I just finished and had a really FUN workout with my DH!!! This was his first PP workout and it was so nice to share it with him <3. We took it outside to a nature reserve to take advantage of the miles of trails. We had never been there before so we didn't realize that the trails were unpaved gravel and dirt and VERY hilly! Unfortunately, it had rained this morning so the trails were slick with mud and super tough to navigate. We had a lot of fun and a GREAT workout, and I hope my dearest will join me again for another PP Saturday! We dedicated our workout time to our families, and I took each of you with me as well, and asked God to lift any burdens you carry in your hearts.
Nan - ^^^5's for a great workout!! 900 calories -- WOW

. I've always done PP on an elliptical and this was the first time I did it outside

. I wanted to run but my DH wasn't up for that, and it would have been nearly impossible under the conditions we had today.
Mary - I'm so sorry to hear about your hip, but don't you dare call your workout lame! My goodness, you are pretty tough if you can get through all of PP and add a bonus challenge when you're in pain! I hope you can post pictures of your scarecrow, and good luck with your cookie contest! I hope you take home the blue ribbon!!
Jodi - I am so glad you did the workout on your new old treadmill

. I was wondering if you would. I need to do a better job of canvasing my neighborhood on trash day -- LOL!!! Thank you so much for dedicating your workout to my family. I just now saw the other thread and I was deeply touched by your thoughtfulness. <3
Jo - WTG on your workout! It sounds like you took it to the max as always! It was nice to see your smiling face in this thread. I feel like I haven't seen you in forever!
Carrie - I am SO jealous! I would give anything if I had enough room for another 1 or 2 cardio machines! It sounds like it would be so much fun to machine hop during the workout! And I don't know why either, but I often go into the workout thinking I won't be able to finish, only to add on a bonus challenge! It's just a GREAT and highly motivating and inspiring workout!
Best wishes for a great workout and ^^^5's to everyone who checks in after me!!