I was watching the Today show this morning, and they did a piece rating "as seen on tv" fitness equipment. They did the Iron Gym, which is the pull-up bar you put in your door, but doesn't require you "installing" it. It hooks on and uses physics to stay in place. Then you stick it in the closet or under the bed or wherever (unless you choose to leave it there). They actually said it was a solid piece - they gave it the highest vote of the things they tested out. It's also available at Target, Modell's and probably other places and only costs $30. Both Jenna and Matt did chin-ups with it, and Jenna even flipped over from it and did a plank with a spotter and that thing didn't move. They had a fitness person test them out and she also gave it a "buy" rating. I may just get one of those, as there has been no update at all on the pull-up tower, so who knows when that may come out. If the tower comes out later, I can buy it later (or not) - at least this would do well for now and be inexpensive.