Cheetah Check-In.Monday.July 24

>Wendy--sorry about the bad luck. So annoying. Once you find
>the shoe that works for you, you can reorder at Zappos and
>never leave your house. Sorry 2 trips out of the house were
>not fruitful.....:(

Thanks Barb. :)
Just popping in to say have a great week! I'll check in on Friday when I can! I'm about packed & ready to roll.

Funny, my calves weren't sore this morning but this afternoon I am feeling it more!! Thank you GS legs! ;-)

Worked on my tan this afternoon while the girls played in the sprinkler. Now I've got to finish packing up. The washer started leaking & spraying water all over the utility room!!! I was vacuuming & thought I heard water & went in & thankfully found it right away! Greg fixed it when he got home from work- whew!

It'll be a bright & early morning for me tomorrow, I think I'll need to leave the house by 4:30. Good thing I've gotten used to earlier mornings & I hope I can catch a nap on the plane!

I added a few pics to my photobucket in the July 06 folder- one of me in the workout outfit that I picked out & a *casual* outfit.

Oh, bummer Wendy!! I love my local running store, the owner there knows me by now & my foot issues!! ;-) My 3rd toenail is black & blue now, I took my polish off to do my toes & it looks pretty nasty. I'll probably lose my toenail again, but my big toenails I think will be ok! Good shoes make ALL of the difference!!! I'm sticking w/ my Asics GT-2110's now!!

Jess, Jess, Jess...Will ya stop talkin' about black and blue, falling off toe nails!? You are makin' me re-think this whole running thing now! LOL :p

Have a great trip and bring back pics for us to see!:+
I know what you mean Wendy, between Jess's toes, and Sarah and Amy's blisters I'm thinking of medicating with some morphine before I ever start running those distances, lol!
Sorry about the wasted running shoe excursions today! Better luck next time:)
>I know what you mean Wendy, between Jess's toes, and Sarah
>and Amy's blisters I'm thinking of medicating with some
>morphine before I ever start running those distances, lol!
>Sorry about the wasted running shoe excursions today! Better
>luck next time:)

Thanks Mattea! I am going to a store that I know how to get to. A store that I CAN WALK TO! I will be going on Thursday evening. Now I just hope I find something that will work for me that is not ugly as sin!:p LOL

Morphine anyone? ;)

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