Cathe Rotation Challenge

Bronzed Goddess-
Good Lord George, I would LOVE to be at 18% bf!!!!!! It's my own fault I am not, but holy cow, you just gave me a little boost, THANKS!!!! See you at weekly check-ins!!

Would you believe it I posted this question and completely forgot where it was, I have spent the last five days looking I even forgot the forum.

East Anglia oh my I haven't even gotten that far yet I am a definite Londoner (no life north of Watford).

Thanks for the BFL info I will look it up on Barnes and Noble and see if it is something I should get.


Babs :-jumpy

Starbucks have only recently arrived here in London love the coffee. This comes from one of my favourite progs when I was at school Battlestar Galactica Starbuck was one my favourite characters (my favourite was Apollo played by Richard Hatch)
Hi Lori, I'd love to join you! I was also doing bfl but I really want tapes to do instead of on my own. I try to eat as close to bfl too. I wish this site had chat line. Cookiebaby
I know I am a little late, but I too would love to join in. Yesterday morning I began my rotation which began with Circuit Max (I just love it), this morning I did Pure Strength Legs and then I intend doing CTX.

Does this look ok.

Your feedback would be appreciated.


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