Cathe's Comments in Circuit Max


Active Member
OK, this is just a pet peeve that I have, so don't anyone shoot me, OK?? :p

I HATE when Cathe is counting out lunges during one part of Circuit Max, and she gets to the last couple and says "I believe we have ONE more...These guys NEVER wanna do extra..." She just sounds so self-righteous, and it makes me want to reach into the TV screen and punch her!!}( I mean, dang, my legs are on fire here, encourage me, OK?? But then in her next breath, I guess she realized what she did and cleaned it up by saying "I never wanna do extra either..." That made it a little better but still...;(
Hi Step Queen! Oh my, sorry that I brought such anger out of you with my comments. That certainly wasn't my intention. Hopefully you will be able to work past that now that you have gotten that off your chest :)
It does kind of sounds awful but just wondering if she meant it in a different way like saying Cathe is one tough lady which I love about her:)
RE: Cathe's Comments in CMax crack me up

Circuit Max is in my top three of alltime fave Cathe workouts precisely because of how funny her cueing and side comments are. I've always taken that particular comment as "praising with a faint damn" - her crew are so fit and enthusiastic they are just the opposite of what Cathe is "implying" and want to do more but she needs to get on to the next drill.

My personal favorite asides of hers on C-Max are, "Okay, I'll leave out the monkey sounds . . . they were waitin' for 'em" and "You're lookin' good back there, I can hear it!".

Dang. Now I wanna do C-Max right here in my office. Can't. Dang.

RE: Cathe's Comments in CMax crack me up

My favorite Cathe quote is when she says that her arms are shaking like a chihuaua (sp?) I laugh every time!!! I also laugh when she says that she'd give a high five if she could get her arm up there. These are both from the Slow & Heavy series. And let me tell you, I sure enjoy those comments while I'm working so hard!!!
RE: Cathe's Comments in CMax crack me up

Dont do this to me guys. CM is one of the very few that I don't own. I have actually been toying with ordering the VHS...even though I have everything in DVD.....sigh...the joy of this site. Thanks Valerie:)
RE: Cathe's Comments in CMax crack me up

Val - you have to get Circuit Max. And you have to get it on DVD, with its country cousin Cardio Kicks. The fun factor of Circuit Max is through the roof both in terms of choreography AND cueing humor, and the intensity factor for cardio and muscle endurance is top-notch.

Plus - if you're gonna jump on an impending Circuit Max flame war you might as well know whereof you speak, yes?

*get c-max / c-kix dvd*

*get c-max / c-kix dvd*

*that's subliminable seductioning, as dubya would say*

>It does kind of sounds awful but just wondering if she meant
>it in a different way like saying Cathe is one tough lady
>which I love about her:)

Oh my gosh!!! I didn't mean for the post to sound so awful, and that's exactly it...NO NO NO, I didn't mean it LITERALLY, guys!! I really LOVE Cathe!!! I have about 15 of her tapes, and she is my absolute FAVORITE instructor... Don't get me wrong here!!! I was just griping about that particular part in the tape -- honestly, it does piss me off every time I do the tape -- but only because she's pushing me SO hard, then has the nerve to talk about someone not wanting to do extra!!! That's all!! No offense meant AT ALL!!
RE: Cathe's Comments in CMax crack me up

LOL!! I'd forgotten about the "monkey sounds" comment in that one!! That cracks me up!! I love Circuit Max too ... in fact ... I haven't done that one in a while, and now I think I'll throw it back into a rotation!!

>Oh my gosh!!! I didn't mean for the post to sound so awful,
>and that's exactly it...NO NO NO, I didn't mean it LITERALLY,
>guys!! I really LOVE Cathe!!! I have about 15 of her tapes,
>and she is my absolute FAVORITE instructor... Don't get me
>wrong here!!! I was just griping about that particular part
>in the tape -- honestly, it does piss me off every time I do
>the tape -- but only because she's pushing me SO hard, then
>has the nerve to talk about someone not wanting to do extra!!!
>That's all!! No offense meant AT ALL!!

Stepqueen that's what I figure from your original post:) That is why I step in and said what I said:) No offense here ;-)
RE: Cathe's Comments in CMax crack me up

CircuitMax is also one of my favorites, love the variety! And I love the comment about the monkey sounds too!
Stepqueen, your post is the perfect example of how differently people perceive tones of voice! I love CK too and have always thought Cathe is especially playful in it. And when she says "These guys NEVER wanna do extra," it always provokes a smile from me, every time. I've always thought she sounds like she's speaking tongue in cheek, like an affectionate mother hen poking gentle fun at the chicks she's so proud of. :) Kathy S.
RE: Cathe's Comments in CMax crack me up

Somehow I figured you would be happy to pull my money out of my pocket. I think the only reason I have waited as long as I have, is because I have cardio kicks on of the first purchases years ago. And although I enjoy it, I love KP&C way more. So I don't do it much. But now I have these strange abreviations flying around in my head, I don't know where they are coming take me away
RE: Cathe's Comments in CMax crack me up

Val - I have an MD (Mistress's Degree) in SOPM (Spending Other People's Moolah) and the CFs (Cathe Forums, or Cathe Forae for all you LC {Lit Crit} types) are the place where my skills FF (Fully Flower).


Stepqueen, I don't want to do extra either. But I do if I CAN. And if I can't, then I don't. Cathe said something in L&G about her crew no longer finding her mind games of bonuses and extras funny, and I liked that because I know they're also tired.:) On days when I can't do those bonuses, I just tell my TV: "Not today, Cathe... I bumped into some kryptonite this morning."

I'd love to do Circuit Max again. Maybe next week...:)

RE: Cathe's Comments in CMax crack me up


Your comment about not being able to do C-Max in the office reminded me of an incident last week that cracked me up.

I was coming out of a bathroom stall at work and started doing "jab-cross-cut-upper-pop-pop-and-duck" when a woman walked in on me. I think I scared her half to death!

At first I was embarrassed and then I figured that it wasn't my fault Cathe is so good that I can't get her workouts out of my head!

Afterwards, at lunch, I was playing the video clip for KP&C and soon my desk was surrounded by men! They were really impressed with how much effort Cathe was putting into her punches. (I'm sure they were impressed with more than that too! )

Well, it looks like I gave Circuit Max some "publicity" from my post, huh?? :7

Pinky, I'm glad I'm not the only one out here who doesn't want to do extra!! Cathe's workouts are ALWAYS tough... I think that I have a love/hate relationship with her!! And on those workout days when I don't seem to have quite as much energy as I usually do, it leans more towards the hate (which is obvious from my original post, I guess!!:p

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