Cathe Weighted Gloves Tip


Hi Everyone-

Since STS has now created group of microloading fanatics, like me, I wanted to share a tip for those who own or will own the Cathe adjustable weighted gloves (the black ones with the zipper on top).

Like others I wanted/needed gloves to hold more than 1 lb but couldnt figure out how to do it with the current cathe gloves. However, today while listening to yet another long, eye-glazing over, fishing story from one of my co-workers I figured it out.....sinkers! Sinkers are the little weights you put on the fishing lines to weigh down the line.

I went to the sporting goods store on the way home and picked up some small egg shaped weights that are 8oz each and fit perfectly into the gloves. So you can use 2 in each glove to add another pound along with the small bags in the gloves, or you can take out the bags and use 4 for 2lbs and even 6 for 3lbs.

Im sure others have different ideas as well, but these are pretty cheap and available anywhere fishing equipment is sold.

Enjoy your weekend.
Mary :)
However, today while listening to yet another long, eye-glazing over, fishing story from one of my co-workers I figured it out.....sinkers!

Mary :)

LOL! I am the only woman in an office of 7 men. I hear fishing, hunting, and sports stories galore. Eyes-glazing over is the perfect description. Glad you came away with something you could use out of this story!

I think sinkers are a great idea. I am going to check out the fishing dept at Wal-Mart this weekend. Thanks for the tip!
Oh you're a genius! What a great idea! I have a pair of those gloves and I've been pondering this as well! Thank you!

Jo :D
Cathe's Weight Gloves

I have a question about the Cathe Wt. Gloves... I just purchased a pair and am confused about how much each little bag (weight) weighs. Are they 1/2 lb each or is each wt. bag 1 lb.?? (The box says 2 lb. Wt. Gloves)

Also, I love the idea of the fishing sinkers. I will head to Wal-Mart tomorrow to check on getting some.

Thanks! Linda
The little packets are .5 lb each so each glove is 1 lb. It says 2 lbs as the total for both gloves.

Does anyone else have a hard time getting the wts back in the gloves. Maybe it'll get better with time. But I have a darned time getting them back in :(
I have a hard time with the bags as well, especially once the gloves are on.

I experimented with the sinkers this morning during my workout and I think the easiest is one bag horizontally in the glove closest to the wrist, and then room to add sinkers at the top and still zip quickly. The one bag also helps with the movement of the sinkers in the glove. So I am going to use one bag and one 8 oz sinker, then add two more sinkers when needing a total of 2 lbs.
What a terrific tip- thanks for sharing! My mom just sent me the gloves from Arizona (I couldn't find them here) and I was wondering how to get more than 1 pound in there! :)
This morning I just took my gloves on and off instead of pulling the bags out. It worked fine because I was doing 1# increments. But if I needed to do 1/2# increments I'll have to take them in and out.​
I never take the weights out of the gloves, I just put on/take off the gloves when needed. I love the sinker idea!!

You are genius. I happen to have 2 pairs because I thought they felt too big so ordered a smaller size. They only come in one size. Now i have one loaded with 1/2 lb the other a pound. I use these along with plate mates. just today i was cramming a third sack in the 1 lb glove because of weight amount on workout card. I have a hard time getting weights in and out so I am glad I have two pair. I have even thought about how to design gloves that could be changed faster and hold more weight. Problem is solved . Thanks again.

Wt. Gloves

Thank you Jo for answering my question.

I have a hard time getting the bags in the glove also, so I decided to keep both wts. in throughout the workout. But I do like them a lot.

What a good idea!!! I was wondering what else I could put in there to add weight. I had asked SNM if extra wts were available to purchase, but they said no. I need to go check out a fishing dept somewhere.

Maybe this is a dumb question or at the very least it shows my age-----Back when I was young sinkers were made from lead. Are sinkers today made from lead? If so I would not be wanting to handle them so much.

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