Cathe's trying to kill me!

I have seen miraculous changes in my body and that encourages me to keep upping the ante. One day they will find my body under a barbell with Cathe leaning over me saying "What number are we on?"
I think that she has tried to kill us all! She wants to be the only women left on the face of this earth!:) Didn't we fool her.....not only are we alive and much stronger...we keep inviting her into our homes.:+
Aren't her workouts awesome.I have been doing them now for about 4-5 yrs and I still love her.I can't find anyone who comes remotely close to the workouts that she does.
Terminator squat thrusts
Cycle 9
A lil' Sumo in da Haus
Leaner Legs
Low ends, half way up, half way down, HOLD!!!

That's when she hates me.
I can attest to this!!! Not only are we here, we're stronger, fit and healthy and kicking butt at the gym. I had a physical therapist ask me who trained me... I just answered back - Cathe - that's who! He had no clue until I mentioned Cathe's website and then a few days later he admitted that his wife uses Cathe - go figure!! Cathe can try and kill me - I'm physically fit and better for it!!

Take care,

Iris :D
I tell my husband that Cathe is trying to kill me on days that the workouts seem oh, so tough and/or I up the weights or change my rotation. Of course, when I had to travel recently and came back after a week off of Cathe (followed by a week on and another week off) and I was complaining she was killing me, he said, "She's just mad you missed her workouts, that's all." I got a good chuckle out of that!
Well that got me laughing out loud! I was thinking that very thing this morning while doing lunges with Leaner Legs! I kept shouting "What number are we on?"
> Terminator squat thrusts
> Cycle 9
> A lil' Sumo in da Haus
> Leaner Legs
> Low ends, half way up, half way down, HOLD!!!
>That's when she hates me.

OMG that's funny!
Listen, I just finished doing Interval Max I and came downstairs for a well deserved diet coke and sat down and read this LOL. :+

She's a task master for sure }( }( and I love it!!!!!!!!!!

Rock on Cathe!

Edith ;)
You all are making me lol. Goodness, isn't it the truth! I always feel so energized after my Cathe beating! There's nothing like it! }( ;-) }( :9
I let a friend borrow Boot Camp and RS and she told me she always did think I was crazy. Then she started doing airborne jacks and now I LOL everytime they come up in Boot camp. Seriously, we are all a bit masochistic aren't we?
>Seriously, we are all a bit masochistic aren't we?
That's funny,I don't think anyone in their right mind would do biceps as long as she makes us do in ME.

Susan C.M.
I always laugh in one of the videos...can't remember which one, where Cathe makes the comment. " I don't hear any breathing back there." I always remark back, "That's cause we are all dead." But it is so much fun doing those workouts!
My sister-in-law (a non-exerciser, who should be) came in today as I was finishing C&W. She saw the step and I still had my 12 and 8 pound dumbbells still on the floor. She looked at them and was shocked...then I told her I kept the 15s and 20s downstairs for my other workouts. She said, "You do this every day, don't you?" Not really a question, but more a statement. It really made me feel great!

I love Cathe...she's an absolute treasure!

Remember what doesn't kill you strengthens you!
- or makes you too D$%m tired to give a S$%T.

>I always laugh in one of the videos...can't remember which
>one, where Cathe makes the comment. " I don't hear any
>breathing back there." I always remark back, "That's cause we
>are all dead."

LOL!! I feel the same way!! After she says she doesn't hear any breathing, she says "That's good, right??" I'm like NOOOO, it's not!!

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