
Glad to see that everyone's had a good week as usual.
And are we lovin' the new forum or what?? I see we're all having a ball with the new smilies, etc... :) :D :7

For my week, I changed things around slightly, sometimes doing two CTX tapes in one day (one in AM; one in PM) but overall doing about the same number of workouts. It's just that some days I have more time than others (i.e. my days off from work) so that's when I can fit more in.

My week looked like this:

Monday - Cardio Kicks
Tuesday - Circuit Max; Power Circuit; standing portion of PS SLA
Wednesday - Step & Intervals; CTX Kickbox
Thursday - 10-10-10; All Step
Friday - :-jumpy Happy Birthday to Me :-jumpy!! I started my big day with Leaner Legs
Saturday - MIC
Sunday - Cardio Kicks; two sections from More 5 Day Abs

Well this is supposed to be the face for sleepy :-sleepy and that's what I am, so I'm gonna go!

Have a healthy and happy week everyone,
Lisa :D
Quick Check in...

No, REALLY! I mean it! :-rollen

Hi Everyone!

Not sure where I'm going with my check ins. I think I've started a Firm Rotation (sorry Cathe) :-( Just something about me and weights... ayayayaya.... the muscles get bigger, I get bigger, and it's just not FUN... It also helps me to rein in on workouts for awhile. The schedule tells me WHAT to do and I don't OVERtrain! Who ME???? :-wow

Mon: Weights at the gym; Spin & Abs Class

Tues: Cardio from All Step and Step N Intervals; CST from the CTX series

Wed: Part of Kari Anderson's Hi/Lo HITS, Part of Andre's It's Time To Move, It's Time To Groove, Part of Millenium Stretch. (Can you tell I wasn't sure WHAT I wanted to do??? I was tired... and my workout log reads: "CRUMMY workout"... :-tired

Thurs: Fat Blaster Class at the gym (not thrilled with the instructor). :-(

Friday: Rest day -- Yep! Cuz we ALL need 'em! ;-)

Sat: Super Sculpting & Abs (the Firm)

Sun: Core Cardio II and Abs (The Firm)

That's my week in a nutshell.
Till next week!
Thanks Laura!

You are absolutely RIGHT!!! I guess I need a reminder every now & then. I AM healthy and strong and I know the scales don't tell you that. I think I have just been a bit down lately with all the added stress with building, lots of men here working in our home every day and trying to keep up with the normal responsiblities.:-tired Things SEEM like they should calm down a bit and I do know once I am back to all my Cathe's, I will feel better. (Went down & did BB&A's this A.M. Felt great!:-jumpy) Again Laura, thanks for all your kind words & encouragement~It means a lot to me.:)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH
Happy Birthday Lisa!!!

Sorry, it's a little belated! Maybe you'll have to treat yourself to HoneyBunches recipe of the week. :9 Hope your "Special Day" was fun!:7

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH
Still trying to do the morning thing...

Hopefully it will go better this week! I did manage to get up early enough on Tuesday to work out, but nada the rest of the week. My prime workout time seems to be 2-3 PM; unfortunately, I'm at work at that time, except for weekends or if I take a day off. So, I'll just have to get used to doing morning workouts, at least for the next year or two until I have my own workout room with a TV! :-jumpy

Monday - Couldn't get my butt out of bed. :-(
Tuesday - CTX Step & Intervals :-jumpy My Favorite!
Wednesday thru Friday - See Monday
Saturday - CTX 10-10-10 (whole thing) plus Biceps, Plank Work and Abs from CTX Kickbox
Sunday - Rest

Lynne Lounsbury
RE: Still trying to do the morning thing...

Hi Lynne!

I managed to get up Wed, Thurs and Friday last week and this am. What I have been doing is setting two alarms: one next to my bed and one in the bathroom. The one next to my bed goes off 10 minutes earlier than the one in the bathroom so I get to hit snooze once. Then when the one in the bathroom goes off I HAVE to get up because it is loud and will wake up hubby and the toddler boy if I let it go!

Just a suggestion but it's been working for me so far.

Good luck and keep trying! I have really been enjoying getting my workout out of the way and not having to worry about it.
Thanks for the birthday greetings!

It was a good day. My hubby got me a gorgeous arrangement of a dozen red roses, and a flower called stock (that's what I was told it's called) and some miniature daisy-looking things...I loved that :7!!!

I also have a delivery of my birthday gift coming today and I've more or less been told what it is...a weight rack :)...and I definitely needed it. It's so nice to know that my husband kept in mind the importance of fitness in my life when he decided what to get me...what a guy :*.

And Debbie, you're right...I already had birthday cake more than once in the past few days but I just might have to give Honeybunch's recipe a just sounds too good :9.

I'll talk to you all later,

P.S. I think we've all demonstrated that the excited, jumpy smiley is the absolute fave...I like to call him froggy because that's what he looks like to's a few for the road...
:-jumpy :-jumpy :-jumpy
Okay, okay, I'm getting carried away...Bye!!
Wow Lisa!

