cathe, you run...


can you recommend a good running shoe w/ good support for the ball of the foot. I'm currently using Asics Gel 1120's. I have a problem w/ the toes on my right foot falling asleep about 3 miles into my runs. I have been to the Dr.s and podiatrist who tell me it's nerve related but can't pinpoint the cause, but tell me I'm not doing any damage to my foot. I have no pain, and the numbness goes away w/in minutes of stopping. Thanks, Kay
I was having a similar problem which went away when I bought a shoe that better fit my foot.
Have you had your running shoes professionally fitted? Most running specialty stores now have machines that scan your foot and trained salespeople who can examine your gait to recommend a shoe.
There is also a lot of information on the Runner's World site to help find a shoe to match your foot and gait. As well as a good article on alternate ways to lace your shoes to help them fit better.
i agree you may want to go to a specialty shop to try on a bunch of shoes. what may work for you is not the same that works for me. asics were too tight on my feet but new balance were a dream. plus if they are like my shop they will let you run up and down the stairs a few times to see if they feel good on your feet. i am glad i drop the cash that i did to get them b/c of that experience i make better informed decisions with all my workout shoes whether aerobics or running. even now i still can't rid of my first pair of running shoes b/c they are still good and so light and comfy!!

While we are on this often should running/aerobic shoes be replaced? I was told once a year, even if they still feel good and comfy and supportive!
Your running shoes should be about 1/2 size larger than your "regular" shoe size because as you run your feet swell due to blood circulation. This creates more pressure on the nerves of your feet. Think of it as crossing your legs for a long time and one foot goes to sleep - same principle. If your shoes are a bit larger it will release some of that pressure and you shouldn't have trouble anymore. I always had this problem and once I started buying workout shoes 1/2 size larger I've eliminated the problem. Good luck.

Oh, and as far as replacing your shoes, it depends on how often you wear them.
Kay, have you tried lacing your shoes differently?? Since you have the numbness at mile 3 every time, it may be that after 3 miles your foot has swollen to the point that your laces are restricting your blood flow.
i was told at the running store you should replace your shoes every 600 miles. not sure if i'll EVER hit that mark, but you can bet i will replace them once a year for sure. after all, a girl can never have enough pairs shoes! :)
Amy, I have tried that and it sees to help. I just get the sensation of my sock bunching up on the ball of my foot, the toes are ok. I have also started to alternate between 2 pairs of running shoes. So far so good. I also get a new pair every year. Thanks everyone for the advice:) Kay
Sounds like a neuroma or something.

You should replace your running shoes about every 300 miles and at the absolute latest 500 miles.
the podiatrist said it is not a neuroma. I ran today and it was ok, still the bunched up sock feeling...I can live w/ it. the Dr. said i'm doing no damage, so...
Wahoo no neuroma that's good! I swear I had the same sensation this morning when I was at bootcamp. I thought of you! It was like my sock had a thread looped around my 2 little toes. :)
I have a VERY hard time finding any kind of sneaker, but years ago I discovered Mizuno, specifically I wear the Nirvana, this is the very best sneaker I have ever owned. I used to jog generally 3 miles, and up to no more than 6 miles, and I never had problems with these shoes like I did with others, no numbness or pain.

I don't jog anymore, but I use these sneakers for all my other activities too.
jd-where can I find Mizunos? I would love to increase my milage to 5 or 6. I tried one day and couldn't feel the enire top of my right foot. I go back to the Dr's on Monday for a follow up. Maybe he'll have a new idea. Thanks JD:) Kay
YEAH! Did 5 miles yesterday with no numbness(just the bunched up sock feeling) I found if I stopped and walked a few yards every mile or so, that really helped. I also started some interval running, sprinting between telephone poles (pant, pant) that seems to keep the feet guessing:) Kay
YEAH! Did 5 miles yesterday with no numbness(just the bunched up sock feeling) I found if I stopped and walked a few yards every mile or so, that really helped. I also started some interval running, sprinting between telephone poles (pant, pant) that seems to keep the feet guessing:) Kay
>jd-where can I find Mizunos? I would love to increase my
>milage to 5 or 6. I tried one day and couldn't feel the enire
>top of my right foot. I go back to the Dr's on Monday for a
>follow up. Maybe he'll have a new idea. Thanks JD:) Kay

Hi Kay, sorry for the delayed response!

I hate that numb feeling, makes it really hard to continue if not impossible. I have wasted so much money on sneakers, I have to say for me, Nike never works, I made the same mistake and bought the Nike shox for more of a dance workout, and I prefer my Mizunos even for that.

I first found my Mizunos at a specialty running store, then bought my second pair online. One note, I wear a size 8 shoe, but a 9 in the Mizuno running shoe.

Also, the full name of the style I wear is Wave Nirvana.

I bought my second pair once that year was discontinued at this site: and then I believe the current models are at

Good luck, and hope this helps!
>jd-where can I find Mizunos? I would love to increase my
>milage to 5 or 6. I tried one day and couldn't feel the enire
>top of my right foot. I go back to the Dr's on Monday for a
>follow up. Maybe he'll have a new idea. Thanks JD:) Kay

Hi Kay, sorry for the delayed response!

I hate that numb feeling, makes it really hard to continue if not impossible. I have wasted so much money on sneakers, I have to say for me, Nike never works, I made the same mistake and bought the Nike shox for more of a dance workout, and I prefer my Mizunos even for that.

I first found my Mizunos at a specialty running store, then bought my second pair online. One note, I wear a size 8 shoe, but a 9 in the Mizuno running shoe.

Also, the full name of the style I wear is Wave Nirvana.

I bought my second pair once that year was discontinued at this site: and then I believe the current models are at

Good luck, and hope this helps!
Hey again, I just checked those sites, and I think they are exactly the same. I noticed they seem to have very limited sizes on this site, but the price is discounted.

I think Dick's sporting goods carries mizuno too.
Hey again, I just checked those sites, and I think they are exactly the same. I noticed they seem to have very limited sizes on this site, but the price is discounted.

I think Dick's sporting goods carries mizuno too.

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