Cheetah Check-In.Monday.July 24

Goooooood Morning all:

I've been MIA for almost a week and I've sure missed all of you. I know I missed some great conversations, but I'll have to sneak back in here. ;-) We were up to northern Minnesota at a friend's cabin for a few days. Beautiful and hot weather, but we had a great time. It's always nice to come home again, though, ya know!?!?! :)

So, what have I missed - what's happenin'!!!

I go back to work today and I'm not too excited about that, but it's gotta be done. x(

Be back later.
Welcome back Marcia!:) How's you new biz venture coming along? Set up that office yet? :+

Today I'm thinking of doing Leaner Legs to fry my L/B and then the U/B only of Ripped. }( I am also considering a fun rebounder work out for some light cardio and then tonight I have my class. :) We get a running top as a part of the class and they are giving them out today. They have the class logo on it. I hope they are nice.

I have to go to the post office today and I am also going to see if I can get to a running store to do something about my shoes. }(

Hope everyone has a good day! :)
Good Morning:) I have early appointments today but am off at noon. My 10k went well yesterday, I ran a different route than last week's 10k and my time was about 30 seconds more but there were 2 hills so I figure I'm pretty consistent. My left hip flexor is a bit sore today but they've been my biggest challenge since starting running. No run today, maybe some yoga later.

Marcia, the cabin sounds like it was lovely and restful. Something to day dream about at work;-)

Wendy, sounds like a busy day, enjoy Meaner Legs}( .

Talk to you later!

Take Care
Good morning, Cheetahs!!! I actually did a 5 mile hilly solo run this morning! Both of my friends are out of town. It was weird, I've gotten so spoiled by running with them, but in a way it was nice too. Of course, I had Mikey (my dog) to keep me company. I did like that I could push the pace faster, both of my friends tend to be 9 - 9:30 min milers so I was happy to get in some 8 min miles again. I was afraid I'd lost my Cheetah legs!

Then I did GS legs (floorwork only) & will do my WP body ball workout later. Y'day I did GS legs (standing) & GS Back, shoulders, & biceps. I'm really liking the GS workouts! And I also did about 30 min of the WP body ball workout & buns/ thighs.

Today is packing & laundry day! I also want to get outside w/ the kids to keep my color glowing for CA! :p I can't believe I'm leaving tomorrow!!! 6AM flight- bright & early! I'll definitely take lots of pics!! I'm excited that I get to work out w/ Mari Winsor (the creator of Winsor Pilates)!

Again, my apologies that I just haven't had time to post to everyone! I'm reading everyone's posts though so keep on posting & I'll keep on reading! ;-)

Hi Running Friends :)

Marcia -it is nice to see you back. Life can get busy, and when it gets very busy sometimes we have to edit out things like exercise forums~ temporarily. We all understand.

Wendy- I hope you find a decent pair of runing shoes today, and that your running top is cute!

Laurie- nice going on the 10 K.

Jes- My running buddies are on vacation too!

I tried a new route in my new town that I didn't drive first. I mapped it out on and it turned out to be the hilliest 5.6 miles I ever ran. Yikes!!! I did stretch well and my hip is not terribly bad. I am cutting down my milage and increasing my stretching and lower body work. (Thank you Barb for all the sound advice.)

Carole- the picture of the lake you posted is breath taking beautiful

Shelly- you are one amazing woman~ motorcycle training?!

Mattea- I hope you like Hornell. I recommend reading the last chapter of Sink Reflections by Marla Cilly. She is the Fly Lady. You can also check out her website. Just Google Flylady. The last chapter of her book covers moving tips that are no nonsense and very helpful.

Judy "Likes2bfit"

If you fail to plan, then you plan to fail.
Good morning cheetahs

Marcia...sounds like you had some nice time away! Yes, it is nice to come home...:)

Wendy...have a fun with Leaner Legs. Good luck with the shoe store...:)

Laurie...sounds like your run went well! Enjoy yoga today. have gotten in some great GS workouts! Have a great time in Calif and take some pics for us to see...:) you hit some hills today! wow...thanks, both of the lakes close to me are beautiful I think...

