Cathe Rotation Challenge

Starting Monday, I am going to do a 12 week rotation of Tank Top Arms. I am going to eat BFL style, 6 days clean, one day of a few treats. I was wondering if anyone wanted to join me?? I could use some partners!!! I am probably at about 23% bodyfat, my goal is to reduce to about 18%. You could use any rotation you want, I am just going to try The Tank Top Arms. I am also going to "marry up" Leaner Legs, and the CTX day of Bi's, Tri's, and shoulders to get 3 full days of cardio. Any care to join me?? PLEASE!!??
Count me in. Are we going to check in here or via e-mail? I think we should check in here & show off our results!


"You have within you more resources of energy than have ever been tapped, more talent than has ever been exploited, more strength than has ever been tested, and more to give than you have ever given". John Gardner
Count me in! I am on my 2nd week of the tank-top rotation and I LOVE it! I modified the rotation a bit as well. I decreased cardio to 3 days max and added pilates one day in the rotation. Great idea!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-25-02 AT 11:00AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi Lori

Count me in girlfriend. I started the tank top rotation just this week. I'm planning on doing this rotation for 6 to 8 weeks. Hopefully, I don't become bored <G>

The rotation was *very* well put together, I like the fact you work shoulders, biceps & triceps 3x per week and legs twice. Although, I'll be adding on more floorwork from Cathe's other tapes; to help lean my thighs. I think if we stick with it; we are going to see good results. Thanks for starting this thead ;o)

I am seriously thinking on starting on Sunday. The way my work schedule is, I want my work days to be my cardio days so I do it on an empty stomach, and that will work better for me. So, I will check in on Monday!!!!
Hi Lori! I'm now into my 3rd week of Tank Top Arms and am LOVING it thanks to Marlene123. Its a GREAT workout!! I'll stick with it for 8 weeks though and then do as Marlene said and switch to S&H for 3 weeks. I don't have the Body for Life book but maybe I can take it out of the library if they have it. I don't, however, approve of EAS products. I usually use Dave Drapper's protein powder once in blue moon if I'm running short on time or I whip up my own protein shakes. I also don't believe in supplements other than a multi-vitamin. Your talking to a person here that's the run the gamit (sp?) of supplements and DO NOT advocate them. I will, however, do the meal plans to see if it'll cut my bodyfat at all. I too am at 22% bodyfat and would love to get it down further. Are we going to have a weekly check-in? Will you start it? Kathy
Pardon my ignorance but what is BFL style eating is it allowed outside of the USA?

Confused of London :-wow (couldn't find a confused icon went for wow)
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-26-02 AT 11:44AM (Est)[/font][p]Hi,
I am going to start the Tank Top Rotation next week and also want to clean up my eating so I would like to join the check-in. I especially need motivation to help me on my eating. That is where I have a lot of problems.

I want to do it too!!!! I've been on the rotation about 6-7 weeks now. Results are YOWSA! If you're new to this amount of weihgt training, take it slow and listen to your body in the beginning. I just about caved in and quit after the second week, because I was lifting way too heavy. 3 days of it is a lot. Go light. Like our fearless leader says: Just mark down what weight you used and improve from there."

I think BFL is "big, fat, lame". Yeah, it's that "big, fat, lame" eating style. Just kidding.
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-27-02 AT 08:03AM (Est)[/font][p]Hey Starbuck,

Your user id is my favorite cup of coffee! Ha. BFL is Body For Life. It is definitely allowed outside the US.

By the way, my dh & I spent 4 years stationed in East Anglia. Our dd was born at RAF Lakenheath, 16 1/2 years ago. We brought her back to show her where she was born & she loved London!

Hope you'll join our challenge. I won't be eating BFL style--too structured for me. I'm just doing the workouts.

Lori, I'm with you on starting on Sunday. Let's go for it! By the way, are we going to do a weekly check-in or whenever we feel the need for encouragement?

[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON Jul-27-02 AT 08:32AM (Est)[/font][p]Couple a quick question....I did a seach for tank top rotation so I would know exactly what is required. I found a few different versions (below). Does anyone know which is the best?

Day One: All Upper Body work from PS Series (chest, back, shoulders, biceps, and triceps)
Day Two: Leaner Legs from CTX
Day Three: Triceps, biceps, and shoulders from CTX
Day Four: Lower Body from MIS
Day Five: Upper Body from MIS

Day #1: Pure Strength Chest, Back, Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps
Day #2: CTX Leaner Legs
Day #3: CTX Shoulders, Biceps, Triceps plus cardio
Day #4: Cardio
Day #5: MIS
Day #6: Cardio
Day #7: Cardio or rest

"You have within you more resources of energy than have ever been tapped, more talent than has ever been exploited, more strength than has ever been tested, and more to give than you have ever given". John Gardner
RE: Hey Deborah

OK, just to be sure...On day 1 of Marlene's original rotation, am i correct in saying that you have to do 2 PS videos, so 2 hours of weight work?? I have the back/biceps PS, but not the others..what could I substitute?? Should I just do MIS again?? I cannot wait until Cathe puts out her upper body tape. I hate that there is not a full 1 hour tape of all Upper Body to rotate with LL..Any ideas?? I am interested in doing this challenge as well but need substitution ideas.. I have all the other tapes required...Janice
RE: Hey Deborah

There is no reason why you can't sub the UB portion of MIS for the PS day. Or you could also do the UB portion from BodyMax, do you have that one???

I think we should all write in when we need encouragement, daily, and do a weekly check-in on Sunday or Monday. How does that sound???
Count me in!!! I'm going to start my own version of "Tank top arms" but I'd love to have some workout/diet partners. I'm at 18% bf. I would like to get down to 12-14%. Yes I know that is very lean but it's something I want to do for myself. I'll be starting Monday!!!
Dear Gettingfit:

The second schedule you posted is how I originally presented the tank top arms rotation. However, there is nothing wrong with splitting MIS into two separate days. Don't forget the cardio though, and work those abs at least three times per week too.

Since inventing that system I have come up with a few fine tuning points I would like to share.

For the Leaner Legs day, you can substitute PS Strong Legs, the leg section from Body Max or Power Hour or any of Cathe's leg workouts. Don't feel you absolutely must do Lean Legs. I posted somewhere else that if I don't have much time I use the portion of MIS that works legs with the barbell and then go to PS Strong Legs and do the quarter deadlifts, calf raises and inner and outer thigh work. I think this takes a bit less time and keeps things fresh for me.

Experiment on your own with what works well for you. That is the best way.

RE: PS upper body - time needed

I added up all the sections and it comes to 72 minutes.

That would be one warm up, all the upper body work plus abs and lower back from BBA and one cool down.

Not two hours. Thank goodness. It only takes me two hours if I start dawdling around between body parts. But if I just plow through I can be done in one hour, 12 minutes.

Since you don't have Pure Strength Chest, Shoulders and Triceps you can certainly do shoulders and triceps using MIS or any other Cathe tape that has upper body weight work. The whole idea is to work shoulders, biceps and triceps three times per week. Which workouts you use are not critical.

Thanks, Marlene! I thought your original rotation would be the tougher of the 2.

I decided there was no reason for me to start the rotation & started last night. I really enjoyed doing the first day's workout! I'm loking forward to doing day 2 this afternoon. The only thing I will have to change is putting my rest day on day 4 for the next 2 weeks because I have class on Wednesday nights. I am really looking forward to the results I know I'm going to get from this rotation.

"You have within you more resources of energy than have ever been tapped, more talent than has ever been exploited, more strength than has ever been tested, and more to give than you have ever given". John Gardner

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