your run went well. So, do you like the iStretch pretty well and have you tried an iBallet. I know they provide a PDF file with them but I'm just afraid I'll want a visual in front of me showing me what to do.

Jess - Poor Kiersten! She's having a go of it, isn't she? Hope she feels better soon. Sorry your Easter plans were cancelled but understandable. Congratulations on the 4 lb. weight loss!

Christine - Sounds like you enjoyed your hike and putting the flowers in the stream for Tucker yesterday. Glad things will be getting back to normal for you. When does the new job start again?

Marcia - Good luck with the 10K training!

Cathy - I hope you have a great week off. What fun things do you have planned? I use to have the problem of pants fitting the butt but too big in the waist. Now, I'm in more proportion and don't run into that too much.

Judy - Hope you had a good workout.

Shelly - How was work last night?

I did a 4.5 mile run and Jiggle Free Buns. JFB worked well after the run. I left out some of the cardio and did abs and some extra stretching.

I'd better get some work done. Have a great day everyone!

Jackie...thanks...:)...I liked the first 30 min of the iStretch which is Yoga. The next is core conditioning and I got slightly confused so I should have printed out the PDF file. I gave up at that, I have not tried any iBallets. That JFB workout sounds cute...good job on the run...:)
Good morning Cheetahs!

I have not completely abandoned you ladies, even though it feels like it. Vacation has been keeping me away from the computer and I've also been given an additional new (BIG) job at work. It is one of those catch 22's. I'm honored to be given this project because they know I can do it and do it well, however, I don't get any extra pay and I barely have time to do my current job as it is. This job will only have more responsibilities attached to it the further down the line I handle it and now I might need to be available on after work hours. My boss did say down the line I would be compensated, but we will have to wait and see.

In any case, I ran 3 miles on Thursday and 10!!! miles on Friday, a first for me. This weekend was spent out of town with family. It was nice to be able to relax and not eat well. However, today will be back on track. I have a little less than 3 weeks before my HM and I need to remain focused. I'll try to catch up with everyone later. I'm sure I have missed a lot this past 1 - 1 1/2 weeks.

Good morning ladies,

I am so insanely tired it's unbelievable. both my sons woke up at 2:20 A.M neither would go back to sleep. by the time they fell asleep it was about 4am and i had to get up at 4:30 to get to the gym...GRRRRRRRRRR:(

anyway one of my afternoon clients cancelled so i rescheduled the other two so i don't have to go back to the gym until 6pm. I am hoping to get in BBC's S & A (plus a nap) and i already did 40 mins on the EXT.

kristi- great job on running 10 miles your HM is coming up very soon!!

I will try to catch up on personals later...

Have a great day all!
Hi everyone!

Jess - Oh my! I hope your little one is okay after the reaction! That is scary!

Marcia - That is exciting about your 10k! I am sure you will do great!

Cathy - Lucky! Enjoy your day off, even though you still have to grade papers! At least you get to stay home, so that is really good! Enjoy your workout, too!

Judy - Enjoy your workout! What light legs are you going to do? I need to figure out a "light" legs day to use during the week as a 2nd leg workout for my P90X rotation. I don't like doing legs only once....but I don't want a "really" tough 2nd leg day :)

Christine - That is so exciting about our new job! Enjoy you iClimb and Imax2!

Carole - Enjoy your workout and your message! Sounds great! I am anxious to see what your message therapist thinks of the foam roller!

Jackie - I forgot about the JF's! I liked those a lot! Good workout!

Kristi - I do hope the compensate you for the extra work you are putting in. Great job on the 10 miles! Is you foot still doing better? Are you still thinking you will do the half this month? With the 10 are just about there! Good job!

Sunny - I am sorry you didn't get any rest last night! I hope you get some rest! Good job on the EXT and enjoy BBC if you get to get that in!

I spent the night with my youngest daughter Friday because her DH was out of town. I ran 5 miles on her treadmill Saturday morning.

Yesterday I did Nekea Brown's new CIA step workout (plus the abs/core) and P90X C&B. I love her step workout. It was the one I didn't think I would like, so I didn't order it with the other's at first. But I decided to get it...and I love it! I didn't get Kim Miller's workout, but got all of the others.

