Cathe, Suggestion: New Set for Next Series of Workouts?


Hi Cathe,

I'm just wondering if you plan to have a new set for your new workouts- that is, if you plan to release new workouts later this year or maybe next year? I do like the set you have used in the past 3 series - CTX, Circuit Max/Cardio Kicks, Rhythmic Step, Power Hour, Intensity Series and Body Blast Series - but it would also be nice to see a new change in the set. Just a humble suggestion!
Yup! This one I have to agree with. Something more energizing? But with just as much "lightness" and clarity.

I think the set is fine. I would rather the energy and time be put into new workouts. I loved the music in the last 2 sets. I find the music, the workouts, and the workout team very motivating. So for me the set is great as is. But I could always use new, wonderful workouts.:) Helen
I agree that the set is fine but we're always open to change, aren't we :) It's juse a mere suggestion. Actually, I was a bit hesistant to post this. I was anxious that I might get nasty responses to questions/suggestions for improvements on anything to do with Cathe :)
I have to register my vote against a new set! A new set is SO expensive that my fantasy is that Step N Motion would have to start taking out glossy ads in those awful fitness magazines, or worse (can you picture a Step N Motion infomercial? Ugh!). :eek: These forums would then lose their intimate, cozy, elite flavor, and I for one would be out of here! So my vote is: NO NEW SETS!! The old one is just fine and dandy!
Wow, you seem so annoyed by my suggestion! It's just a suggestion! You know what, I'm not responding to this thread anymore. I can't imagine that I'll be attacked for suggesting something. God, some people here are some mean! You can all flame me now if you want.
RE: Cathe, Suggestion: New Set for Next Series of Work...

Bluediamond~I think your suggestion is just fine. I agree with others that the old set is fine, but change is FUN too! I'm sure Cathe would think the same thing sometime in the future.
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I agree with Nancy. The workout is what is important.

And if you want to go over to the VF site and complain about me being a mean poster too - go ahead!
>And if you want to go over to the VF site and complain about
>me being a mean poster too - go ahead!

Ouch! I didn't agree with bluediamond up until this post by you.
OK, ladies. Things seem to have taken a nasty turn. How about we all agree to abandon this thread, divert our energies more positively elsewhere and trust Cathe to make the best decisions possible regarding future workouts and their locations.

Energy is a precious resource around here and can sometimes be scarce on the ground.......let's save it for some gruelling pikes on the ball later this evening.....:7


RE: Cathe, Suggestion: New Set for Next Series of Work...

I think the only reason the above poster stated what she did is because bluediamond already did just that. She started a thread at VF complaining about the responses here.
Bluediamond, a friendly response :)

Wanted to make sure you'd read this. :)

I agree with DebbieH -- there's nothing at all wrong with your suggestion, and I think it's human nature to want some change. That's especially understandable because of the fact that we look at the same set every day playing these tapes over and over. Cathe's always on the cutting edge, and I'm sure Debbie's right that Cathe will tweak her set whenever possible, within financial reason.

That said, we should all remember, too, that Cathe has invested a fortune in the set and it's light years better than most of those used by other video instructors. Her club is moving into a new facility later this year which will contain, for the first time, her own filming studio, so perhaps the set will get a facelift at that time. Or a big change -- who knows? :) Whatever it is, it'll be fun to see on future tapes and when we have a road trip (which I have volunteered to plan for us after Cathe's moved into the new facility and gives me the go-ahead!) Kathy S.
RE: Bluediamond, a friendly response :)

Yes Nanc! A roadtrip will be planned after they get moved in!!! One was supposed to be planned last year but they had delays with the building being finsihed so the move has been delayed. (Hope I remember this right!) Won't it be a hoot to meet everyone?
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
I suggest filming from a differnt angle (wasn't that done from one series to the next at one time? ) and triming the ivy a bit, and it will look almost like a new set!

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