Cathletes Gettin' To Goal Aug.16-22~All Welcome!

Hi guys!

Today's w/o was STS disc 2. I'm sure my triceps will be screaming tomorrow.:eek:

I'm struggling with trying not to give in to my cravings today. It started when I went to my DMs this morning and she had brownies sitting out. :confused: I can' give in. :eek::eek::eek:

Melissa, I can't remember what you said your schedule is. Do you just do wts for one body part/week?

Nancy, I do rest when I feel like I need it. Generally, I try to exercise 6 days/week but I don't beat myself up if I need an extra day or two to rest. I find myself being a bit more careful as I age because I don't want to have to deal with injuries.

I hope everyone is having a great hump day!:D

Hmmmm, my ticker isn't progressing. I need to go find out what I'm not doing here.
I give up. I've tried and tried and can't make it work. It will progress to the next w/o if I go and redo it but when I come back to post or check my signature, it still says that I'm on w/o #1. Oh well......maybe they'll get it straightened up soon.:cool:
Thought I'd check in with a little update. I am not able to do the Slim in 6 workouts. Too many lower body moves-and it's every day six days a week!. My back/leg/hip do not like them! I showed my PT and my chiro two Cathe step workouts that I would like to do (with modifications). They approved them(pretty sure I wore them down)-just as long as it doesn't hurt. I explained that I had less pain when doing step than with the Slim in 6. I will still be walking the dog too but I'm not counting that as part of my exercise.

So, last night I did the warm up and step parts of Power Circuits and all of the upper body work of CTX. A nice 85 min. workout!! :eek: It felt awesome. This morning I did about 40 minutes of stretching. Tonight I plan on doing Imax 2, but I have to modify a lot, so most of the blasts are either scaled WAY back or not done at all. I can usually get a good 30 minutes of cardio from it though. Gosh it sucks to be injured/not 100%! And if the rain lets up, I'll take the dog for a walk. Of course I'll be doing my stretching too!

Surprisingly, I have been on track with food & staying within my calories all week. I have tracked everything that's gone in my mouth, including a few bite-size laffy taffy's. ;):eek: Hopefully, my self-control will continue. I keep telling myself, looking good in my clothes is more important than frosting, cheetos, and tootsie rolls. :p

Melissa: I think it depends on what your goals are for your weight routine. I'm looking to burn fat so I'm doing all-body(more focus on upper body) workouts 3x per week. I can related to the early morning alarm clock! Gosh morning comes early! Good for you for getting in a workout anyway and doing what you had time for!

Rhondalynn: Stay strong with your food cravings!! Good job resisting those brownies!!

Nancy and Jacque: I love Muscle Endurance! However, all those leg presses get me down so I sub firewalkers for 2 of the leg press sections!! :eek::D I'm an ex-Firmie and I have a thing against too many leg presses! ;)

Nancy: Good for you for perserving through your workouts! Some days/weeks are harder than others, aren't they? Some days I just can't (physically and/or mentally) do it! I chalk that up to my body telling me to lay off it for a bit.

Well, I think that's it for now. Goodness it feels great to have support here! Thank you, ladies!! :D
Hi everyone! My husband had knee surgery today so I was at the hospital all day. My wonderful neighbor brought over tons of food, so today wasn't my best, but I am determined to not let one day turn into a snowball effect! Tomorrow my game face will be back on! I am going ot get started with my fave...Butts & Guts. Oh, and be careful with your knees...from what I saw today, knee surgery is not desirable!
Melissa, I truly admire you for getting up so early each day -- even the days you hit the snooze button. The earliest I got up when I was working in recent years was 5:30 and that wasn't to work out, but to get to work earlier to miss traffic, get a good start on the day before most people arrived, and to get home earlier to work out. I'm a night owl by nature, so it's hard for me to make myself go to sleep at night, so early morning workouts were always torture to me.