I cannot wait until my treadmill comes in! I miss it so much! It should come tomorrow evening. It is exciting for me that my oldest daughter now has my other treadmill and she is running pretty regularly now...and my youngest daughter has a treadmill now....and she is starting to run again! So....maybe they can run races with me

Hi to everyone and hope everyone has a great day!

Good afternoon ladies,
I just got back from the chiro and Target. I only spent 75.00 which is really good for me}( I feel great after getting adjusted and I did have some glute pain a little this morning, but it is gone now.

I am going to do Butts and Gutts today. I was supposed to do it yesterday but ended up doing ME and pilates instead. I am enjoying the pilates workouts. They really do focus on the core in a different way than traditional ab work. It feels really good at the end of the workout.

Marcia, I will keep my fingers crossed that you get no snow. I don't know how you cheetahs go running in that cold weather. I am too much of a wimp;-)

Cathy, how nice to have some time off. Enjoy your workout!!

Judy, Have a nice run.

Christine, you have definitley had a lot on your plate lately. We are always here so don't fret if you take days off. I too sometimes just get overwhelmed with life and end up lurking a few days. Once you give notice and start your new job, you will probably feel better. It is hard when a lot of change happens all at once. Any news on the puppies that you looked at?

Carole, your little Sadie is so precious. I love that so many of the cathe followers are animal lovers. Enjoy your massage.

Jackie, I ended up doing the Karen Voight pilates yesterday. I will do the Kelli Roberts one today and let you know how I liked it.

Hello to Sunny,Kristi and Linda! I will be back later:)

back to report bbc arms and abs has been completed!

linda- how awesome it would be to run races with your daughters!!

christine- don't get down on yourself. you are an awesome woman and life has a way of sneaking up on us.

carole- love the pic of your dog! i can't wait to get my nails done on friday:)

cathy- enjoy your day off girl, you certainly deserve it.

marcia- snow??? oh no...hopefully it will bypass you.

judy- "blood and guts", lol...great name for that workout. cathe sure knows how to work a lower body.

jackie- who is the instructor for jingle free buns? sounds interesting.

susan- i looooooooove target. i need to get there to pick up a few more items for my trip in 5 more days (!!!!!) however i am afraid to go because i am always so out of control with that store.

btw- i ordered the rope sport workout from deep discount for $6. once i review i will report back and let you know what i think.

Carole - Awww! Little Sadie is absolutely adorable!

Susan - I love Target! I would love to go there with a lot of time to look and look at everything! Seems like everytime I go...I am so rushed :-(

Sunny - Good job on BBC A&A!
linda- thanks:7

has anyone here downloaded and used any of the isculpts from itrain? in addition to all of my other accessories for the trip i want to take along some workouts}( :p :7
Good Afternoon Cheetahs!:)

I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. I took a nap and I am *STILL* not in a good mood for some reason. :-(

Today is the first day of my final X recovery week! I am not following Tony's plan. I'm doing my own thing involving mostly yoga and cardio.

I start my running class tonight. I am excited about that but I am afraid I am going to FREEZE my tush off! This cold weather is KILLING me!!! After surviving saturday morning's run I guess it can't get much worse though!:eek:

I considered doing Core Syn this afternoon but I slept through my window of opportunity. That's okay though...I honestly wasn't EXCITED about the idea anyway!:p :7 Maybe tomorrow....

I took Joey to the doctor this morning. He had his first follow up appointment with the neurologist that saw him at the hospital for his seizure episode(s). All is fine. He is doing well but needs to continue on the med for the year as previously discussed. I have to take him for more blood work in August :eek: ;( and then he has to see the doc again in October. If he is epsiode free he will begin getting weaned off the med come December.

Okay...tha'ts all for now. I'll come back for personals a bit later!

Linda - Congrats on your new treadmill. You must be so excited! What kind did you buy? How nice if your daughters decide to run races with you. You are turning them into cheetahs too!

If I'm lucky my work will compensate me, but I'm not going to hold my breathe just yet. My boss thinks that just because he leaves around 11 every day and doesn't have work to do then so does everyone else that actually works all day long. So far my foot & calf pain have went away. Let's hope it stays away. My plan is to still run my half in 3 weeks. Afterwards I won't run another half until the fall, but I do have a 10K lined up for July 4th.
OK, the working-all-day concept was a bit overambitious. I don’t seem to have the concentration for it, so I think I’m going to tackle one class per day, which is what I managed to do today.

