Cathe Weighted Vest on sale at MC Sports


I saw the Cathe Weighted Vest at MC Sports discounted to $ 9.99. Wow what a steal. I've had my vest for a while now and love, love it.

can't find it. the only one I found is 60$, and not the cathe version.
is it available online?
That's a great price. Is it the 10 or 20 pound?

I purchased the 20 pound from this site and it dose not have the Cathe logo on it -- :( It still works great though! :)
That's a great price. Is it the 10 or 20 pound?

I purchased the 20 pound from this site and it dose not have the Cathe logo on it -- :( It still works great though! :)

Did you buy at what logo do you get? is it altus? I wanna buy cathe weighted vest too. But, it'll be disappointing if it replaced by other item's logo. Does anyone have advice for me? because after i search for review, the sand often getting out from the vest itself (kind of poor quality).

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