Cathe..your opinion on this rotation please



There has been such a discussion about an ALL CATHE rotation (using all of your tapes for us who have them all), that I did some research and created one (using Tae Bo as well for extra cardio but I would think any other cardio would be fine). It is based on the information posted here in regards to the PS series directed to the "advanced fitness enthusiast" for starting with moderate weight, upping your weight and adding the MIS, and then trimming down with lots of cardio and lighter weights. I should tell you that the goal of this rotation (for me)is to get definition (meaning cuts) and to trim down. PLEASE CRITIC THIS WITH YOUR PROFESSIONAL EYE as I promise it will not hurt my feelings. I am not an expert, don't profess to be an expert, but would love YOUR expert opinion. Thanks so much for all you do,
Weeks One through Three
Use Light to Moderate Weight

Week One
Mon.-PS-BBA & CTX Kickbox Cardio section only
T-Step Max
T-Tae Bo
F-PS-CST & CTX 10-10-10 Cardio section only
Sat-Step Jam

Week 2
T-Tae Bo
W.-PS-CST + CTX All step cardio section only
T-Step Fit
F-PS BBA + 10-10-10 Cardio section only
Sat.-Cardio Kicks

Week Three
M-PS BBA + CTX Step and Intervals cardio section only
T.-Tae Bo
W-Leaner Legs
T-Step Works
S-Cardio Kicks

Week Four Through Nine, up your weights

Week four
M-PS-BBA + CTX Kickbox, cardio section only
F-PS-CST + CTX All Step cardio section only
S-Tae Bo

Week Five
T-PS-BBA + CTX Step and Intervals cardio section only
W-Tae Bo
T-Leaner Legs
F-Step Heat
S-PS-CST + CTX 10-10-10 cardio section only

Week Six
T-Mega Step Blast
F-PS-CST + other ½ of MIC
S-Cardio Kicks

Week Seven
T-PS BBA + CTX 10-10-10 cardio section only
W-Tae Bo
T-Leaner legs
S-PS CST + CTX Kick box cardio section only

Week 8
T-PS BBA + CTX Step and Intervals cardio section only
W-Cardio Kicks
S-PS CST + CTX Kick Box cardio section only

Week Nine
M-Circuit Max
T-Tae Bo
W-PS BBA + CTX 10-10-10 cardio section only
T-Step Heat
F-Leaner Legs

Weeks 10-12
CTX + some other tapes tapes
Be sure to lighten your weights, using higher reps!!!

Week 10
Mon-Step and Intervals + All Step
T-Power Circuit
T-Circuit Max
F-Leaner Legs

Week 11
Mon-Power Circuit
Tuesday-10-10-10 + Kickbox
W-Step & Intervals
T-Leaner Legs
F-All Step
S-Body Max

Week 12
T-Power Circuit
W-All Step + Step and Intervals
F-Leaner Legs
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-01 AT 04:55PM (Est)[/font][p][font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-14-01 AT 04:51 PM (Est)[/font]

I tried that once too.....sigh :(

PS.... I liked your rotation. You put a lot of hard work in to it so I printed it out and stole it. I'm feeling free to use it and thank you for all your work :D

P.P.s. I'm serious...I think it's great.
Donna: You tried WHAT once too? I am confused. Anyway, I didput a lot of thought into it, and please do feel free to print it out and use it. I WOULD LOVE to hear how you do on it!!! I started it this week with three other girls that I shared it with. Do you feel like doing it with us? I am going to be starting a thread over at open discussion for a check in this week.
Let me know,

PS The invitation to do it with us is open to everyone!!! I would love to have Cathe's view on it before I get too deep into it though.
Sorry,the statement was confusing. I tried moving my post to the top for one more try. Cathe is so busy but I thought I'd move my post up once.

I would like Cathe's opinion also. I was just going over your rotation again and it looks like fun to me. I can see you like the 10-10-10 ALOT! I do also. I'm not much on kickboxing but I will sub hi-low on that day.

I've been doing "you know what company's" rotation and this will be a great change.

Again, it's easy to see how much thought and work you put in to this. I was amazed to see it was 12 weeks long. If you are going to do this again, I'm a steady customer, LOL

Take care
Hello Donna:

I do like 10-10-10 because it is a great tape that mixes things up a bit. I want to make sure that I didn't do more than 2 step tapes per week because I didn't want the concerns in the rotation of "bulky quads" that everyone talks about (which I DO NOT HAVE). Nevertheless, I thought that by adding other cardio (such as Tae Bo which is my recent fav.) then it should keep it balanced, but I would think that any 30 minutes of cardio tacked on would be fine,such as running, spinning, etc.

Oh Cathe, please please please give me your opinion,


Are you there? I am thinking you must be out of town or something because I haven't seen you post...

Here's hoping your back soon,
Hi Cynthia! Sorry that I am taking so long. I have not had the opportunity to look your rotation over yet. I have a meeting in 5 minutes but I will get back to you after that. It will be the first thing that I do after the meeting, I promise! Thanks for being so patient.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Feb-28-01 AT 03:31PM (Est)[/font][p]Thanks Cathe:

I appreciate your reponse. I know that you are busy, so whenever you can would be great. Also, I think that I should let you know that when I prepared this rotation, there had been a request for an ALL CATHE VIDEO rotation (but I had to put the Tae Bo in for other cardio aside from step). However, I PERSONALLY substitute running and spinning for some of the cardio tapes because I feel like it becomes more balanced that way and I like running and spinning. However, they asked for an all CATHE VIDEO rotation, and that is why I made it that way.

Another thing is that there was a lot of comments about ending it with LL and then Imax. While looking at it I can see how people can feel that was too much next to each other, I felt like I would be working up to it AND...LL and IMAX in my book are two of your all time hardest tapes and I wanted to "end strong." That was a personal thing and I probably should change it but for personal reasons stated I put it like that.