Rhondayln, nice going on the STS workout and trying to hold out against those evil brownies! My ticker isn't working, either (had to enter the weight loss manually) and I haven't gotten a reply yet on my request for help with it. If that's the worst thing that happens... right?

Lisa,congratulations on getting the all-clear to do some step work! And even better that you're keeping your eating under control. That's the biggie and the most difficult thing for most of us, I think. Great suggestion about the firewalkers for leg presses. As I was struggling with them yesterday I was thinking back to my FIRM days when I was doing them with two 17.5- or 20-lb dumbbells and wondering where that strength went?! They're totally different workouts, of course, sequenced differently, etc., but it was certainly humbling. And while I loved being able to knock those leg presses out, they were never something I looked forward to.

Lacy, I hope your husband recovers quickly and can get back to his usual activity. My husband had a knee replaced a few years ago (and is so happy he had it done) and just watching him go through PT made me cringe. Have fun with Butts & Guts!

I did 55 minutes on the treadmill today as part of the August rotation. I just couldn't muster enough oomph to run, but did a really brisk walk on an incline. In the middle of that time I did a hill interval workout that I saw on the Yayas that I like to throw into the mix sometimes. It's short, but definitely gets you huffing and puffing. Eating continues to go well, thank goodness.

Take care, all!
Nancy: Congrats with the weight loss. I may look into that program. I too have days where it is tough to workout. I try for 6 days per week but once a month or so I have a week where I only get 5 in. I don't know what is going to happen once I go back to work in 2 weeks.

Rhondalynn: I can't resist brownies either. I don't know how Nancy did it the other day. Maybe your triceps will be so sore tomorrow you won't be able to lift much to your mouth...haha.

Lori: good for you with finding time to do all that you do in one day. Good to hear you can do some Cathe.

Lacy: do you do butts and guts as is or a premix that you think works best. I remember you saying you did it once a week and got great results but I didn't know what you did with it. Hope your hubby is not laid up too long and doesn't drive everyone crazy in the meantime.

Jacque: Hope to hear from you soon.

good night everyone.
I tend to have ADHD when it comes to hour-long I do the standing Butts & Guts portion once a week and the Floorwork and abs pre-mix on another day....or at least thats the goal. When I was consistent with this for like 6 months, my kids started to tell me I had a "flippin' butt"...whatever that off track with it last year after we moved across the country, but I'm getting back on it now:)
Hi girls!

No w/o for me today. This will end up being a 2 rest day week. :D I've been on the go since early this morning. I actually could get a w/o in right now but I have a meeting at 6pm and don't want to have to shower again. :confused:

Lacy, I'm taking it that a "flippin'" butt was a good thing.
I hope your DH is doing okay after his surgery. I agree with taking care of your knees.

Nancy, I am so not a runner. Most of my running on the TM is just a slow jog anyway. Are you finding you have less energy after going low carb last week? Good job with your eating!

And speaking of eating, I lost a little over 2 lbs last week.
Of course my ticker isn't showing it but my STS is correct right now so we shall see. :confused:

Lisa, yay for you on getting them to okay Cathe's step! It's so much better when you can do w/os you really enjoy.

Melissa, if I remember right, you're a teacher? It must be hard to get back into that school-time groove. Good luck!

Lacy, I'm thinking having a "flippin'" butt is probably a really good thing. After all, only good should come of working through B&G every week, right? Good luck with regaining it! How is your husband doing?

Rhondalynn, I totally get not wanting to shower again after you've already gotten a start on the day. That gets me sometimes, too. I do like to run, but I sure didn't have it in me yesterday. It has occurred to me, too, to wonder about the low-carb week I had, and the fact that I haven't been adding the carbs back this week like I'm supposed to. It's not intentional, I just haven't scheduled my meals correctly. Need to work on that. But most importantly...Congratulations on your 2-lb loss! Makes skipping those temporarily-enjoyed sweets worth it, doesn't it?