What a great hubby you have! I would love to get a weight rack. My hubby is talking about building me one when we get our workout room all finished. (hopefully in the next week or two!!) Yep, "Froggy" is my fav too! :-jumpy :-jumpy

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH
Hi Christina!

I just have to get back into the morning workouts. I think I'd drive my hubby bananas if I'd start setting 2 alarms, though! ;-) Glad you found something that works for you! I'll just have to keep remembering you and all the other check-in people who are getting up early to workout. Hey, I sure don't want to be late for "class!" ;-) That snooze button sure is tempting, though...

Lynne Lounsbury
Sorry this is "better late than never" but we just came home yesterday from our vacation to CA. Here's what we accomplished:
Sunday--9 mile hike to Yosemite Point--Yikes! My husband kept the pace blistering!
Monday--17 mile hike to the top of Half Dome
Wednesday--Climbed Cathedral Peak in Tuolomne Meadows, Yosemite--wow, what a view and a climb/hike!
Thursday--5 mile hike through Meadows
Friday--Pinnacles National Monument--High Peaks Trail--10 miles
Saturday--Big Sur--Bluff-Panorama Ridge Loop--9 miles
And, guess what? I ate like a pig and lost weight! I wish I could do that at home!
Yikes is right!

Looks like you saw some of California's finest. I've only climbed to the top of Nevada Falls, not all the way up to Half Dome. I know it's a brutal hike (climb might be more accurate). Most humans do it in 2 days. Where's Yosemite Point - off of Badger Pass road? Looks like a great vacation.
RE: Yikes is right!

Hi, Debra!
You hike to the top of Yosemite Falls and continue on past the "lake". The trailhead is at Camp 4. Our friends were climbing the Lost Arrow Spire and we wanted to watch them do a Tyrolean Traverse, since they had never done it before and my husband had given them instructions on it. It was a great hike but incredibly steep. It's well worth the effort though!
RE: I have been a check-in slacker not to mention the workout thing

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-00 AT 00:03AM (Est)[/font][p]Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (Have no idea where this post came from?? I guess my fingers are just jumpy tonight!) :-jumpy!!!
Hi Kim!

Hmmmm~Did I detect a smile when you wrote "preoccupied a wee bit with other things"??? Anything you'd like to share??!! :D Just kidding! Actually, I just wanted to say that I'm sorry to hear that you are still having some problems with your hip and hamstring. :-( Take it easy. We want you all healed soon so you can go at those new tapes!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH
RE: Hi Debbie

Yes Debbie, you did detect a little smile there. I have been seeing someone new and that would be the same person I won the canoe race with about a month ago. However, the "new relationship" thing has wreaked a bit of havoc on my workout schedule but I am sure the added rest days may have benefited my hamstring problem.

As for the hamstring, I have said all along that I thought there was something in my SI joint as well as the muscle. Well, the other day, I got up from my desk and heard this major crunch, had a little shot of pain, and since then, things have been feeling much better. I can pretty much do most any workout except running so I have decided that running needs to be put on the back burner for a few months at least. In fact, yesterday I did Cardio Kicks (kicked a bit lower on my left side to be safe) and Wow, is it ever a blast!

Take Care


......HAPPY for you, Kim! :-jumpy!!!!! I wondered if that was your lil' bit of preoccupation! (& Oh BTW, you CAN wink! ;-)) Thanks for sharing and hope I wasn't being too nosey. }> Like you said, it is probably good you have taken some breaks. I know it's hard cause I've been there too. Be careful and I'm glad you can do other things (besides running) for now. Yes, CK is a blast. HoneyBunch loaned it to me and I've used it every week! Good Luck to you and HAVE FUN with your canoe partner!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH
Go Brad!

Wow, you did all CTX strength in one sitting:-wow

I am trying to work up to that and managed one full upper body..wasn't too bad but I think the DVDs are going to make it much time to rethink the commitment while swapping and cuing tapes;-)


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-00 AT 02:58PM (Est)[/font][p]
Which tapes do I like best would be difficult:-hmmm But I bet you would have fun with the strength in CTX. Cathe plays with the speed of the reps a lot and I know you like to do that too. Also I have to agree with Laura..the abs in these are pretty unique..another plus. Then there is Cardio Kicks:7..yup, can you tell I like that one. It's just all out fun cardio...if you like kickboxing;-). I haven't done Circuit Max yet...but I am sure I'll love it and find something to sell you on about it!:).

Now as far as the other stuff goes...I love Boston..but, you are one crazy guy to try and drive in that town!LOL...gotta love that T system...glad to see you made it out alive. Happy to hear everything is going well with the expecting new little bambino:). they still have a store called Hats in the Belfry down there in Annapolis? I bought one of my favorite hats there once.


[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-27-00 AT 03:08PM (Est)[/font][p]oops..posted twice;-rollen...see next post


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