Anyway, thanks so much for reviewing this. I am currently in week three and am feeling pretty good. Substituted a 5 mile run for a 30 min. cardio this week, but otherwise am pretty much following it and am feeling pretty good.

God Bless,
Hi Cynthia! I finally had a chance to review it and overall it looks very well thought out. I see how you built up to heavier weight and then scaled back at the end. Also, I see a very nice variety of cardio options (length/types).

The goals that you are looking to achieve can happen with this rotation but it should be pointed out that this is just one way to make it happen. There are other rotations that could bring on these results as well. Also, since each person's body will respond differently, each person will have to evaluate (as they go on) if this rotation works for them or not. For instance, a person who has a hard time gaining muscle, may find that this 12 week rotation has so much cardio that they are not getting the cuts they are looking for. Their muscles may be getting too depleted with this 5 to 6 day cardio load. By the same token, this same person may find that this rotation provides wonderful results. Another person who weight trains regularly and puts on muscle easily, may find that starting out with light weight may not be enough of a challenge to their muscles and that their muscles may even atrophy a bit with a light weight. But what they may also find is that the high levels of cardio keep their muscles from getting too big. So what they may try to do is alter the rotation to use heavy weight throughout but keep the cardio as is. Purely examples here. I'm not insinuating that each person who fits this description will benefit by making these changes.

All I am doing is simply pointing out that different people may need a different program to achieve the same goal. I think its important to say this because I am sure many will want to attempt this well planned out rotation and just need to be aware that along the way it may have to be altered to suit their specific needs.

My thoughts on LL and IMAX being back to back is that, yes, this may be a bit much in general terms. But its important to point out that some peoples body's can handle a work load like this and be okay. You simply have to know your limits. Personally, if I were to do them back to back, I would take a day off after completing them both, since my knees would need some recovery after that.

My advise for you, Cynthia, would be to do this rotation and keep a workout log noting your physical changes with every new phase. This will help you decide if this rotation was perfect for you or needed a little fine tuning. Good luck with everything and please let me know how this works out for you! Take Care:)!

Thank you so much!!!! I agree with what you said about how this rotation as it is written is not necessarily for everyone, as any rotation is not necessary for everyone. But, with some tweaking, the general rotation could work for anyone. I have found that in any rotation I copy, I need to tweak it to my individual needs and body demands. I personally am looking to trim down, so the high cardio is necessary for me. Technically, it is really only 4 hours of cardio, but that may be too much for some.

Thank you again for your time and input. It is nice to know that I am on track with this rotation. I personally put in runs and spinning in place of some cardio, and find it to balance out pretty good. Florida is so beautiful this time of year and it is a shame to miss out on the opportunity to be out enjoying a run.

Anyway, thanks again.

God Bless,
RE: Thank you Cynthia


I just wanted to thank you for your hard work on this rotations and previous ones from you that I've printed and kept. I'm currently doing the Firm/Cathe rotation you set up. I'm only on the 1st week but so far, I'm enjoying it. Rotations are very motivating for me; so like many others, I'm constantly looking for new ones. I've printed out the All Cathe rotation and I'm looking forward to doing it soon. Please continue making fabulous rotations (I'm not as good as making them) and keeping your exercise partners motivated, strong and healthy! :)
RE: Thank you Cynthia


How sweet of you!!! Thanks for the compliment. I am so glad that you are enjoying the Firm/Cathe rotation!!! Which one are you doing? I did the second one on the list and did see excellent results. I am sure you already saw, but I went pretty heavy on that second rotation. Pretty much, after doing that one, I was ready for this all Cathe rotation, so my strength and endurance did build. Please keep me posted on your success. I would love to hear about it!!!

God Bless,
RE: Thank you Cynthia

Hi Cynthia! I was not aware that you were a designated "rotation creator". How neat. That's very kind of you to put together a 12 week rotation for all to use. I know that it must have taken some time and thought to organize this. High 5's to you!
RE: Cathe/Firm Rotation


I'm not sure if I'm doing the 1st or the 2nd. The one I'm doing starts with the following: M-Vol.1; Tue-Cardio Kicks; W-Lower Body Sculpting/TAM; Thu-PowerMax; Fri-PS Vol. 2/NSTA; Sat-StepFit; Sun-Rest. I've enjoyed it very much so far. This is the type of rotation that works well for my body. Since I'm going to Jamaica in a few weeks, I'm anxious to see what results I get. Please let me know where I can find the other rotation to the one mentioned above; I would love to do that one too.

Hello CathE and CathY:

Okay, I will try not to get confused here.

CathE: Yup, somehow I got nominated to do these rotation as needed. I created the ALL CATHE rotation because a bunch of advanced exercisers have been looking for an all Cathe tape rotation and one didn't exist. I created it pursuant to their requests and then when I posted it, told them to tweak it to their needs. For instance, like I discussed above, I took out some tapes and put in running and spinning, etc. Since I just created two Firm/Cathe Rotations (one easier than the other), and then completed them, I was looking for an All Cathe rotation, but wanted to add additional cardio. However, since the request was for all tapes, I obliged and created it, knowing that they were smart enough to tweak it after my prompting.
Thanks for the compliment.

CathY: Yes, the one that you are doing IS the second one, which is the more advanced one. I LOVED THAT ROTATION. I think it was one of my favorites, and at the end of twelve weeks, I was really looking tight. To date, I never had better success. However, please note that I did take out some tapes and put in some running and spinning. My legs and hips trimmed down and for the first time in my life, I actually felt muscle in my butt. If you want, give me your e-mail address and I will e-mail you the first one just so that you have it.

God Bless,

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