Cathe, would you ever release bloopers?


Hi Cathe!
As I was falling off of the ball during the one legged squats in GS Legs the other day, I was just wondering if you all ever have the same "issues" during tapings. :)

Would you ever be open to adding a few bloopers to a DVD you're releasing?
Although, I certainly understand if you would prefer not to.

I was just curious. Especially with moves that I'm new to, I spend a fair amount of time laughing at myself as I try to get it right!
Hi Melimcn! Oh we sure do have our share of "cut's" during filming. You are not alone. Honestly, I was never one to want to include these on a DVD but now with Cathe TV coming out, perhaps we can do a blooper episode on there. I'm more open to that idea. Thanks for the suggestion :)

Hi Cathe!
As I was falling off of the ball during the one legged squats in GS Legs the other day, I was just wondering if you all ever have the same "issues" during tapings. :)

Would you ever be open to adding a few bloopers to a DVD you're releasing?
Although, I certainly understand if you would prefer not to.

I was just curious. Especially with moves that I'm new to, I spend a fair amount of time laughing at myself as I try to get it right!
I completely agree. It would be great to see Cathe and her crew make some of the mistakes we do. :D Maybe then we will know she is human and not a muscle machine she appears to be:D
We love you Cathe!
Great question!! I have wondered this myself. That would be great to see. Not that I don't have my fair share of bloopers. Thankfully mine aren't taped!

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