I am asking for prayers, I just found out my other nephew (not my chiropractor one) was in a motorcycle accident last night and is paralyzed from the waist down...he is scheduled for surgery some time this morning. I will keep you updated..

Not sure what kind of workout I will do today as I need to get to the hospital...I might try to fit in a TLT sometime today.

Have a good day...
Good morning cheetahs, hope everyone has a great day today.

I'm trying to be an early morning exerciser, but I wasn't able to get up early today. I will do PUB after work today.

Carole - I'm so sorry to hear about your nephew's accident, I hope all will turn out well and that his condition is only temporary. You'll be in my thoughts and prayers.
Good morning Cheetahs!

I've missed you ladies!

Carole, I'm so sorry about your nephew. I too hope he makes a full recovery and that his current condition is temporary. You all will be my prayers.

Wendy, good luck with your shoe search. Good running shoes make all the difference. I took Carole's advice and went to a running store (Runner's Depot) for running shoes, and I noticed a difference immediately.

Welcome Laurie and Yadi! (Sorry I'm a little late :+ )

Jess, have fun on your trip, and especially have fun working out with Mari Winsor. I have to share this with my sister. She loves, Loves, LOVES Winsor Pilates. :D

Judy, I hope all went well wit your move!

Hi Barb, Thomasina, Elaine, Karen, Shelly, Marcia, Mattea, Gayle, Laura, Christine and everyone else!

The party was a success, but I was wiped out afterwards. To reward the kids for being so patient during the planning process, I kept them home all last week (usually they go to camp for a few hours about 3 days per week.) Needless to say I had no time to post, and I kept finding reasons not to workout. I ended up only working out twice in about two weeks, but unfortunately I didn't adjust my eating so I also gained weight. Not to worry, I'm back on the wagon! :) I started Cathe's November fat burning rotation on Friday, so today was a 30 minute Interval run (TM - CoreMax and Stretchmax will be done later today). The run today was great, but I have to confess, I couldn't complete High Step Challenge yesterday, and I couldn't complete Lo Max the day before, but I did complete KPC on Friday. I didn't realize I would lose endurance so fast. Now that I'm back to tracking my points and weighing and measuring my food, I realize just how much I had started back eating. No wonder I stopped losing weight! :) Oh well, I'm glad I caught it at 5lbs and not 50 :p .

Happy Monday everyone!
Good Morning Cheetahs!
I had a nice long post and then it disappeared!x( Why of why does that happen?

Carole-I'm so sorry to hear about your nephew. You have my best wishes, thoughts, prayers. {{{Hugs}}} to your entire family.

Wendy-Good luck with the free clothes and the new shoes today! Watch out for LL, I did it w/ a 40lb. barbell earlier this week and then had to swear everytime I sat down the next day, lol!

Marcia-It's so good to hear from you again, and to see you getting us started each morning!

Laurie-Nice job on the 10K and the 2 HILLS!! We'll turn you into a killer hill gal yet}( My hip flexor used to bother me when I started running too. I had to be careful not to overstride on hills, but take shorter, quicker steps.

Jess-Just pure excitement for ya! Enjoy every second of it! Have you had the requisite DOMS from GS?

Judy-Isn't it that way? You might never attempt those runs if you mapped them first! Thanks for the Fly Lady advice, I always joke that I want to throw out most everything and start over everytime I move, now it doesn't sound so crazy!

Yadi-Sometimes sleep sounds so much more appealing than sweat:p

Pamela-When you're 80 you'll remember the amazing party, not the 5lbs. LOL!

