Checkin' in early, again!


Active Member
Hey all! Just gotta check in since my week is done. I went to a non-CTX rotation this week, had to try Circuit Max and Cardio Kicks, they were getting real jealous! :) Not to mention all the other tapes giving me dirty looks everytime I entered the room. Ok, here's how it went:

Sunday: Bryan Kest Power Yoga #1 just had to stretch out those muscles!

Monday: Circuit Max! Holy you-know-what! :-wow I don't know if it was the fact that I did this at 5am (I usually don't workout until @ 9am) or if it was my first time through, but whatever the reason, it kicked my touchie. We're talkin' just going through the motions the last 20 minutes or so. Cathe and crew would be clappin' overhead, but mine were fortunate to find my hands actually meeting each other! What a workout!

Tuesday: CIA 2K02 Slammin' Sports Cardio w/Mindy I love this woman, she is so fun! I really needed some agility work!

Wednesday: Cardio Kicks This was really fun, but I'm gonna give it a couple more runs through to really rate it, can't truly say after just once.

Thursday: Step Works I haven't done this one in it's entirety in quite a while, definitely a hiney-kicker! :-tired

Friday: 20 minutes run/walk on treadmill, needed to run, been a while and I missed it! MIS, oh gee, are jello legs the price one pays for neglecting this very fine video? I definitly paid! Went ice skating for 2 hours with my daughter: knees, calves and quads were just screaming at me. Had a ball though, she's 6 and not a bad skater.

Saturday: Interval Max Don't ask me what I was thinking of when I popped this sucker in, call it over-confidence. :-rollen I nearly shut off the thing after only the warm-up. Muscles were protesting all over the place! Then a funny thing happened, I just kept taking myself into doing the next aerobic segment and ended up doing it all!!! I modified a bit more than usual, but I made it through!

I have a funny feeling I may be biking today. Some derranged woman who looks an awful lot like me promised my daughter we'd take the bikes to our local park. How do these imposters sneak in? Have a wonderful week everyone!!!

Elizabeth Kelly :)
My week's over, too

So, here's my check in. I am in the process of baking a "Chocolate Covered Cherry Cake," :9:9:9:9:9:9 and will post the recipe by itself.

Saturday: Run/walk at the Y
Sunday: Circuit first time. A fun tape, and not too hard to follow! Followed that with back and tricep work
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Run/walk at the Y after work, and Chest work in the AM
Wednesday: 4:30 AM - Step and Intervals. It woke me up, :-jumpy, but at 8:00PM, I was :-sleepy
Thurs: Unplanned rest day
Friday: Biceps and Shoulders, then a workout on the Cybex machines at the Y for legs.

I will soon have another birthday (51) and am fielding suggestions for new activities to try. This past year I took up Taebo, Step Aerobics, and running. Please, don't suggest anything that takes up a lot of room or is expensive. Also, nothing dangerous like sky diving or riding a motorcycle.

Happy new week, follow vidiots.
You want MORE???

Hi Honeybunch! You're not serious about wanting more are you? }> Of course you are, that's why you love Cathe, right? ;-) Ok, here's something that doesn't take up too much room (at least not on a horizontal level) and is quite inexpensive: Jump roping! And it'll keep you free from boredom IF you're as uncoordinated as I am. I've just recently been trying to incorporate this into my workouts. It definitely takes stamina and a lot of coordination. I'm just now learning some of the less basic (I would say more advanced, but that'd be wishful thinking!) moves like the downhill (side to side) and the bell hop (front to back). Let's just say even if I were to work on this 4x per week, it'd be a good long while before I have it mastered. It's not as hard on my joints as I would have thought, my knees give me problems every so often with Cathe's stuff, but you really get into concentrating on not jumping very high. Just a suggestion... (you know the rest). Happy activity hunting!

Elizabeth Kelly :)
RE: Checkin' in

Hey all!! How your all's week been? Except for horrible eating habits mine's been great!! I figure since it was my B-day I was entitled to indulge:-yum! HB, what about in line skating? Let me know what you think. Ok, here's my week:
MON- Leaner Legs and All Step with shoulders.

TUES- Kickbox with biceps and soccer practice.

WEDS- My B-Day!! SNI with chest and 10-10-10 with with tri's.

