Check-in 9-22-01


Hello everyone! I hope this past week was better for you. Today is my 6th wedding anniversay. Yeaaaaaaa! It has been a wonderful six years full of hard work and fun. We also produced a beautiful son during this time. Yes, I would do it all again! We just got back from a mini trip this weekend and it was very relaxing. I also got my lab results back from the doctor and my thyroid is low so he put me on Synthroid. I am hoping this takes care of all my symptoms. We'll see! Enough gabbing...

MONDAY: Rhythmic Step. I did the whole thing low impact and still got a good workout. I just wasn't up for all the leaping.

TUESDAY: Power Hour. Still sooooo tough.

WEDNESDAY: CIA 9904 Just the warmup and then CIA 9806 Just the first two combos. I was not in the mood for exercise today.

THURSDAY: Yard work, washed the car (hate that) and packed for our trip along with assorted housework.

FRIDAY: Walked (more of a stroll with hubby) 1.5 miles in the morning. Walk/run 4.5 miles in the evening. We stayed in a cottage on a lake where there are numerous places to camp. The roads around the camping area were great and I loved running there instead of going in laps around my yard.

SATURDAY: Way too tired from trip home and unpacking and needed to get some things done anyway.

I think I went a little overboard on Friday with my walk/run since I was enjoying myself so much. Today I am really sore in my legs. I wish I had a good place on the road around here to run but for now I have to stick to my yard. It was nice to get away and have one-on-one time with my husband. Really needed it! I am hoping with the medication that my energy will come back to me!!!!

It is now fall....where has the year gone?!
I must be getting old!

I have been baking up a storm for the Pillsbury Bakeoff, and have been keeping my tasters like Deb H and her family busy. I dropped off three more samples yesterday, and have come up with a total of 6 recipes. I'm personally getting sick of sweets, if you can believe that! Three weeks till the entries have to be in.

My exercise week:

Saturday: Leg work at the Y and a 30 minute race walk. Then I helped my niece move.
Sunday: CardioKicks and PS BBA
Monday: Leg work at the Y
Tues. Imax
Wed. rest
Thurs: leg work at the Y
Friday: 45 minute race walk and PS CST
Sat: Circuit Max and extra leg work plus abs. This is her toughest tape, in my opinion, or at least tied with BodyMax for the top spot.

I miss my CTX tapes! I'll do another week of other stuff, then sneak in a week with them again. thing I cannot keep in my house is marshmallow fluff, or I will get a spoon and eat a whole jar. When I went to the store yesterday, I saw STRAWBERRY MARSHMALLOW FLUFF!!! I was smart enough not to buy it!
Well, I am FINALLY starting to feel like "myself" again after that 2-month bout with whatever the heck it was (flu/colitis/Crohn's). I finally was able to stop the medication that the doctor had given me to take for the past 2 weeks and I'm so was making me so tired and exhausted all the time.
My hubby and I went to a comedy club last night and it felt good to laugh instead of cry....I feel like that's all I've done the past few weeks is to sit and watch the TV (MSNBC, CNN) and gasp over what is happening to our country. Last night was a well-needed break...

Enough babbling!

Sunday: S&H Triceps/Biceps
Monday: Rest
Tuesday: Leslie Sansone/2 Mile Walk - First time doing this. It's definitely a keeper for when I'm coming out of my bouts with flareups.
Wednesday: MIS Legs/Abs
Thursday: Rest
Friday: CTX Kickbox/Planks/Abs
Saturday: Power Hour (my first time doing this too...GREAT workout!)
Sunday: I'm really trying not to push myself too much too soon, so may take the day off as a rest day.

Have a good week everyone! Stay safe...

Now that I'm home all the time you'd think I would have plenty of time to check in...NOPE! I didn't have time last week, but wanted to this week. I also scored 4 risers for my step at the DI for $2. Now my bench is higher for weight work, which is nice.

Sun-Tue. Hurt my back

Wed. Power Hour for the first time. Love the shoulder work!

