Checkin' in early, again!

CTX rotation

Hi Julie! I haven't really moved on from CTX, just alternating weeks with other stuff so I don't go out of my mind! I love the tapes, but 4 weeks of the same thing is the absolute most I can handle. Results be damned! Actually, I did notice some good results early on, but then my eating just went really out of control. More definiton, and a leaner look in general were starting to appear before sabotage set in! ;-) I'd really recommend the rotation, if you aren't easily bored. (I am)

Elizabeth Kelly :)
Good For You Val!

We had beautiful weather here also Saturday & Sunday. You have done great with your running this year! Do you run in the Winter? I would think that would be brutal in N.Y.! We ended up REPAINTING our workout room.:-tired We mixed a whole gallon of white paint with the "school-bus-yellow" paint:-cool and got a softer yellow.:) It is still a bit bright but I think it will look good once we get the new wood flooring down and all the equipment back in there. Plus, we are trimming it in white. I'm so excited, I can't wait. It should be all ready by the time I receive my DVD's! Well, Val, keep up the great work & I'll talk to you soon. :)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH
preggers check-in

I haven't checked in for a few weeks. Been busy, plus I think I only managed one workout in the past two weeks...Tough Tape.

Saturday I went for a walk with two of my Aunt's and had to carry my 40 pounder cause he was tired. I think bored was more like it. THat kid NEVER runs out of energy. Had a long weekend of rehearsals, and wedding stuff for my little brother. So that was a workout in itself! Now that I am feeling better I think I'll try getting up an hour earlier to workout. Too much happens in the evening for me to find the time.

Not a great week

Mon - am - CTX biceps,shoulders and abs from All Step
Tues - woke up with a sore throat, decided to take a rest day
Wed - am - NSTA - still feeling a little under the weather
Thurs - nothing - my parents came in Wed night to pick up the toddler boy for a couple of days so they were asleep in the living room in the am and hubby and I went out on a date in the evening.
Fri - am - Cardio Burn - first time bought it the night before at Borders. I like it except it definitely has too much jumping.
Sat & Sun - out of town at parents - took my Tae Bo tape with me but didn't do anything

Getting up early in the am is working pretty well but I think I need to come up with more of a plan for my workouts instead of just doing whatever I feel like doing that day.

Great job getting in 2 am workouts Lynne! Your week looks fantastic!

Have a great week everyone!
3 days is still pretty good!

Christina, 3 workout days isn't too bad considering all you had working against you last week! Glad the AM workouts are "working out" ;-) for you!

Steppin' Fool for Life!
Back to the fold

Well, I haven't checked in over here for a while -- but I've been doing an awful LOT of Cathe tapes lately, so I figured I should register my approval! Here goes:

Monday -- Cardio and Abs
All Step cardio + Step Heaven stage 1 & c/down + All Step abs

Tuesday -- Strength (legs) and Yoga
Leaner Legs
Yoga for Energy

Wednesday -- Cardio and Strength(chest, back) and More Cardio
CTX 10-10-10 cardio + CTX chest & back in a.m.
Step Class at gym in evening

Thursday --REST

Friday -- Cardio and Strength (legs, shoulders, bi's, tri's)
CTX Power Circuit + CTX Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps

Saturday -- Cardio and Abs
Step Class at gym
30 min ab class with lots of Pilates work -- I have a long way to go with this stuff. Not my favorite, but I like when they mix it in. Missed my usual easy Saturday run (kids soccer, life.)

Sunday -- Cardio
Step Heaven -- skipped some of stage 3; I was hungry for breakfast :-D Again, planned to get a run in, but ended up going clothes shopping instead. Norm and I are going out to San Francisco, Napa Valley and Carmel next week -- NO KIDS. So a girl's gotta have some new clothes, right? I'm really looking forward to the gym near my hotel in SFO and some great runs in Carmel and maybe Yountville too

I stepped a lot last week, so I'm shifting focus to running, spinning and maybe some kickboxing this week. I also got new aerobic shoes and they're causing me some problems -- PF kind of soreness. Ugh. So I've got to find time to buy some inserts before I head out of town on Saturday.

Also -- it's not reflected in this check-in, but I've been using Circuit Max about once per week for 4 weeks and it's blasted a little fat off me. Surprise, surprise.
Another week in the wacky world of fitness adventures

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Oct-02-00 AT 05:55PM (Est)[/font][p]Well, I just read everyones great week and I have tons of replies..but I'll have to come back with them or I'll never get this in and then Cleda will be emailing me and on my butt to post;-).

Monday Strength CTX Chest, Shoulders, and Tris, Cardio Step and Intervals.

Tuesday IMAX! nuff said;-)

Wednesday Strength CTX Leaner Legs and Back with a little of the planks but skipped abs.

Thursday Strength Chest, Shoulder, Tris no abs, Cardio Island it'll have it back soon and I appreciate the loan:7. And KB class in the evening. This class seems to be falling apart which is kind of a bummer..hopefully people are trying to find there fall routine and will come back. It has been a good social event...I will be sad if it goes away.

