Cathe's Visit to QVC



Just wanted to tell you that you, Jai, and Lorraine all looked great on QVC. I was very surprised tonight to find you were on QVC this morning and found I could catch the video on QVC's website. Also, I've been thinking strongly about ordering the weighted vest for quite awhile, so I took this opportunity to do that. Nice to get a pair of fitness gloves also! Hope your association with QVC continues for a good long while. Take care Cathe and thanks for all you do for our fitness.

Cathe was great, the slot was too short, next time they should give Cathe an hour ! LOL ! I watched in the UK, 1pm GMT, on the live streaming ! Isn't technology wonderful ??? Just wish I could buy the item - such a great price, and the shipping amazingly good value. The prices QVC UK charge for P & P are astronomical !
HI CATHE!!!! :)

I loved you this morning on QVC!!!! You were so natural and charming, as usual!!!

Jai and Lorraine looked like they got a nice workout in also!!!

No that was not me calling you this morning! I just about fell out of my chair, what a conincidence!!! BUT, I will see in late July!!! {{{Happy Dance}}}

I hope you have those weighted gloves for sale on the Road trip!!!

xx, Denise :)
Thank You Everyone! Denise, that is too funny! You must have been so surprised when that caller had your name.

On my end, it was so hard to tell which camera was the "on air" camera. They had like 5 of them all facing us and I was supposed to look for the one with the red light. In all my years of filming those red lights are usually HUGELY obvious but I could not find it on the QVC cameras for the life of me. Well I wasn't about to ask live on air "excuse me, which camera is the one I am supposed to be looking into", ha, so I kept glancing all over the place hoping to land it eventually. But what a fun experience regardless of my wandering eyes.
Thank you so much for posting that link, Jazcam! I was so bummed I missed Cathe on QVC and I wanted to see the video of it.

Cathe, you look beautiful as always!
...and Cathe you and the girls look so tame, but we know from the workouts....LOL! I am glad you were able to meet friends of mine. They are awesome. One of these days I hope I can workout with ya!

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