Thu. Greatest Step Workout

Fri. RAW for the first time. Actually liked it. A moderate BodyMax feel to it.

Sat. All Step

Hi everyone,
I finished my S&H rotation, so I am starting a CTX rotation. This was my first week doing it, and I enjoyed it. Some days, I wish the cardio was longer, but usually I don't have more time anyway. The strength portions of this series are Cathe's best, I think. Anyway, I hope everyone has a great week.

M: Power Circuit
T: Step & Intervals
W: Kickbox
T: Leaner Legs
F: All Step
S: 10-10-10, last half of Step Fit

Take care everyone.

Kelly -- glad to see you found an explanation for your fatigue. Hope the Synthroid clears it up!

Honeybunch -- strawberry marshmallow fluff :-wow ! Run away, run away!

Terri -- I'm glad you're feeling better. I'm so inspired by you. I've been in remission for over three years, and the most I've done is watch Power Hour from the couch. ;-)

Andrea -- nice score on the risers!

Here's my week:
SUNDAY: 2 mile jog + 15 min. w/u and c/d's; S&H Shoulders & Triceps
MONDAY: spinning class; S&H Chest & Back
TUESDAY: intestinal blockage :-tired ; short, very slow walk in evening
WEDNESDAY: feeling a little better, so walked to grocery store and took another walk with hubby in evening
THURSDAY: 9 mile easy ride; S&H Shoulders
FRIDAY: 2 mile jog + 15 min. w/u and c/d; S&H Triceps & Biceps
SATURDAY: Rhythmic Step w/u, Reebok Step, Rhythm, & Moves after the w/u (don't like the w/u on this one); S&H Legs

Apparently, I shouldn't wolf down a bunch of broccoli, followed by a bunch of coconut cake, before I run off to espanol classe. :-hmmm Had about five really scary hours on Tuesday morning of extreme pain and vomiting. Fortunately, I managed to wait it out at home -- the ER is so full of tortures. Ah, the joys of Crohn's disease :-rollen. But the post-blockage cramping stopped by Thursday afternoon, and I felt better with each mile of that ride.

I'm back to experimenting with various breakfasts starting this morning. Had a fruit juice smoothie, half a chocolate donut, a cup of English Breakfast tea with milk, have waited 45 minutes, and will now attempt to run (OK, jog) 2.25 miles. Looking at that menu, somehow I don't think it's the magic formula, but perhaps I will not bonk today. :p

:) Gretchen
Hello everybody

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-23-01 AT 05:20PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi guys, your weeks look great!
Kelly--that cottage on the lake sounds so nice! glad you could get away, and I hope that medication works for you :)

HB--YUM! I hope you're saving the recipes that you DON'T use--I'm sure they are all delicious, and we would all like copies after you win the Bakeoff...

Terri--glad you're feeling closer to normal! I agree with you that it is nice to laugh rather than cry. I'm in the same boat, and I almost start to feel guilty when I'm feeling good--it reminds me of when my Dad died...:'(

Andrea--what a deal on those risers!!! :-jumpy

Emily--I just finished the S&H rotation too. I loved that series, and it was so nice and short :)

Here's my week:

MONDAY: Imax (with hardly a modification!!! And I did it on the step!!!!)

TUESDAY: Power Hour + some hamstring stretches



FRIDAY: Still Jumpin' + STRETCHES: PS series, CMax, CK

SATURDAY: CTX KB + Stepworks cd and stretch + abs & low back from PS BBA

SUNDAY: PowerHour + extra stretches *** edited Sunday--I did Power circuit warmup followed by PowerHour squats, chest, back and lunges, then forearms and abs from S&H, and stretches from S&H series, LL, and KB. Left out shoulders, bis and tris from Power Hour because I was feeling pretty sore from KB yesterday--I've got to add those arm drills from CK back in again...!!!

