Cathe..your opinion on this rotation please

RE: Cynthia...

thanks soooo much, they look awesome, congratulations and I can't wait to try them.

Me Too!

Thanks Cynthia! Just click on my envelope above for my E-mail. THANKS!!!!Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH :) too, please?!?

Hi Cynthia -

I see you've been bombarded with requests for your first rotation. When you get a chance, could you send it to me as well?

Thanks so much!
Michele [email protected]
RE: Poor Cynthia!

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Mar-04-01 AT 04:24PM (Est)[/font][p]Michelle and Wendy:

I sent them to you!!! Enjoy.

Cathe: Don't ya just love CUT and PASTE!!!! It goes pretty fast and I don't mind. It makes me feel good to know that they time and effort that went in to creating them is actually being put to use. I do know several women who have done or are doing the second Cathe/Firm rotation and have had good success, so that feels good to know that. Thanks for feeling for me!!! I appreciate it. :)

God Bless,

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