Check out my new suit!

HOLY SHNICKIES!!!! Where do I in that suit or your progress since last Summer!!! I knew you were doing great but "great" just doesn't do you justice! You have progressed SO MUCH since last better spend the entire Summer of 2006 wearing that suit!!! Geez oh Pete, you look incredible! You are sporting muscle head to toe!! And those know I love your abs!!

You know what your are doing...that is for sure!!

You look great. I don't know what I think about the suit. I guess I don't have a body like that so I would never ever choose anything like that to wear. But you look great in it.

What type of workout routine do you do? I am sure you eat really great and don't have many cheat times.


You look absolutely awesome in that suit - I use to buy my suits from Newport News, but go a way from it.

Just let me tell you, I looked on-line to find your suit. It took a little while, for I did find it under the one piece suits. But let me tell you this, you do much more for that suit than the model in the ad does.

I had to check your suit out and then go back to make sure it was the same suit. How great!!!! You should be their swim suit model.

Keep up the good work.

>What type of workout routine do you do? I am sure you eat
>really great and don't have many cheat times.

Rhonda, when I started in July I did start eating really clean. Clean for me is no white carbs, low fat, MINIMAL sugar. I tried not to eat 3 hours before bed and kept even healthy carbs low after 3 pm.
I did that up until Thanksgiving pretty much and now I just try to eat as clean as I can. I still stay away from sugar as much as possible. But I do cheat.

I do cardio 5-6 days a week, then UB, LB, or a total body workout. It all depends on how much time I have. I don't use heavy weights. The highest I can do now is 10-15# for my legwork and 8# for upper body. My goal is to tone up. My body tends to bulk so I keep my weights light. And I do abs at least 4 days a week if not 5. That's what works for me.

---picks chair up off the floor that just fell back on, shakes the stars circling the head and strains to re-gain focus---

Congratulations, it's been inspiring to follow you over the past years...."and beyond".

Thanks Missy. It feels good yes, but it's not that. It's looking at my picture from last summer when I started and not even being able to believe it's me. Thinking back to when I thought I would NEVER feel better about myself or could look any better. I finally said enough is enough, started working out with Cathe, taking advice on eating from the wonderful women here, and sticking with it. And here I am today. THAT'S what feels good!

Kali,, brains and body....what's a girl to do? Your DH must be beaming having you on his arm;) You are truly an inspiration!

You need to be written up Oxygen magazine as one of their amazing success stories! You have worked so hard and you look fabulous.

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