THURS- Power Circut with back and Leaner Legs.

FRI- All Step with shoulders and 10-10-10 with tri's

SAT- Walk/Run(jun) with KA. and had an awesome time! Thanks again KA!

SUN- tomorrow I'm going to do Kickbox with bicep's.

Starting Mon. I will begin a new rotation, but I fear that I will really miss these CTX tapes. Oh well, They'll be back in Nov. Have a great week everyone!!

What the heck, I'll check in early too! (especially since I never checked in last week at all!!!)

Sunday: Did some heavy lifting for chest and back down in my basement (we have a Smith machine plus LOADS of free weights down there!). Then did about 20 minutes on the stepper.

Monday: CTX 10-10-10 Triceps/Abs

Tuesday: CTX Kickbox Biceps/Abs

Wednesday: CTX Step/Shoulders

Thursday: Cardio Kicks (God, I LOVE that tape!)

Friday: CTX Power Circuit/Back/Abs

Saturday: Woke up lazy, so I just previewed the new Todd Gheisar tape I got (Wkt #1).

Sunday (tomorrow): I'm planning on doing Circuit Max and maybe some heavy lifting downstairs.

Anyway, just wanted to gush out loud a bit...I just got an e-mail from Clare this morning that I can go on the Cathe trip (next one in line) and I AM SO PSYCHED!!!!

Just wanted to share my excitement....

Have a great week everyone!


Looking forward to seeing you on the trip, Terri!! :) I know how thrilling it is to get that e-mail that your turn is up.

I'll check in early too. I'm also loving the CTX series.

Monday: CTX Power Circuit

Tuesday: CTX Kickbox in a.m. and treadmill for 35 minutes in the p.m. (It was raining outside.)

Wednesday: CTX All Step

Thursday: Rest (I didn't get home till 12:30 on Wednesday, so I couldn't get up :-tired)

Friday: CTX Step N Intervals in a.m., four-mile run in the p.m.

Saturday: CTX 10-10-10 and Leaner Legs (Boy, was Leaner Legs harder after 10-10-10 :-wow)

Sunday: My plan is a five-mile run in the a.m. (Since I posted it, I'm going to have to do it!!)

Have a nice week, everyone!! :-jumpy :-jumpy (I love this icon!!)
Good Morning Friends!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-00 AT 09:47AM (Est)[/font][p]As usual, everyone's week sounds great.

Elizabeth~Good for you on IMax. That tape kicks my butt every time. Did you get your bike ride in? You will love CK after a couple more tries!

HB~When's the BIG 51!!! You go girl!:D 51 & STILL wanting a challenge in life. We can all take a lesson from you! :)

Aimee~I can't believe you are not going to be using your CTX tapes! We're still waiting on our DVD's and you're ready to move on! We'll be waiting to see which tapes you switch to.

Terri~Sooo happy :D (& JEALOUS!!!) that you get to go on the Cathe trip. I would LOVE to go. Have a great time!

Val~Did you get your 5 mile run in? Your workouts sound great and it sure sounds like you are enjoying these new tapes. Keep on Keeping on!!

Okay, for my week:

Monday~BB&A's in the A.M., Taught a Hi/Lo with light toning & ABS in the afternoon, CS&T in the P.M.

Tuesday~Taught a Hi/Lo with toning & ABS

Wednesday~BodyMax (Wheweeeeeeee!!! LOVE this tape. A whole hour & 1/2 of non stop FITNESS!!!!):-tired

Thursday~Taught 2 Hi/Lo classes with toning & ABS

Friday~PS-SL&A's-What was I thinking after painting all week? I'm telling you, the butt-cheeks were screaming from all the bending from painting.:7

Saturday~Went to a Hi/Lo class in the A.M., did CardioKicks in the afternoon.

All in all, it was a good week. We are still painting! I decided to paint my workout room in a yellow that I THOUGHT would look good with the new wood floor, but it turned out school bus yellow! :-wow Soooo, guess who is painting that room again today? :-hmmm I can't wait to get the room done so I can move all my equipment in, probably JUST IN TIME for my DVD's to get here! Have a super week everyone and so glad to hear there is no sickness.