Today was a scheduled rest day for me, which was nice since I had to take my car in to the dealer for some work. Happy Friday to all!

Hi ladies! Sorry I've been MIA lately. I'm terrible at check-ins. I read it everyday and always think I'll be back later to check-in and something always comes up. I promise I'll do better:eek: I just got back from my son's HS football game (technically it was just a scrimmage) He didn't get to play because of a sprained ankle. Hopefully, he'll be recovered enough to play in the first game of the season next week. Tomorrow is his 17th birthday. They grow up too fast :(.

It's so encouraging to read about everyone's success (way to go on the weight loss Rondalynn:D) I've been much better at doing my workouts. So far my week has been: Mon: ME, Tues: Cardio Kicks, Wed: SJP, Thurs: Imax 2. My eating has been a little better but could use much improvement.:eek: Tomorrow is my weigh-in day so I'll know the damage then.

Lisa: I hope your injury heals soon. It's good that you're finding the workouts that work for you (even if you do have to modify). How did you injure yourself (if that's not too personal:))

Lacy: Sorry to hear about your husband's knee surgery. Hopefully he'll be up and around soon. LOL at the flippin' butt comment (definitely a compliment) I really like Butts and Guts but for some reason I've only done it a handful of times. Tomorrow is a Lower Body day so I may do it. I did it two weeks ago so I'll probably do one of the premixes.

Melissa: I admire anyone who can get up at 5 am to workout. I wish I could do that but I'm like Nancy (more of a night owl) I'm lucky if I get to bed before midnight. Good luck in finding a schedule that works for you when you go back to work.

Nancy: Do you like to run outside when the weather is cooler? I can't wait until it starts to cool down so I can run outside. I have a hard time getting myself on the treadmill. I'll talk myself into doing a different workout 9 times out of 10. How are you liking your new workouts so far?

Rondalynn: I contemplated doing a second round of STS but decided to wait until Shock Cardio and the Tower come out. I want to do the complete package:D I also have the Insanity series that I want to do(it scares me though so I keep putting it off) Congratulations on the weight loss. You have stronger willpower than I do.:)

Well good night ladies. I hope you all have great workouts tomorrow.:)
Weigh-in day resulted in no loss or gain, which is not bad given this week of sub-optimal meals and exercise with my husbands surgery...afterall...I didn't I ordered a new set of DVDs, the one that was on for 30% off that contains Leaner Legs...hopefully that will give me a jump start!

Congratulations Rhondalynn on your weight loss!!

Lisa, I was wondering how intense Slim in 6 is...what would be your evaluation of it if you weren't injured? I have p90x but the guy in it drives me crazy!

Nancy and can you even utter the word "run" in Arizona this time of year??? When I lived in Yuma, I was definately on the treadmill or starimaster until october! I am not familiar with teh Insanity Series, I have to check that out.

Good luck this weekende everyone!
Hi all!

Today I did Disc 3 so my 1st week of M1 is complete.:D I had forgotten about the nice little bonus challenge at the end. I knew it was too good to be true when she said it was over. :p I persevered though. ;)

So I have a 1 week goal. It is to abstain from all the white stuff for 1 week. My only allowance will be a square of dark chocolate/day if I need it. I will not give up all my grains, just the white ones. We'll see how this week goes. Moderation is hard when you don't already have a grip on your addictions. :eek:

Lacy, I haven't done any of the CTX w/os for some time but I do like them. In fact, I think I'll definitely pull them out and do a week or two of them when I complete STS.:D

Jacque, I don't know if I can handle STS with the Shock Cardio! :eek: I love football season also. I have a brother that coaches a local HS team here. He says this will be his last year but I'll believe it when I see it.

Hope you had a nice rest day, Nancy.

Edited to say that I think I'll get rid of my tickers if they won't work. I don't want to have to mess with them every day and them still not work. :( Has anyone figured them out yet?
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Good morning everyone! Haven't done my workout yet but Lower Body is on tap for today. I lost one pound this week. Not as much as I would of liked but still better than nothing.