Judy :: tomorrow’s a major treat day for me – massage, pedi, and haircut, so relaxation time is definitely part of the plan! Hope you had a good w/out.

Christine :: I ate like an out-of-control BEAST today…ugh! So you are not alone.

Carole :: yes, Mondays off ROCK! It was great not having the Sunday afternoon dread settle in. What’d your massage therapist think of the foam roller? I bought one at Target today.

Jackie :: Other than tomorrow’s spa day, I don’t have anything planned – by design! I wanted a week with NOWHERE to rush off to. I actually have an interview scheduled for 5:30 AM (PT summer work for UPS) on Wednesday and I have to confess, I am debating whether or not to cancel it. For some reason, I really don’t feel like going…good workout!

Kristi :: congrats on landing the new project at work and on the first-time 10-miler. WTG!

Sunny :: yikes! Were the boys sick?…Hope you squeezed in a restful nap. Watch out – I think Target has some really cute clothes right now!

Linda :: glad to hear your TM should arrive tomorrow night AND that your DDs have been bitten by the bug. It’s always fun to do the races with others.

Susan :: you did better than me…I went in for printer cartridges and wound up spending $90. I caved and bought the foam roller…yeowch! I can see it’s going to give a different massage than the Stick, though, so I’m glad I bought it.

Wendy :: hope you can shake the cranky pants…I’m glad to hear Joey is doing fine…Fingers are crossed all will go well and he can gradually come off those meds…Hope it’s not too cold for your running class tonight. I’m with you – bring on the warm weather already!!

So, where've Shelly & Gayle been today?

OK, I'm off to scare up an early dinner and then get in my w/out. If I'm not back, have a great night, everyone!

~Cathy :)
Hello to the cheetahs! I'm late checking in today. Had no time this morning at work. It was obscenely busy for Easter Sunday. One crisis after another :( Well, I had a nice workout after getting up from my nap so I'm feeling nice and destressed now:) I did BBC Shoulders and Arms and Amy Bentos Advanced Step Challenge.
Alot to catch up on:eek:

Marcia- How exciting that you're doing a 10k with your SIL (exciting at least to me:) ) That is my favorite distance to race!

Cathy- I hope you were able to catch up on your work today so you can really relax the rest of the week!

Susan- Hope your back is continuing to do well!! I get gift cards from my employer now and then and I always choose Target... love it there! You asked me the other day about my diet. Yes, with my activity level I do eat like the proverbial pig:9 I tend to "carbo load" a tad in the morning with a HUGE bowl of cereal and fruit. I have loaded big salads at lunch and dinner and snack alot on nuts and cheese and fresh veggies. And, to top it off, my favorite bed time snack is the mini bags of microwave popcorn. Okay, got carried away a bit on the diet description!

Carole- Your Sadie is just too darn CUTE!!! It's funny, in that pic she looks a little like a mini german shepherd! Hey, I think your pastor is right.... you'd make a fabulous triathlete!!! Let me know what your massage therapist thinks of the foam roller... I'm really curious!

Christine- Sounds like you had a peaceful yet active Easter Sunday!
I was happy to read your post from yesterday and that you are doing well. Okay, yesterday you did Spinervals and Power Hour, Today was IMax2 and an iClimb and you say I'M made of steel!!!! Look in the mirror there cheetahgal!

Judy- How was the 4 mile TM run today? You sound like you are continuing to progress and heal:) I'm running on cloud nine these days, so happy to be pain free!!

Jackie- Okay, I have to admit.... I find it hard to believe that something called "Jiggle Free Butts" can be a serious workout;-)

Kristi- Congratulations on the 10 miles!!!!! If you can go that far you'll definitely be okay for the HM!! Congratulations on the job assignment, although it sure would be nice to have some extra compensation to go with the extra responsibility!

SunnyD- I hope you had time somewhere in there today for a nap!! It sounds like you could use one. I'd be curious to hear about this rope sport workout!

Linda New TM tomorrow!!! wooohooooo :eek: :eek: What kind is it? Does it have alot of fancy options? How great that your daughters are getting into running also! When the weather warms more you'll have to get them off the treadmills and onto the roads!

Wendy- That's great that you're starting up with your running class again.... get you revved up for the racing season!!! }( I'm so glad to hear that everything is looking good with Joey!!

Whew!! I think that catches me up! I'm heading out for a motorcycle ride with DH and later I'll do an hour or so on the EXT:7



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