Cellulite! NOT your typical question!!!


Hello. I KNOW that cellulite has been discussed over and over and over and over......

But, I have a question. I was around 106 pounds about 2 years ago. Skinny with no muscle. I just didn't eat. I did a lot of cardio and was in great aerobic condition, but not any muscle definition by rights.

Then, about a year ago I got a NIGHT job and got FAT!! I have no idea what I weighed because I REFUSED to get on the scale. Well, since the new year, and CLEAN EATING and WORKOUTS which have included a LOT of weights, my weight is stalled at 130-132. (I am only 5'3") x(

SO, here is the question......

I am firming up everywhere and VERY pleased with what I have done in the past 3 months. I am NEVER going to stop again. BUT, the backs of my thighs and ONLY the backs of my thighs are COVERED in deep cellulite. ;( Yuck!!

I used to hve really nice firm runner's legs and could wear shorts without a problem just 2 summers ago. Even last summer wasn't SO bad. But now, I WILL NOT WEAR SHORTS until this goes away!!! But it only seems to be getting more visible.

I KNOW what cellulite is. I know that we cannot spot reduce or rub a magic cream on them. BUT, has anyone ever gotten rid of it ENOUGH so that they can wear shorts again??????

I am almost 36 years old and TERRIFIED that age has something to do with this! I am eating CLEAN....I would make Bill Phillips proud, by following his plan. I work out 6 days per week.

Do you think it is AGE that might be making this harder to reduce in this area? I am tan, so it looks better than if I was pasty white, but it is AWFUL!!! Worse than when I was pregnant 10 years ago.

I have had to cut back on the cardio due to an inner ear virus, so my balance has been BAD for 3 weeks, so no jumping. I could barely walk. Do you think that I should add more cardio????

SORRY for being so long winded, but shorts season is getting here and I am a shorts-wearing girl. Do you think there is hope by summer??????????
I have no magic answers as I have cellulite also on the back of my thighs and hiney that is driving me nuts but you can only see it if I sit just right though, I have worked out off and on for the last 10 years I am also 37 years old and I am 5 '6 I was told that cardio is great for the removal of cellulite but I am not sure on that as it was just told by me by someone selling fitness equipment. I am sure you will be able to wear shorts again. don't get discouraged. I had it real bad also and I made tons of it disapear with weights and cardio, it takes time.
Thank you!:)

I know that is sounds like the same old question but it seems to be SO stubborn this time. I have not made a "dent" in it yet! (pardon the pun!!)

Usually 3 months into my workouts there is some improvement. But my body doesn't seem like me anymore. :-(
Jackie, I would say just be patient, and along with your weights do plenty of walking, running(if possible), biking...... you will start to see an improvement. Also your clean eating and lots of water, I don't know if you do this but I do, cut any eating off 2 to 3 hrs before bed 3 hrs is better if possible....... God bless best to ya..... Rhonda :7
I don't have an answer for you on what to do, but I can say that I had cellulite on my thighs, which I noticed especially when sitting. That was about 3-4 years ago. Since working out with Cathe tapes, I have lost most of my cellulite. The really good news is that this happened after I hit 40. So don't give up. It can be done! I wear shorts all summer, and get lots of compliments on how nice my legs look. I know that we're all different, but hope this encourages you to keep working at it.

I totally agree w/Nancy- don't give up. I've always had athletic legs but have noticed a reduction in that tricky spot behind the thighs/glutes. I think the water really helps and add cardio plus floor work (i.e. the last section of PLB). Really, don't give up- I'll be 36 in June and still feel like I'm looking pretty good.

It may take a little longer to see a difference but do not give up!:)


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