cathe- premixes

I wanted to add that I also LOVE the premixes. I have been holding off on ordering because I am waiting to hear if premixes will be included. These features are what set your videos apart from the crowd. I don't understand why others don't use DVD technology to the fullest- that is what its there for! I know some people have had problems with the BB series (I have not had any problems at all), but the majority have not. Please think about catering to your majority audience, not the minority. I can understand only wanting 1 workout per DVD, and also not having the Workout Blender, but the premixes and music louder are essential!! I ABSOLUTELY LOVE the music louder option. Cathe, will you be including that on the new series? Especially with step workouts, the music being louder really motivates me and keeps me going even when I am about to drop from exhaustion! It adds a major fun factor. You are the leader in the industry, please don't take a step back by putting out what everyone else does. I know these features are not the only reason to buy your workouts (your workouts themselves are the best!) but these features really add to it. SNM is a notch above everyone else: please keep it that way!
I love the premixes on the HSTA DVD - no repeat of warmups, etc. It's almost like a blender in itself. IMHO, the premixes were too abundant on BB. I like the stripped down versions on the I Series and the HSTA. But I understand the pull of not wanting to include any at all.
Please count me in as one who loves the pre-mixes.

I pre-ordered because not only do I like Cathe's workouts, but because I know the DVD's are chaptered so well.

I consider my Cathe DVD's the best I own and would hate to see the great features eliminated. I agree, the workout blender is not necessary. I think just good chapter points and a few pre-mixes would be great. Just my opinion, but I think the options on the Intensity Series are perfect.

I use the step only portion of cardio & weights often. I love being able to do just the step portions of Imax2. The pyramid up only and down only options are wonderful. I use the pre-mixes on Bootcamp constantly - the Muscle Endurance/Bootcamp combo is probably my favorite workout.

I think just putting one workout on a DVD and adding a few good pre-mixes and chapter points would be well worth the extra time it takes to proof the DVD's. Just my two cents.
Premixes are one of the features that make your DVD's unlike any other workout DVD on the market. As a 45 year old woman, I have good days & bad days...the premixes allow me to adjust my workouts accordingly. Also, this feature eliminates boredom for me and ensures that your products will always be accessible as I progress on my fitness journey. And perhaps at 65 years old (okay maybe 75) I will be regressing back to the point that I use the less intense premixes :)

At any rate, thank you so much for not only going the extra 10 miles for your customers, but for giving us the option of sharing our opinions with confidence~knowing that you read them and weigh the pros and cons before making any final decisions.

SNM & Cathe are Hips, Torso, Head & Shoulders above any other Fitness production company out there IMHO!

>I love the premixes and I think they are one of the things
>that set Cathe's DVDs apart from the rest. I do understand
>that there have been layering issues, and dealing with returns
>is costly, but please consider having some premixes. They add
>variety and time choices for me.
>Thanks for asking for our opinion!

Lili expressed my thoughts exactly. I find that I reach for pre-mixes these days even more than the full workouts because of time pressure. Please, please include some premixes.

Chris - I just wanted to add that I have never used the blender and I wouldn't care one whit if that was eliminated in the Hardcore Series. I agree with Kandy that the premixes allow this 47 year old, timke-pressured woman to keep reaching for Cathe's videos. Thank you for putting them into the Intensity and Blast series and please consider putting some premixes into the Hardcore Series.

YES to premixes

Hi Chris & SNM,

I love the upper/lower body premixes and live by them exclusively. Please consider including premixes on the upcoming Hardcore series. I also use the Workout Blender feature at least 1-2 times a week.

Sorry if this makes the decision harder, but I think they're worth it and they certainly set Cathe apart from all others!

Dawn P.
I love the flexibility of your DVDs--in addition to the wonderful content. I especially like the great chaptering. I also appreciate the premixes, especially the ones in BB that showed how much time they take. I hope that you will continue to include such great feature.

