Cathe recommendation


I'm an intermediate exerciser who's spent most of her fitness career doing FIRM videos. However, I don't think FIRM's cardio workouts are really challenging enough, and I'd like to step it up a bit. I bought Cathe's Maximum Intensity Cardio, but it's way too hard for me. I did it for the first time this weekend but only got through about 2/3 of the Hi/Lo section. Can anyone recommend a Cathe video that would be a challenging cardio workout, but not as hard as MIC? I have the FIRM's Super Cardio, which is about my cardio level, but I was hoping to find something that has more Hi/Lo and less weight training. Thanks for your help.
Hi there ... welcome to Cathe-land!! :-jumpy

I'll chime in with a couple of recommendations that helped to break me into Cathe's workouts.

How to Get in Shape for Your Wedding (split tape with the first 40 or so minutes being step, the second half containing a thorough weight routine)

Step Heat (36 minutes of moderate choreography step with less power and a killer ab section)

Step Max (moderate choreography, incorporating power moves that can be easily modified down)

Mega Step Blast (similiar to Step Max, some power that is easily modified)

One thing I'll add as well, since you're just starting off with "Cathe cardio", you may want to do your first several workouts on a 4 inch step. Both for the sake of easing yourself into her, and it will certainly make the choreography less impactful, and easier to pick up.

Just my .02 ..

Happy Workouts!! :)
The hi-lo from MIC is HARD--I don't like the impact or the choreography, and it is definitely harder than the step portion of that tape, IMO. Did you try the step part yet? If you are just wanting hi-lo you could do the step portion on the floor,without the step at all (I do this pretty often).
Since you already have MIC, I would suggest giving this a try before you buy something else. Just do the first 20 or 30 minutes of the step section, and do the moves at a lower impact level--in other words, modify out the power moves! If you are still uncomfortable with the intensity level doing those modifications, I would say that you may want to start out with another instructor before delving into Cathe's very high intensity workouts! (Even her Wedding Video is quite high in intensity, although the choreography is not as complex.) Maybe try some Gin Miller or Kathy Smith, just to learn some basic choreography that the Firm may not have provided.

Also, try (if you haven't already) for other suggestions!
Thanks for your help! One more question: Can anyone give me the official definition of hi/lo? I assume it means floor exercises that use your arms and legs. Does hi/lo generally include impact/jumping? Or does it mean a combination of high and low impact?
The definition of hi/lo is thoroughly explained and discussed in an "Ask Cathe" clip that was started on April 17 and has the subject "Hi/Lo Defintion". It is worth searching out. I just found it easily. I think it was on the 6th page if you have the posts sorted by date.

In a nutshell though, hi lo refers to IMPACT of a movement of on your body. If one foot is always on the ground, a move is low impact. If both feet are off the ground at a time a move is high impact.

The post I refer to should make this more clear.

Hi, I'm throwing in my .02 and recommending "Get In Shape For Your Wedding". I cut my step aerobic baby teeth on that one (and I am in no way implying that it's an sissy tape). Most elements of Cathe's style are in that tape and I just went on from there. And, even though I am a seasoned Cathe stepper, I still miss cues and make mistakes - so don't be too hard on yourself.
Hi, I'm throwing in my .02 and recommending "Get In Shape For Your Wedding". I cut my step aerobic baby teeth on that one (and I am in no way implying that it's an sissy tape). Most elements of Cathe's style are in that tape and I just went on from there. And, even though I am a seasoned Cathe stepper, I still miss cues and make mistakes - so don't be too hard on yourself.
Hi there,

I recommend Cardio Kicks. It is a fun, but tough workout, but not as tough as MIC (which I think is her hardest video). Plus it is easy to modify and the moves are really simple. Congrats on getting through 2/3 of the hi/lo. Trust me, this is a tape you need to build up to.

Take care!
I just wanted to thank you for your suggestion. I did the step part of MIC today with a 6-inch step and got through the whole thing without dying. :) (When I attempted the hi/lo portion of MIC I ended up lying on the floor panting and trying not to faint.)

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