My roatation is a 5 part one, posted by Cathe recently for muscular endurance. Each part is 4 weeks. This month I do Power Hour 2-3 times per week. She only posted the muscular parts, so I have decided to add: one interval cardio, 2 regular cardio, 3-4 core workouts, 2-3 long (15 min) stretches. I did well this week, but I must say I loved how short the S&H rotation was, and I am a bit daunted at the thought of 20 weeks!!

You posted while I was writing, so I missed you in my response! Don't want to leave anyone out :)
Yughhh! So sorry about the broccoli-coconut combo :-( It sure sounded delicious ;-) Anyway, glad you are feeling better...
RE: Hello everybody

Hi everybody great weeks!! HAPPY 6th ANNIVERSARY!!! My week was good, I've upped my weight again! My barbell is now fully loaded, totaling 76lbs. Don't ask me how I got 3lb plates, but I managed! He he he!
I just got back from taking my P.T. exam, and I think I did pretty good. At least I hope I passed!
My diet was pretty good up until yesterday, I came home and no dinner was ready, so I told my DH to take me out to dinner, Mexican food covered in grease and cheese topped off by chocolate cake!! YUM!! I shouldn't have, but that Ok, I got back on the wagon today. Alrighty here's my week!

MON- Power Walk, Back, Bi's, Calves, forearms and abs, & SNI

TUES- Power Walk, Chest, Tri's and Kickbox

WED- Legs, Shoulders, abs, and forearms

THURS- Walk, Kathy S Step Workout

FRI- Power Walk, Chest, and Back and abs

SAT- Legs and Shopulders and abs and forearms

Have a great fall everybody!!

Hi everyone. Sounds like ya'll had pretty good weeks. Here was my week (my last week on the S&H rotation):

M: BodyMax
T: Step Fit
W: S&H C&B
T: S&H L&S
F: S&H B&T
S: rest
S: run 1 mile, Karen Voight Pure & Simple Stretch, Phase One of Keli Roberts Abs & More.

My S&H rotation for 3 weeks has made a remarkable difference in my chest strength, lumbar region, and I also increased my barbell weight for legs to 47 pounds from 40. However, I gained almost 4 pounds, which sort of stinks. Beginning tomorrow, I am going to focus on more cardio, circuit training, and stretching. I am also trying to lose this awful gut, so I just got that Keli Roberts video to help myself out. Has anyone out there tried it? Hopefully the weight gain will go bye-bye after two doses of Interval Max in one week!! He he.

Have a good week all.

I don't know...for me, broccoli has ALWAYS been a major no-no. My intestines just go NUTS when I eat it...Doesn't matter if it's raw or cooked, either way the pain I get is just NOT worth it! And FORGET about cauliflower! Actually, now that I think about it, there aren't many vegetables that I *CAN* eat...

Anyway, back to you...your workouts look great! You didn't let the problem slow you down at all, woman!

My hat is off to you...

Back Again...

HB: I LOVE MARSHMALLOWS, MARSHMALLOW FLUFF-and I am the Only Person I know who goes to Dairy Queen and gets a Marshmallow sundae with NOTHING ELSE ON IT!! :9

Well, this week I've catching up with life, mucking stalls, and was able to fit in:
Voight's New Cardio/Strength Circuit
Precision Perfect Mix (Pilates)
Slow & Heavy All 3 Tapes **love these tapes
Mindy Mylrea Intervals 2101
Kari Anderson Body Tech
Elle MacPherson Personal Best (wimpcity, but it's soothing)
Rythmic Step**love this tape
Power Hour
Cardio Kicks today.
RE: Back Again...

I've never done the exclusively marshmallow sundae, but I HAVE gone to a buffet table and gotten a small bowl of nothing but whipped cream:9
Hi, everyone. My workouts were good, considering I had 6 hours of jetlag to deal with!
Monday- 30 Hours of travel from Munich!
Tuesday- Powerhour
Wednesday- Run 3 miles, MIC
Thursday- Run 3 miles, MIS
Friday- Run 3 miles
Saturday- Bike 20 miles
Sunday-Run 4 miles, Hike 2 hours, Climb 2 hours

Have a great week everyone!
Good Morning Everyone!

