Cedie - If you are reading this...

...then by all means let us know what you did to look as amazing as you do in the Cardio & Weights picture. Talk about some amazing progress. I know I would love to hear your strategy!

Looking great, Cedie!

RE: Cedie - is it just me

Is it just me..... or does Cedie keep looking better and better?
Love to know how she does it.
RE: Cedie - is it just me

I noticed it too. Hope she chimes in, because I'm curious too. I bet her eating is clean - that makes all the difference. I have the muscles, but they're covered by layers of cheese, chocolate, cake, butter, oil, pasta, etc. You get my point. :)

Wow! was my first reaction when I saw Cedie in this picture. I doubt she has done anything special, other than exercise and eating right. I've always followed her progress from Step Max to today and it goes to show you that change does not happen over night. Way to go, Cedie!!

Marcia, freezing in northern Sweden
I've been watching Cedie since Mega Step Blast and I feel she's a perfect example of what consistent weight training and cardio along with probably a cleaner diet can do for a person.

I'd still love to see her reply to this thread however, she's my favorite.


Yes, they're ALL babilicious!! I showed hubby one of the pictures and he looked like this: :-wow

RE: Cedie - is it just me

I don't think it's just you. I think she has always looked great but there are definite changes over the years. Isn't she a gym teacher? I do watch Cedie with special interest...we share the same body type (I'm very proud of that). I am always inspired by her and that 1000 watt smile.

Holy Crap! The whole crew looks so totally awesome!!!
I can't believe Cathe just had a baby. Is this the first
time that Cedie has bared her middle? I want to know the
secret. I'd love to know what their diet is like.
I can't wait for the videos!!!!!!

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