I'm baaaaack! Forgot Sunday!!REST!!!!! If you count painting a rest day. I MAY do my Rodney Yee Ab tape later if I can squeeze it in. Happy Sunday everyone!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH
Hi Debbie!

Thanks for the cyber pat re IMAX, I needed it. No, I didn't get to go bike riding. We have a bike rack, but it's for a Reese hitch (the big square one) and my hubby took the truck up north with him. I thought if I took my front wheel off I could fit it in my trunk, but that was a joke. I wasn't about to take the rear wheel off as well! Darn trunk boasts that it can hold 4 golf bags, you'd think a measly mountain bike would fit! i'll be so glad when the lease is up on this car and I can start driving an SUV again! Your week looks good, Debbie. I totally know what you mean about choosing the right color of paint, that's why MY worout room still has white walls! :) Have a wonderful week and here's hoping the next color is more to your liking!

Elizabeth Kelly :)
checking in too

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-00 AT 11:54PM (Est)[/font][p]Hey, everyone's weeks really look great! And no one is sick! and it's getting slightly cooler here in AZ so maybe by NOVEMBER I'll be able to start hiking again!!! does summer ever end? (And I know I shouldn't be complaining, because winter will be fantastic, but COME ON!!!)
Ok, here's my week :):
SUNDAY: Stepworks (25 minutes )

MONDAY: Powermax warmup
STepworks sections 2 and 3 and cooldown
MIS abs

CTX KIckbox


THURSDAY: CTX AllSTep (cardio and abs)

FRIDAY: rest


SUNDAY: 30 minutes of TWV am, Leaner Legs PM

Have great weeks, everyone!
October??? WOW.....

And yes it is! :)

Still don't know where or what I'm doing with my workouts! Was going to do the Firm Rotation, woke up in a panic that I wouldn't be ready for the Cathe weekend, fast approaching, decided I need to throw in some Cathe, not sure when what with spinning at the gym and the rotation. Ayayayayaya..... Oh well, I'm getting up and doing SOMETHING and that's what's important right?

Mon: Spin & Abs class, some weights & abs on machines

Tues: The Firm: Time Crunch Workout

Wed: Tough Tape, Sculpted Hips, thighs & Buns

Thurs: Rest day... cuz we all need 'em ;-)

Fri.: Rest day... cuz life got in the way!

Sat: CTX All Step (just cardio), Core Cardio II, Abs from Lean Legs

Sun: Low Impact Aerobics

Life has gotten extremely hectic with the start of school and all those other activities that go with it. I am just thankful and grateful that I get in the workouts that I do. When I sat back and realized just how busy my life is... Well, I'm doin' pretty darn good!!!!

Have a GREAT week!

HI everyone,

Here's my week:

Monday--10 10 10 and Leaner Legs
Tuesday--Step & Intervals and Power Circuit abs
Wednesday--CTX kickbox
Thursday--day 5 of 5 day abs
Friday--second half of Circuit Max and Stepping Zone abs

And, Debbie, I'm only using a 4 inch step right now, but I know I'll get back to at least 6 :)

Hope everyone has a great week

Yes, Debbie, I did get my run in, at the park. It was beautiful outside. That's the great thing about checking in, because I didn't feel like running when I got this morning, but I said I was going to do it, so I did!!

Yes, painting is a workout!! What color did you paint the workout room?
my week

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-01-00 AT 05:58PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Guys!!! Looks like everyone's had a good week!
Elizabeth and Aimee-I'm SOOOO JEALOUS that you've both already moved on from the CTX rotation-how'd you do? good results?
Honeybunch-awesome recipe-gonna have to try that one out :)
Terri and Cleda-have fun on the Cathe trip, can't wait to see pictures from all of you on the website :D
Val-did you get your run in???
DebbieH-painting is a workout all by itself-and to have to do a room twice-AARGHH!!! My mother-in-law is redoing her woodwork again because she doesn't like the color-thank goodness I'm just not that particular (but school bus yellow would be a little much ;-) )
Wendy-I'll be thinking of you this winter-nice in warm down in AZ while I'm (hopefully) trudging my way through a lot of snow (we need the moisture-and being snowed in from work is always good ;-) )
here's my week:
Sunday-TKO boxingbody-love it!!!
Tues-CST in am, BBA in pm + PowerMax
Wed-rest-unplanned-had my first massage ever-felt like Jello trying to stand up, loved it!!! :7
Thurs-Franny's cardio party step
Fri-unplanned rest
Sat-Franny's new hilo (love the music) + the Tough tape
Today, I went with most of my husband's female relatives and walked (jogged when it wasn't so congested) in the Race for the Cure in Omaha-had a good time talking, was amazed at the number of people and survivors that were there, but definitely tell that I did the Tough Tape yesterday-my butt is screaming!!!
take care
:-jumpy julie :-jumpy
Time to check-in!