Friday Lite day...Hi/Lo Heaven with Christi...just part 1 and about 2 seconds of part my dreams!

Saturday Strength Leaner Legs with the biceps from CTX..I think I did abs too..forgot to put that in the log.

Sunday Strength CTX Chest, Shoulders and Tris..yup one more time..gotta love it. Cardioooooooo Kicks too:-jumpy

It's funny I have had about 2 weeks off from work with no real plans, the sun has been shining through most of it..but gosh darn it...I've been inside doing all these wonderful vids and enjoying it! Fall is beautiful in New England...but give me the heat anyday. I'd go outside check the temp...about dry....yuk for me..great for car rides to look at leaves but rap me in that humidity and high heat and you can't keep me in:-cool. How many days till summerx(...I'm counting down! sport banner.jpg
Hi Wendy!

I'm in Fairbanks...not sure where Adak is but it's probably a long way from me. Fairbanks is kind of smack dab in the middle of the state...but Alaska is so huge, it seems impossible to ever see the whole thing!

You're right about the beauty of much of the state is just untouched wilderness and it is breathtaking. :-wow

I saw that you're from Arizona...I'm going to be jealous of you in about a month when winter will be in full force up here (there's already snow on the ground). If you ever visit, I would have to say that the first two weeks of September is the absolute BEST and most beautiful time to do it.

Okay, I'm rambling to you later,
Lisa :)
Hi Aimee!

My birthday was on the 22nd. Glad to hear you enjoyed yourself...I also enjoyed myself (and the birthday cake :9)!!

Talk to you later,
Lisa :)
I will stay in bed all day on Nov. 11...

....'cause that is the day add another year to my age. Yours is Nov. 15, am I right? We can celebrate together and drown our sorrows in an ice cream sundae somewhere. :'(

...good to me! Chocolate Almond Chip for me. :9 I think rather then drown our sorrows, we need to CELEBRATE!! Hey, you are and I'm ALMOST a half century old and look at us go!!! :-jumpy Yep, my B-day is Nov. 15th. I forgot our special days were so close. Anywhere special that you like to go for ice cream? You may just have to have TWO pig-out days that week, HB!!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH
Hey Laura!

If you can do any Cathe tape, it doesn't matter what height your step is. Your still an amazon! Sometimes, lowering your step makes you work harder because you are not having to concentrate on NOT tripping! You go Laura! Glad you are able to do your workouts no matter the step height. GREAT workout week for you.:)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH
RE: Another week in the wacky world of fitness adventures

Who Me????
Buggin' ya about a check in???

Go Nancy! Go Nancy! Go Nancy!

But 70, fall foliage, and complaining??? ;-)

Nov. 11 is on a Saturday... I don't have to exercise any harder that week. I don't know where they have good sundaes around here. I like those hot fudge cake-ice cream dealies, or the ones with brownies.

Dairy Queen is not very exciting, but they have some wild sundaes! I got a Mud Slide-Praline sundae one time there, and it was really good! We'll have to give this some careful thought! :9:9:9:9:9:9:9

Now I can get excited when we add ice cream to the situation! :-jumpy
San Francisco

Hi Daphne! I need your help, have you been to SF before and if so where do you like to stay? I'm planning a trip there in Janurary and need some good hotel references. I'd like somewhere within walking distance to the Moscone Center and price is of little concern, I'd love somewhere fairly plush. Any recommendations would be GREATLY appreciated.


Elizabeth Kelly :)
Hi Elizabeth!

It's been about 10 years since my last visit to San Francisco and my knowledge of the geography is pretty weak. But if you're looking for plush and price is "of little concern" I can highly recommend the hotel where we'll be staying on this trip. It's the Fairmont on Nob Hill and even nicer because my husband's business is picking up the tab. :) Cause it sure is pricy.

If you want to broaden your search, I know there are a few regular visitors to this web site from the Bay Area, maybe one of them can chime in with some recommendations. (Kimberly H, are you out there?) Also, I think the San Francisco Visitors Center has a good web site with lots of information about accommodations.

I hope you have a great trip. San Francisco is such a great city to walk around in -- I'm really looking forward to the visit.
RE: 3 days is still pretty good!

This week is off to a much better start. I got up yesterday and today and did tapes that are fairly difficult for me. I don't want to jinx myself here but the am thing is finally seeming to click for me. I have actually woke up before my alarm goes off a couple of times.
Thanks so much!

Daphne, you're a peach! I'll check out the Fairmont and the SF Visitors Center site. Thanks for giving me a direction to go in, I was clueless. What's the weather like in early January anyhow? I'm planning on taking my mom (surprise Xmas gift) to the MacWorld Expo there. She's a HUGE Mac fan and has been bugging me for years to go. I want to get this planned pretty quickly, since I have to surprise her soon so she can request time off work. Thanks again, Daphne and have a wonderful time!

Elizabeth Kelly :)
Hi, Debbie,

Yes, I will run in the winter. I didn't last year, but I did the year before that. I don't mind running in the cold weather, but when there's snow on the ground, then I forgo my run. So How did the room come out? It sounds like it's going to be great!! Enjoy!! :-jumpy :-jumpy

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