
Not that anybody asked for my two cents but here it is. If you read through the threads there is a strong air of defensiveness that comes with denial. There is nothing healthy about working out three or four hours a day either physically or mentally.

I admire the dedication to fitness that I see on this site but lately I am astonished at some of the rotations I've been seeing. It seems to have started when Cathe posted the August rotation that was meant to be a "plateu breaker". Cathe has years and years of experience and has also taken the time to get fitness training certifications.I would trust what she put together and view it as she said was a temporary rotation for a solution to a problem. But, it just seems like some people have seen this as permission to abuse their bodies.

Even A-Jock, who is also a certified fitness instructor, uses good sense when putting together her killer rotations. You can just look at them and see they are well thought out and that she is conscious of their safety.
Hi Lori, et. al.,

Lori, enjoy your personal challenge, clearly you have thought about this carefully.

But just remember, this is a public forum, and nobody forces you to publically post anything. There is always, always the option to private message another forum member to share any information that you do not want to leave open for "feedback".

I enjoy this forum for all that I am learning about fitness but sometimes I just don't understand why anyone (not specifically you Lori) would talk so personally and publically just to have hundreds (literally, as you know) of people that don't remotely know you tell you things that evoke negative emotions.

What you put out here always leaves you for fodder.

But best of everything with your October rotation!

Hi there Lori!

I definately see everyones views.
However, in my everday life, I definately find it rather it rather odd that while my daughter can attend gymnastics for 3 hours x 3 days,and I work out the same amount the exact days that I am over doing it? Is it beacause I am older? I, too, get flack from my family members that I work out ALL the time! Like I stated earlier, how is 3 days too much?
So, in actuality when one isn't used to a schedule or activity as such may find it overwhelming, in the end find it unachieveable for them specifically?
I guess what i am saying is WHERE IS THE LOVE???
I think it looks like a challenging rotation, I just wished I had that much energy.
:7 :7 :7 :7 :7
If you noticed the title of this thread it was for Charlotte and I told her that I had e-mailed her.So it was info that I didn't really care to share but others wanted me to and I did.If I knew this, I would have never posted it. AND for that matter, I never open threads that are diercted to one individual, so therefore I would have assumed that this thread would stay small.
Either way, I don't know why others need to enforce about injuries.I guess I haven't made myself clear enough that I LISTEN to my body. I have been working out for YEARRRRRRRRRRS and I can take care of myself.
But you know what? At the same time, this isn't really bothering me anymore.Your right, these people don't know me, so there for, I don't really care.

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