
It looks to be one tuff cookie.A question what 3 timesaver workouts and how long are the long runs and what is the time ranges for the days?I like the looks of this and may attempt it after I am done with the current rotation-I would also have to split it up.It doesn't seem to be a undoeable rotation it has the cathe aug rotation feel-push yourself hard to bust a plateu.It as with august rotaion would not be one to do monthly just a rut buster.And remember how people thought cathe was crazy for the bc rotation.I loved it and didn't over train at all even added on some extra on some days.But some would have overtrained-that's why overtraining is a personal experience what overtrains one person doesn't another.I rarely take rest days I have took 7 all year up to this point and don't feel overtrained at all.But I am alt. easier weeks or months with higher intensity weeks or months.But some have to take rest days during the week or they will overtrain. I just take them when I need them my body tells me.If you do this rotation I would love to hear the results from it.I printed it out for future use.}(
O.k not sure WHY in Gods name I feel the need to defend myself but I will anyway.

Thanks to those who are more open minded, I might add.I felt the need to whip this up b/c I am doing the same thing everyday.Yes, I may be fit but I think all of us as a point in time where they would like to push themselves.Once one month out of my life?

1st thing- This is the reason I DIDN'T want to post this.

2nd- I am well aware of injuries, yada yada and beleive me, if I have a injury I will listen to it.

3rd- Beleive me, I have a job that demands, either 20 hours of my time a week OR 70 hours.But the matter is, I have time on my hands when I am at home b/c everyone is out of the house in the afternoon.I can manage my time.And if I can't then, yes, my workouts will go to the side.

4th- SO why is it that a marathon runner can run a cazillion miles a week and no one craps on them about their knees or the years to come? I know that I can not train for a marathon b/c my knees would not let me...oh wait a that ME listening to my body? I didn't think I knew how to do that.

Anyway, this rotation was made for me. I didn't ask anyone to do it with me and no one as to.I can do it on my own.If I am tired I will sleep, if I am sore, I will rest, and if I am hungry I will eat.
I think people were just concerned for your safety. They would do the same thing for anyone else on the forums. That's just being safe and caring, not closed minded.

Im sure they do, but like I said.I did this rotation up not knowing where I wanted to take rest days so I will sqeeze them in wherever.
I am quit capable of listening to my body and 1/2 of the time, I might look for an excuse not to workout:) But lucky for me today, I didn't have any broken nails and I did what I had planned.When I finished my workout, I ran up the steps to get more water.I didn't crawl, that little bit of extra leg work from MM did not kill me and it won't.
Lori, what are your goals exactly? I'm just curious. I have no problems w/ pushing yourself through plateaus or whatever, but doing that much exercise back to back 6-7 days a week is really going put your gains up against a wall if you know what I mean. Believe me, you are not the only person I have thought this about by any stretch of the means. I just don't see all these other rotations people do. I know you said you didn't factor in rest days you might take and it's subject to change,which is all good, but I'm just wondering what was basis on creating the rotation you did? I'm glad you know how to listen to your body. If you don't, no one else will ;)

I think people on here really do try to provide constructive criticism. I think in my perspective I have lately seen people creating rotations that push more and more into daily workouts that go beyond the point of beneficial exercise (I guess unless you are training for something specific). I think periodic rotation that really ups the ante is fab but you still have to be mindful of all other factors at work. Anyhow, good luck with whatever you decide to accomplish :)

"you miss 100% of the shots you never take"

Hi Lori,

This looks like a great rotation to me! Daily cardio and the weight lifting splits should give you great results. If I had the time I would join you. Right now I am working on a muscle endurance/circuits rotation after 8 weeks of muslce building.

Enjoy your rotation and let us know what kind of results you get from it.

Thanks Diana,
I am gonna post pics after I am done! Sound good? I guess I will post them in Nov.I also plan on eating the BFL way, lots of protein!
> Thanks Diana,
> I am gonna post pics after I am done! Sound good? I guess I
>will post them in Nov.I also plan on eating the BFL way, lots
>of protein!
> Lori:)


Good, just what I was trying to accomplish all along....more pictures of my fellow catheites! Can't wait!

I think that if it is true that people are only looking out for Lori's health and safety and therefore providing constructive criticism, then it needs to be worded just so...CONSTRUCTIVELY. Some of the terminolgy used is just plain rude and uncalled for...especially since Lori was addressing Charlotte.

