Cathe's Lift, Move & Restore Workout Times


Staff member

Cathe's Lift, Move & Restore Workout Times

Here are the workout times for all 8 regular workouts and the 8 bonus workouts in Cathe's Lift, Move & Restore workout series. Each of the 8 DVDs will come with a regular workout and a bonus workout as well as numerous premixes with various time options to fit your busy schedule so you will never get bored. (*note: our digital downloads will include the bonus workouts, but not the premises).

Functional Upper Body: 48:16
Upper Body Balance Disc Bonus: 20:47

Functional Total Body: 53:40
Anytime Mobility Bonus:16:37

Functional Mobility Fusion: 41:54
Low Impact Cardio Bonus: 13:51

Functional Lower Body: 52:15
Lower Body Bonus:19:56

Functional Core Fusion: 31:23
Functional Core Bonus: 10:58

Functional Yoga Fusion: 40:55
Restorative Yoga Bonus: 22:43

Functional Pilates Fusion: 33:19
Lower Body Foam Rolling Bonus: 17:56

Functional Barre Fusion: 47:59
Upper Body Foam Rolling Bonus: 15:09

Pictured here are Cathe, Jenn A, and Brenda during the warm-up of Functional Core Fusion. Learn more or pre-order here:
:) WOW! :)

Editing must be completed!?

Interesting pairings of the main workouts & bonus workouts! Looking forward to reading about the premixes too! Am also looking forward to how these may be integrated with previous series in rotations in the User Guide.
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Yep, as a rule they do.....but just remembering that the Killer Legs Bonus Barre workout
did not get chaptered.. when everything else was, which IMHO, didn't make a lick of sense!
Yes, thanks for the reminder. Given the shorter length of some of the bonuses I can see your concern now.
I’m sure there will be time saver options too. That’s what I’m most interested in right now because I’d prefer to maintain my morning workouts if possible. If I end up on a 2-10 shift then I could be more flexible on workout duration.
I was hoping for more cardio....sigh
We've been talking about this too ... Last year we had STS2.0 with no cardio, altho some of the workouts had a metabolic conditioning effect. Then the end of the year 2023 workouts had 2 cardio - Gloved Up & the Spin one. This new series has no dedicated full cardio.

So maybe the next series (whenever that will be) will have some dedicated cardio. We can hope! :)

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