Lacy: You can't go wrong with the CTX series. It's so versatile. You can use it so many different ways. Leaner Legs is on the rotation for today but I may sub it for a different Lower Body workout. This workout deserves it nickname Meaner Legs because that's what it is :). There's no way I'll be running outside right now (probably not for a couple more months). The Insanity series is put out by Beachbody. It's suppossed to be the hardest workouts ever put out on DVD. Guess they haven't heard of Cathe.;)

Rondalynn: I really like Disc 3. I did that one last week for my lower body workout. I'll probably regret trying to do shock cardio with STS :eek:. Good luck with your new food goal. That's what I need to start doing. In regards to the ticker: do you have the STS rotation downloaded into your Workout Manager? I think that's the only way it will update by itself. Otherwise you have to do it manually. (Not sure if that helped you at all)

I'll try to come back and check-in later.
Sounds like we are working hard! I did GS Legs today. I did one of the shorter premixes and then added on some stuff at the end. How does she do the leg lifts with the band and not get tired? I didn't use the band and couldn't keep up with her.

I bought lots of great fresh stuff to eat for the weekend. Corn on the cob is out now and though it isn't great for you everyone here loves it.

I am hoping that my ticker will update after I post. I lost 2 pounds this week.

Have a good weekend everyone.
Happy Friday Ladies! Woohoo!

Hello! Can I just say what a better mood I've been in since I am allowed to do step aerobics again!? :) Let's see my workouts have been good: Thursday morning-yep I'm a 5am'er- was the upper body part of Power Hour and then about 25 min of Imax 2. This morning I did the cardio premix from LIC. Tomorrow I'll do cardio and a full-body (light on the lower body though) weight workout. Sunday is always my rest day.

My eating has been good. I've continue to track everything. I'm using the Daily Plate so I'm curious to see if it's calculations are correct--if it shows me a loss on the scale.

I didn't weigh myself "officially" until this past Monday but I stepped on the scale this morning. Hasn't moved. I want to move my weigh-in date to Thursday-that was my WW weigh in day. So I'm making the official announcement now ;)

DVD plug: Do you any of you have Tamilee Webb's Beginners Stretch? It has "Flexibility for Beginners" on it. Well, it is wonderful. That's all I have to say about that. :D

Rhondalynn: Yay! 2lbs!! That is awesome!! Kudos to you on cutting out the white stuff. I don't have a grip on my addiction to that stuff either. It's so hard, isn't it? You're braver than I!! Good job on finishing the first week of M1. I don't have STS (yet) so I can't imagine how hard you've worked but since it's Cathe, I know you've been pushed to do your best! :cool:

Melissa: Yay! 2lbs!! Excellent! You are right on track! I haven't done GS Legs in quite a while but I specifically recall those band leg lifts-ouchie! Don't you just love all the GS's? I'm planning on getting some sweet corn tonight!

Lacy: I LOVE LOVE LOVE CTX!! You can't go wrong with any of it! My favorite thing to do with it is to combine the Power Circuits step cardio with the Upper Body Split premix. One step segment, one upper body part, and so on. It's a long workout but gosh I love it and wish I could do it every day! CTX is so versitle. Too funny about your "flippin' butt"- it definitely sounds like a compliment! I miss doing B&G! If I wasn't injured,

I would classify Slim in 6 as intermediate. I only did the first 2 workouts: Start it up and Ramp it up so maybe the third workout, Burn it up, is more advance. I can see how if you stick with it and eat clean, it would make you very lean. Lots of reps, lots of squats, light weights and band.

How is your husband doing? I hope his knee is healing nicely. I bet you'll have a big loss next week after everything calms down a bit :)

Nancy: Hope you're having a good Friday and that you're car is fixed! It's fun seeing you on FB!!

Jacque: Yippee! You lost 1lb!! It's so nice to be rewarded for good behavior! :) Good job on getting all those workout in this week! It sounds like you have a very busy schedule, so that's great you can still fit the workouts in.

