Hey there, cheetahs

I’m trying to catch up with three-and-a-half days’ worth of posts, so forgive me, if I miss anything…
Judy :: I’m so sorry to hear about the loss of your friend…and so soon on the heels of the loss of their daughter…I can’t even imagine the hell it must be for all involved…(((HUGS)))…there is so little that can be said to comfort in the face of a tragedy like this. Just know you’re being thought of.
Sunny :: congrats on the increase & the new bike!
Shelly :: sorry about the snafus with your BBC delivery. Hope it gets there soon! I’m pretty sure that June race you mentioned will work for me…hopefully for Wendy, too…It’d be great to meet up with you both…Good job pushing out of your comfort zone and onto the highway on your cycle.
Colleen :: nice to see you! You could also double up a cardio + weight work on one day of the week in order to keep one day as a rest day. Maybe do legs before or after a run and use the following day as your well-deserved rest day.
Marcia :: congrats on the boys’ b-ball team making it to the championships.
Carole :: OH no! So sorry to hear about your missing cat…I hope your suspicions aren’t correct!!…Thanks for the little skier smiley! It was nice to be thought of while away… I’m glad to hear your pain is almost gone. At least that’s some good news. Keep us posted on your cat. Fingers are crossed.
Jackie :: re: the socks…I have picked up a few pairs of cushioned peds at Target recently and really like those. I think they have Coolmax or something similar in them, and they are low on the ankle, which I like. I haven’t heard of Balega but will check them out. I do like the fact that the peds are cheap!...hope you enjoyed your rest day.
Jess :: Ugh on the AT! Sorry to hear it. I would say err on the side of caution and see how things go in the next couple of weeks. As you well know, the achilles is nothing to fool with. It certainly can’t hurt to see your doc. It might be wise to consider giving up the May half, but it may also be too soon to say for sure. Bottom line: knowing now what I learned the hard way, I would personally NOT up my training and risk injury.
Gayle :: WTG on the 4 lb. loss!!
Linda :: thanks for thinking of me on the slopes! Good job getting in a run despite the ice. I hear you on the
UGH Monday already thought.
Susan :: hope you & DH enjoyed your getaway.
Wendy :: I think you & DH should take up skiing & join my group. We’ll pick ya up on the way to VT.
Christine :: sounds like you received excellent service getting your new shoes…enjoy! Too bad about the charity event. What was it for? I must have missed that.
Wow on all these foam roller converts! Does anyone own The Stick? If so, how would you say they compare?
Our girls' ski getaway did not quite go off as planned...on the drive up, I became violently ill...turns out I picked up the dreaded Noro virus (this is the 2nd time I've had this bug - it is THE worst!) We had to pull over four times in order for me to throw up by the side of the road. I threw up once more in the hotel hallway (yuck! sorry!) and another time in the bathroom (at that point, I was throwing up blood--it was bad.) The next day, I could not ski...had stomach cramps, was running to the bathroom fairly often, was completely dehydrated and weak. I slept all day. My friend went by herself but only stayed a few hours as conditions were icy. That night, though, a foot of snow was dumped on VT. On Saturday, I tried to hang in for some skiing, but I only lasted two hours in the morning. I was just too weak. All I'd managed to eat in the previous 24 hours were a few Saltines and some fruit, and there was just too much powder to try to navigate through. I had zero gas to go on. Saturday night, though, I managed to eat (and keep down) dinner, and with a little fuel in my body, this morning was much better. I feel pretty close to normal now, AND I lost 4 lbs. (Thank you, Noro, for SOMETHING!) All in all, despite the poor timing of getting sick, we did manage to have some fun, and I'm glad we went.
Well, ladies, I am going to hit the couch now & relax. Glad to be back among the cheetahs!
Good night~