Also, it really does look like what Lori means is just segments from the workouts, you have to look at the rotation carefully to see what the focus body part is for that day. Otherwise, it doesn't look like Lori will be doing more than 1.5-2 hours of exercise per day. While that may be too much for some, others do it on a regular basis without putting themselves at any risk. There are elite athletes that go 6-10 hours a day so 1.5-2 out of a working mom is not such a stretch. I salute her for managing the time!

Something we all have to remember is that even though most of us can keep up with Cathe, we are not at the same fitness level. Our body types allow for us to do different things at different intensities. Just because we are not able to do such a rotation ourselves does not mean it shouldn't be done by anyone or our peers. I think I am in decent shape, especially for my age but I know enough about myself that the rotation is not for me...mainly because of my goals.

Which brings me to another point...we cannot expect our own goals to be everyone elses. We have no idea what Lori's goals are and they really are not any of our business. That is between Lori's mind and Lori's heart and soul...not us. If she wants to share...great, we are all listening. However, I wouldn't blame her for being conservative with her voice regarding her goals...I have seen far too many instances when a Catheite expresses a goal and others come down on her in this very same manner using verbage that is insensitive and rude.

If the objective is to be constructive then you must voice it constructive manner.
Charlotte-Is that why you make up crazy rotations to? Are you trying to get people to post more pic's of themselevs or do you just want to post more of YOURSELF! Game on, missy!

Sarah-Thanks for your post.I could not have worded it better myself
Hey Lori...good luck with your rotation! Sorry for all the flack you took. If people go back and read you only posted it b/c forum members requested that you post it. Anyway, you go girl...enjoy!Angela:7
Lori I posted a question if you would answer it pretty pretty please:D which timesavers and how long are the long runs?I want to pencil it in on the rotation.You go girl;-) .Yours and toasty's sept rotation(she hasn't posted her oct yet....hint hint hint)are on my to do list.
Im sorry I might have over looked that question. Do you have a treadmill? Sometimes when I do HST or BC I will run to.I usually do the cardio portion of the video and then get on the treadmill for 5 min.So it will only be a 40-50 min run.Or whatever you are in the mood for that day.
And the Timesaver workouts are whatever ones you are in the mood for that day.Depends on what muscle group we worked the day before.I was at work when I made up this rotation so I didn't have my workouts right in front of me.
Hope I helped,
How much do you work out? There is a diagnosis called exercise bulimia. I want to acknowledge that there might be a fine thread between having goals and just being sick. This also contributes to why women have abnormal images of themselves. Before you go bashing me, please realize, I am a huge female proponent. I have nothing but sisters and nothing but aunts. I'm not sure your could find a bigger women's right's champion.

Are you asking me specifically how much I workout? If all depends on the rotation I am following and the short term goal I am trying to reach, with long term goals on the back of the brain. My current rotations were created by Hal Higdon. His site is

There is no way you are accusing me of exercise bulimia...after don't have the faintest idea what I do to exercise. Surely you would not make an accusation of such a magnatude without knowing how I workout.

Finally, I am not bashing anyone. I didn't draw out any specific posts. I merely suggested that those who are trying to offer constructive critisism do so constructively. If you felt I was pointing the finger at you specifically, I assure you that wasn't me...maybe your conscience did the pointing.

Sorry you had to defend yourself on your own rotation - you made for YOURSELF! I know you did not want to post it - but I was glad to see it. I always like to know what other people are doing to see if I can add anything to my own rotations! Thanks - and good luck!

Okay . Now we are bringing up short term goals. How long do you work out? Good question. I am not trying to take anything away from anyone. Believe me. Also, never even considered you for exercise bulimic. Sorry if my post sounded that hatefull. I promise, never even pictured it. But when I say I support all the hard work women do, to me it is NOT a joke.

I'm not at all implying that you do not support women and their hard work, especially their efforts to build a better, healthier body. You'd be the last person I would ever accuse of being unsupportive. I know that you meant well and were looking out for Lori but some of the other posters were not very sensitive or considerate in the manner of which they voiced their opinions.
Lori--thanks for posting your rotation. It looks way too intense for me, but then I am 25 weeks pregnant....I'd say if you can do it, more power to you. I look forward to hearing about your results and seeing your pictures. Go for it!!

I may never be able to do what some of you incredible ladies do, but you keep me inspired and give me something to shoot for.


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