I hope your son's ankle heals soon so he can play!

Thank you for asking about my back. My back injury/issue is a long story(this is your fair warning) but basically it all came "together" one February morn' when I flew off my step bench (doing the 4th blast of Imax 2!). Landed right on my butt!! :eek::eek::mad: Didn't think too much of it then but about a week later, my right foot went numb. Didn't think too much of that (well except that I thought I was having a stroke!) but then my right foot kept dropping-like it was slapping down on the ground and my right leg felt "funny". Went to the doc who gave me muscle relaxants and some advil-type medicine. Both made me sick-threw them out. Because there was no improvement, I had an MRI about 3 weeks later. That's when I found out I had a bulged disc at my L4-L5 (probably from the fall). They also found stenosis (narrowing of the spine) in the same area and that my facet joints were slipping and degenerating. That same week the sciatic pain started, then the butt/hip pain, then I could barely sit for 10 minutes. The only relief I got was when I was standing! There was and is so much swelling in that area that it presses on my sciatic nerve. I got a few opinion from a few dr's: surgery (HA!), wait and see, cortisone epidural, chiropractor. I picked the last 2. I had the cortisone shot 2 months ago and I've been going to chiro since then. The shot has worn off though and I may need another one. I wanted to wait until after the RT for another shot-just in case.

Stenosis and the degenerating discs aren't going to go away. And probably if I hadn't fallen and bulged my disc I would even know I had it. :confused: Some days are better than others. I am willing to modify for the rest of my life but it would be nice if the sciatic pain would take a hike!! :confused::(:eek:

Sorry for the long story AND the very wordy post! :eek:

Have a wonderful weekend ladies!!

Jacque, Happy Birthday to your son! It's my mom's birthday, too. You got a great week fo workouts in. Do you just do your own thing or are you following a rotation? You might have said, but I forgot. I do like to run outside when it's cooler and am greatly looking forward to it, although I don't do it often. I get just crazy trying to fit everything that I would like to do, workout-wise, in and lose focus sometimes. It's wonderful here right now, as a crazy storm just blew (literally) through. I've finished my regular workout already, but was thinking what a nice time it would be to run. I'll settle for taking one of the dogs out for a long walk in just a minute. Congratulations on that 1-pound loss. That's one less that you have to worry about!

Rhondalynn, congratulations on finishing week 1. You're doing the 3-month rotation, right? I was going to start again in September, but I've decided I'm going to wait now until Shock Cardio comes out and try to do them together. Now that's a goal! And speaking of goals, good luck with the white stuff. It gets easier as you go along, I'm finding.

Melissa, hooray for your 2-lb loss! That's especially terrific considering the smaller amount you have to lose. Way to go. I absolutely love corn on the cob -- enjoy a bite for me, okay?

Lisa, what a horrible experience with your back. It can happen in just an instant, can't it? Speaking of which, does anyone know how the woman who fell on the RT is doing? My car seems to be fine, thanks. It's one of those things where they couldn't duplicate the problem, so they threw some parts at it and we're hoping that did the trick.

Lacy, you had a tough week, so that maintain is something to be happy about. Although I already have CTX, I was excited when I saw that on the 30% discount page. Almost made me want to buy it again! Isn't that silly. Oh, and I don't run outside at this time of year because I'm too lazy to get up early enough to do it when it's a reasonable temperature. I've been doing any running lately on the TM, just watching TV or pushing it with Cardio Coach.

Well, as I said, I finally got my workout in today after procrastinating well into the afternoon. It was GS CSB and I got a good one. All of the GS workouts are on the schedule this week, so that's something to look forward to. It's been a long time since I did them. I'll have to prepare for that band work with the legs!

I hope everyone has a great weekend!

I hope everyone is off having a wonderful weekend. I'm checking in with continued good eating and a good KPC workout today.

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