Checkin' in early, again!

Hi Val!

The workout room turned out much better the 2nd. time around. It's still a bit bright, but that may be good to get me going on EARLY morning workouts! :) Wow, I don't know how you run in cold weather.:-wow That is something I have trouble doing and I know your weather is just like ours. Keep up the good work and enjoy the Fall weather for now.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH

...we'll have to think hard on this. A Brownie Sundae, huh? We've got a lil' time to hunt one down. How's the CTX series coming along? Did you decide which NEW activity you are going to try this year? I've thought about giving jumprope a try. :-jumpy I think I have two tapes. I'll dig them out & see what they look like. Let me know if you want to borrow one. I heard somewhere that when you are first learning, you can PRETEND you are using a jumprope. Sounds good to me as I'm sure I would be tripping all over the place at 1st.!!:7 Have a good week HB. Hey, when do you start your new job?
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH
Hi everyone!!!
Gosh I am late this week so I'll get right on it:

Mon. -- Bodymax ALL of it yeah!!
Tues. -- 35 min. elliptical
Friday -- 35 min. recumbent bike VERY hard
Sat. -- had some extra energy so I went to the track and ran backwards for 2 miles lightly.
Sun. -- mountain biking 3 hrs. And I didnt crash!! yay!! :)

And of course, I have been sooooooo sore all week from running backwards on Sat. I could barely walk. :)

I filled in around the cardio days above with my usual weight/ab workouts involving total body conditioning. I have been using slow movements......especially on the negative movement......definitely the key for getting definition ladies!!! :) Right now I am doing 2 secs. on the positive movement and 4 on the negative. It's humbling for sure. I have gone back to 3 sets also.

Everyone looks great as I have been reading posts this week.
Nancy -- yes, I believe the Hats in the Belfry is still in Annapolis. I love historic Annapolis, hope you enjoyed it too!!
Debra -- what happened to Armstrong??! Go Mariners!! Since my Orioles died a painful death this year I am rooting for new teams to get into the Series.
Daph!!!!!---- darn BETTER post here EVERY week!! lol!!
Hope everyone's week is going well...lots of great workouts and successes.
Stay healthy!!
Trevor :-jumpy (love this icon!!)
I'd luv to............

get a bike on some of those hilly roads in San those roads in the movie chase scenes where the car leaves the road going over a hill and comes down hard, bottoming out and leaving a trail of sparks and a hubcap or two!!!....THOSE roads!!! lol!! :)
You do realize that you have to climb those hills too!

What comes down, must first climb up. Maybe you're under the impression that you can take your bike up the hills
on the trolley cars!
Go M's!!!

Ok, we spent 5 great years in the Northwest & got hooked. What's your connection? My husband has renewed his Giants allegiance but would love to see the two meet. I'm surprised the neighbors didn't call 911 when the Giants tied it up last night in the bottom of the 9th. It was hard to id his yell as joyful!

Pretty charitable of Baltimore to give Will to St. Louis. He's done a fine job "filling in".

No Lance didn't fulfill his expectations in Sydney, but a bronze isn't too bad! Guess the fractured vertabrae did slow him down. Ullrich seems to be a great sportsman, so I'm happy for him. Maybe he'll gain some redemption in Germany where he's taken a lot of heat. Ekimov (sp?) seems to be well liked & respected so it's great he won a gold.

How was that 3 hour ride? How'd you fuel?


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