Check-in 9-22-01

RE: checking in

Hi Everyone,

How are you guys doing? I'm good. Well, I really enjoyed my week; doing the Power Hour rotation, man oh man, did I enjoy PH. I started too repeat it again this week. But, I decided too move on, hehe. This week rotation, I'll be doing Slow & Heavy. I did S&H chest/back tonight, and loved it, what a great workout ;) Well, everyone getting ready for bed, good night!!

Sunday: The video, 35 minute jog & abs

Monday: Power Hour

Tuesday: Imax & abs

Wednesday: Power the first 15 minute from Imax

Thursday: Yay!! RESTDAY

Friday: Cardio Kicks, All step

Saturday: Unplanned restday

RE: a little late this

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Sep-25-01 AT 06:56PM (Est)[/font][p]Hi everyone

This is the first time checking in for me since the disaster 2 weeks ago. It is still all so surreal to me. In any event, here was my week of workouts:

Monday - rest

Tuesday - rest

Wednesday - run 60 minutes

Thursday - S/H - biceps and triceps

Friday - Rhythmic Step (3rd time doing it and have just about got it mastered - love this workout)

Saturday - S/H legs and shoulders and tried Still Jumpin. Not sure what I think about this one yet.

Sunday - run 50 minutes (10K)


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