Today is rest day for me, ahhhh, w/ Mr. YP! I had one earlier in the week, but it was anything but restful. DH and I were visiting the new job site, filling out paperwork, traveling all over, looking at apartments, ugh!
Oh and did I mention we have a mountain lion!!!
Well it makes you run faster, that's for sure, lol.
Quick hello Runners---

I did CTX upper body Chest, shoulder & triceps today. I don't love this DVD and I made some adjustments in pace: I feel like it is too fast and I tried to use heavier weights, like I would with a GS tape. (I'm trying to use the p90x mentality with Cathe weight tapes and estimate before hand: what amount of weight do I need to use to get to fatigue at the end of these reps. It's a good mental exercise for me.)I also did Turbo Jam Cardio Party: a fun, pick-me-up cardio. Hope to get in abs& floorwork for legs later.

Everyone is doing so well here!
Way to go cheetah runner ladies.

Mattea-- about that Mountain Lion...yesterday a goat was calling out to me on my long run. My kids wonder if that goat might "dig" me??? Careful of that lion and good luck packing and moving. It sounds like a positive change for you and DH

Judy--glad your hip is doing ok overall. I'm glad my advice was sound. I really have to stick to the lower body strength work, floor work and stretching to keep my hip under control. Good job tackling those hills. How's your new house?

Carole -- sorry about your nephew. I will definitely be praying today for him and hoping the surgery goes well. very sad...

Pamela -- I love Mattea's advice to you. Very sound. Keeping the big picture in view. It's so easy to eat too much or just a little too much a get off track. A constant challenge for me. I sometimes have days where I can't get through a whole tape, it depends what's going on in life and what's been going on exercise-wise before I attack the tape. No matter how good of shape I am in or think I'm in, with rest, I have to rebuild when I get back to it.

Wendy-- thanks for all the info on Jari Love tapes. I'm going to have to check them out. I think LL is a hard tape. I try to avoid doing it the day before I run because it kills me legs, but it's a good workout

Marcia--good luck with your new business and get back to the old job today.

Laurie--glad your run yesterday went well. good job!

Jess-- have a great trip and enjoy working out with Mari. Very exciting.

yadi--good luck with PUB. It's a hard tape.
Morning everyone! I'm a bit tired from my 17 mile run yesterday but I have PLB, core and elliptical on today's agenda. I'm sure I'll get it done although I don't think I'll be ellipicaling with much intensity.

Carole, I'm with everyone else, hoping your nephew recovers completely and my thoughts and prayers are with you all....

Mattea, I think I missed it..... Have you moved? Yes? Where? Have fun with Mr. YP. After my planned workout today I hope to find some time to spend with him as well.

Wendy, I'm happy to hear that you're checking out new running shoes. I can always tell when I need new ones because I start to get aches and pains that I don't normally experience so I think you'll notice a difference. Will you be going to a store where they evaluate what type shoe you need?

Marcia, I agree that it is always nice to be back home no matter how fun a vacation is. The going back to work part though is another story. Welcome home!

Laurie, Yay! You did run the hills! Someone mentioned keeping your strides shorter when running up hill and I'll second that. To go up them quickly concentrate on faster turnover keeping the shorter stride. Running uphill actually provides less impact than running on a flat surface. For this reason whenever I want to do speed work but feel achy then I do hill repeats, taking it verrrrry easy on the way back down.

Jess, What marathon are you training for and when is it? The GS workouts are my all time Cathe favorites so I am not one bit surprised that you love them too!

Pamela, I know that when I fall off the wagon with my diet my endurance suffers. Diet is such a huge part of the equation so about two weeks ago I discontinued eating any and all foods that do not benefit my body in any way until after I run St. George in October. I'm sure you'll be right back where you left off after a couple day of clean eating.

Judy, Glad to hear your hip is feeling better. Are you all unpacked and settled into your new house?

Barb, I don't love CTX upper body either and I approach it the same way you do. I can't quite put my finger on why I don't enjoy the workout though......

Talk to you all later!
Hi Gals. :)

Well...I took a ride this morning to find this running store I wanted to go to and low and behold I had bum directions so I never found it and had to turn around. x( I put DS down for a nap. After he gets up and has lunch I am going to try again with NEW directions so long as I have enough time.

Elaine: Yes, this particular store does an evaluation on you to make sure you are fitted with the proper shoes.