What a great week everyone had!!

I had another great CTX week (with CM and CK in there too) and I continue to love all the workouts :D!! This coming week I plan to add in the PS upper body tapes in the way that Cathe recommended in a previous post regarding rotations. I am a true lover of lifting weights (while I have to push myself to do cardio at times) and I just feel like adding back a little more in terms of strength training...I know some of you understand ;-).

Anyway, last week looked like this:

Sunday - Cardio Kicks + two sections from More 5 Day Abs
Monday - Power Circuit; PS SLA
Tuesday - Step & Intervals; CTX Kickbox (doing the cardio segments consecutively followed by the strength training)
Wednesday - 10-10-10 in AM; All Step in PM
Thursday - Power Circuit (did the cardio + plank & ab work)
Friday - Circuit Max
Saturday - Cardio Kicks; Leaner Legs

Once again, an all Cathe week...IMHO her tapes are simply the best, what else can I say? :-cool

Have a happy and healthy week everyone,
Lisa :-jumpy :-jumpy
Happy belated birthday!

I too had a birthday last week and I know sometimes all that yummy birthday cake gets the better of us but it's okay to celebrate once in a while, right?? :-gloat :-gloat

Anyway, hope your big day was special,
Lisa :)
RE: Happy birthday to you too!!

When was your B-day? Mine was on the 27th. I got 4 cakes for my B-day!! It definately got the better of me;-)! Hope your was a good one too!

RE: Hey Julie!!

Too cool! My middle name is Elizabeth, I had to do a second take at your post to see that you wrote Elizabeth and Aimee! Yeah, I got good results! Probably would've been better if my eating were better too;-). But in all I lost 2lbs and almost 3in off my bod. Not bad for only doing it for 4 weeks, I think:)! Good Luck with your when you get those suckers:)!
checking in

Haven't the Olympics been the usual mixed bag? Lots of inspirational competitors, but obviously being a great athlete does not make one a great sportsman. In spite of watching way too much t.v.:

Monday: PS: BB&A; Cycle 16 miles (rolling)
Tuesday: PS Legs (no abs); Pilates mat class
Wednesday: Spin; PS CS&T
Thursday: rest w/ Pilates mat class

Friday: run 30 min (split - picked up an extra dog & had to find its lost owner); Cardio Kicks; then spinning @ happy hour time

Saturday: Precision Toning (Pilates); then went to root for Mariners @ Angels. Great people watching, lots of offense on the field, poor pitching & defense. DH & I very motivated to RUN when we got home (people watching).

Sunday: DH needed a nap after he finished breakfast - bad sign. No, he didn't indulge at the game yesterday. We did cycle 26 miles after he woke up the 2nd time. Millenium Stretch to get those kinks out.

Nancy: I'm enjoying Scott Cole's tape more each time I do it. This is the only tape that really stretches out my calves & shins (the pointed toe thing). I'm not fidgeting nearly as much (in spite of my Type A personality!). The pictures you posted a few weeks ago were great. Thanks for sharing them here.

Have a great week everyone!!
Hi Lisa

Where are you in Alaska? When I was 4 years old I lived on Adak, a small island off of Alaska. I don't remember much, but my mom loved the beauty of it.
Finally, a good week!

Monday - Power Circuit
Tuesday - All Step (skipped abs section)
Wednesday - CTX Kickbox
Thursday - Rest
Friday - Leaner Legs
Saturday - Chest & Triceps work only
Sunday - 2.5 hr. hike at Hawk Mt. with my hubby for our 6-yr. anniversary! :)

And Christina... I managed to do two morning workouts! :-jumpy Hope yours are going well, too!

Steppin' Fool for Life!

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