Hope everyone is feeling well and getting back into a halfway normal routine after the past couple weeks of sadness. Good to "see" you all here! I don't have much time to post right now but did read all your check-ins. Super workouts everyone and even those those of you that have had some health issues along the way. You are an inspiration. Keep up the great job! My workouts weren't quite up to par as you'll see but I did have to do SOMETHING! After all, if HoneyBunch keeps dropping off those wonderful treats, I'm going to have to start doubling up my workouts. YUMMMM HB!!!!:9 :9 :9 HOPE YOU WIN! Okay, my week:

MONDAY~practiced new routines before class, Taught a Hi/Lo class (my very first class of my new program and things went GREAT! Whew~glad that first class is over. I had a bit of the jitters but survived!:7)

TUESDAY~Taught a Hi/Lo class, S&H-CHEST & BACK, included lower back & plankwork, attended an instructor friend's Hi/Lo class with a little Yoga

WEDNESDAY~Jogged 4 miles, S&H-LEGS & SHOULDERS,PS-SL&A-floorwork only, back was feeling a lil' twingey from a Yoga twist move I did last night at class

THURSDAY~Taught 2 Hi/Lo classes, still feeling the pain in lower back

FRIDAY~Pain in back is pretty intense so I practiced some new routines at walk level, I know, I know, I shouldn't be doing ANYTHING!!!

SATURDAY~Back felt a lil' better after taking Aleve all day Friday and today-Attended one of my friend's Hi/Lo class, came home and did PowerHour. LOVE this tape & will never tire of it! :), practiced and made up two new routines

SUNDAY~Rest, which I needed. Still pampering my back but it is starting to feel better!

I start back to my classes this afternoon and will have to move very cautiously as not to flare up the back again. Grrrr! I have my 30th class reunion this weekend. Can't wait to see everyone. We have about 125 showing up for it. (including my twin sis, who is flying in from Florida!! :) :) :)) FUN, FUN TIME! Have a great week all.

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
RE: Good Morning Everyone!

You'll be the best looking one there, or at least the fittest! They will all be just GREEN with envy! Then they'll say, "Oh, yuck!" when you tell them what it takes to be in such good shape.
Godd Morning !

Hi, all! Glad to see everyone's doing pretty well! Honeybunch, I wish fall was HERE! In Tucson, we are still in the upper 90's. That's the only draw back to living in the desert. No change of season. No autumnal oranges and yellows. Lord, I miss those TREES! But in a few months my sibs back in Michigan and Indiana will be fighting snow and bitter weather and I'll be running in the seventy degree weather so I'll get over it!

Anyway, my week went like this:

Monday MIC
Tuesday Run 5 miles
Wednesday Power Hour
Thursday CTX Kickbox/Abs
Friday Run 4 miles/ Power Hour

Saturday and Sunday were busy days so I took a break from working out.

B obbi
checking in

Hi everyone!

I'm trying to get into a routine. Normal seems like an inappropriate term right now. I've baked a lot of bread (kneading yeast bread is very therapeutic) the last 2 weeks. The freezer & neighbors are full ;-).

My week:
Slow & Heavy (1xeach)
Trot with dogs (3x 25 - 40 min)
followed by Tamilee's standing stretch
Spinning (1x)
Cycling (only 1x 40 miles)
Pilates mat class (1x)

My husband walked by while I was doing the S&H rear delt work with 5#'s & remarked he saw why it was called "slow" but it sure didn't look very "heavy". He declined my invitation to give it a try. Luckily he hasn't observed the plie' squats w/ the big boy hanging between my legs. I don't think I'd ever hear the end of the "envy" jokes.

I'm going to work on more exercise & less CNN this week.

Have a healthy & safe week everyone.

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