I did LL(including the ab work) and Ripped u/b only this morning. My legs could be on fire come the morning! }(

Barb: I like to do leg work on the same day that I will be running if possible. It helps to loosen me up and this way I avoid having to run with DOMS. :)

I gotta go do some things around the house while DS is napping since my morning was wasted driving around aimlessly! LOL I'll come back later and let you all know how it went...IF I GET THERE THIS TIME!:p

More personals later as well!:+
Wendy--hope you get to the shoes. I know what you mean about running after leg weight work. It's just with LL -- I'm burnt out. I can do something like L& G or the leg portion of MM or even the legs on SJP -- but not GSL or LL before a run. I feel too worn down after those two tapes to run. but I'm glad this works for you!!! I know the feeling of trying to get things done when your kid gives you that window to do it, e.g. a nap or an outing!

Elaine--glad your run went well yesterday. That is a long way to go. Hats off to you. I'm glad your new eating plan is working so far. The food as fuel model is a good one and hard to stick to. I feel best when I eat this way, but it takes a lot of commitment mentally and otherwise.

have a great day everyone!
:) :) :) :)
Hey Elaine! I'm training for a Sept 24th marathon!! My buddy Erin & I will run together, I'm looking forward to it! She's done 5 so this won't be new for her, but it's still new to me! My longest distance so far is 14 miles, but we'll be doing our 15 miler this weekend so that will be my longest yet! I really like the GS workouts so far, this was my first time doing them! I'm feeling it in my back today, but not as much in my biceps/ shoulders as I thought! I'll go heavier next time, didn't want to kill myself the first time!! And the legs were great, since I'm running so much I don't want to burn out my legs either so I split it up into standing y'day & floorwork today. It worked great that way!

Great job on the 17 mile run!! How exciting that you'll be running a marathon in Oct!! I forget, is this your first one?? ITA w/ the eating being so important w/ the exercise, especially running.

Hey Mattea! I just wanted to say that I hope all goes well w/ dh's job! Enjoy Mr. YP today & good luck getting things done! Yikes on the mountain lion!!! I saw a fox the other morning, good thing I had Mikey w/ me!

I actually wasn't as sore as I thought from GS but I didn't go too heavy. I did most of what Cathe was lifting except that I don't have 20's or 25's so I used 15's for some of the heavier exercises. I can feel it in my back today but not so much in my biceps or shoulders?? Maybe I"ll feel it tomorrow!! And my legs weren't sore really, but I have to go a lot heavier to feel it & I haven't been doing that since I'm running so much. It's just too hard to run w/ lead legs! I'll start heavier again once I'm done marathon training! I really liked the way she uses the band & ball w/ the workouts though, they went by very quickly!

Oh, and ETA: I added some new pics in my picture trail under July 06. A couple ones of me- one in the workout gear that I picked & a *casual* outfit. Plus some of hiking & the girlies!

Pamela ~ Sounds like you're keeping busy! I'm glad that hte party was a success!! Cool that your sister is a WP fan! My Mom is too, she's lost about 35 lbs since she started (after seeing my results!). I wish they'd picked her to go w/ me!! Last time she paid for her ticket to go along w/ me but there's just way too much family stuff going on for her to leave right now anyway.

WTG on catching yourself at 5 lbs, you can take that off quickly!

Carole ~ Just wanted to say that I'm also sorry about your nephew's accident!! I hope he is ok, please keep us posted!!

Grrr! No luck girls! This time I found the place but couldn't find a parking spot to save my life! Who new this shopping are would be JAM PACKED on a Monday afternoon!?!? x( I didn't have the time nor the patience to drive around "waiting" for a spot to empty so I left. I am sooo frustrated! There is a running store where I used to live so when I go visit my mom on Thursday I am going to go there instead! It actually would have been easier to just go there in the first place but I didn't realize that before....ARGH!
Wendy--sorry about the bad luck. So annoying. Once you find the shoe that works for you, you can reorder at Zappos and never leave your house. Sorry 2 trips out of the house were not fruitful.....:(


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