Thanks for all the hard work y'all do to create such a high quality product. Cathe's DVDs (and VHS too) are the best!!!!!

Leigh Ann:) :)
I am a happy, but silent customer who loves the premixes and would be severely disappointed should you not include this feature in the new Hardcore series.

I never use the blender. I use premixes all the time!

Love Cathe DVDs, never had a problem with one, highest quality workouts, please keep them coming and I don't care how long it takes to produce them. I'm not in a hurry.

I want top quality and choices and am willing to pay for it. Please don't let the minority of complainers force you to delete a service that the majority adores with a passion!

Hello Cathe, Chris and SNM,
Just wanted to add here that I too was hoping the premixes would be added. I am somewhat new to you Cathe, a little over 7 months having discovered how great your workouts are and I have to agree the premixes are a wonderful bonus! :) I've been adding to my collection, and planning on preordering the Hardcore series and am sooo hoping premixes are added. I'm actually considering ordering some of BB series I already have on VHS on DVD just for the premixes. :) Just adding my humble opinion here...and thanks for even taking the time to listen to us. Thankyou again for great workouts :) :) :)
Premixes are one of the many things that make Cathe DVDs stand head and shoulders above most other workout DVDs. After using a workout as produced many times, doing a premix is almost like doing a different workout, which gives the DVD an incomparable value. Not to mention the convenience of matching the workout to one's needs (time constraints, how're you're feeling that day, etc.)

Cathe and company PLEASE do not remove the premixes, they are worth every penny I spent....Thank you for the fantastic workouts!!!!!:)
I vote "Yes" for Pre-Mixes :)

I love having pre-mixes because as a working mom, I'm often crunched for time. Please don't eliminate the pre-mixes from your upcoming series :)

I couldn't sit by and NOT have my vote counted LOL I am also one, as Karri said above, who bought a 5 disc player just because of Cathe dvds. A purchase that I'll never regret!

I hate to hear that you're not getting the positive feedback regarding the premixes that you should. I LOVE the pre-mixes. My fave workout of all times is the step only pre-mix from C&W. I could probably do that every day!

I admit that I have never used the blender function... but I will always use pre-mixes. I have never had any problems with my dvd player or had any of the glitch etc. issues (knock on wood). I really hope you'll continue to offer these mixes as they truly DO set your dvds head and shoulders above the rest of the pack.
Karen :)
Another vote for as many premixes as you can squish onto the disc. Love, love, love the premixes.

Premixes, premixes, premixes . . .

Chaptering, chaptering, chaptering . . .

Man, I just can't wait.

RE: I vote


LOVE :D LOVE :D LOVE :D the premixes!!! I've had two DVD that do a little freezing, the only one that really bothers me is the Legs and Glues DVD, happens in the middle of a set. BUT I would gladly put up with a little freezing in order to have the premixes. You folks do such a good job with those- AWESOME!! They really help on days you want a shorter or longer workout and with a husband, two kids, and a full time job, that seems to happen a lot.

I've only used the blender twice so even though its a great feature, I just don't utilize it.

THANKS for asking us...please see that its worth the extra time to create these DVD with premixes...I'll gladly wait!

A truely satisfied CATHE customer!

RE: I vote

I just wanted to chime in again and say that you're thinking of not putting premixes on these DVDs because of all the complaints about the Body Blast DVDs, well, IMO, if you don't give us premixes, there's gonna be 1,000 times more compliants about that than there was for the freezing issues. (just something to think about)

I'll bet that over 95% of your fans want premixes. Please don't disappoint us!!
RE: I vote

I agree with the majority here. PREMIXES PLEASE!!! I've not had any problems with any of the additions you've made to your DVDs. I love them all. If I had to do without one though, it would be the workout blender. I love it, but as long as the mix and match option is there I can achieve a workout close to what the workout blender would give me. So, please, please, please, include a few GREAT PREMIXES onto the new series.

Thanks for listening.


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