Cathe Pre-Order Surprise Spoiler (Don't read if you don't want to know!)

Wendy G.

How cool I get to be the first to post this!

I was one of the people who ordered in September of 2005. I ordered all four workouts. In addition to the four workouts, there was a nice thank you note from Cathe thanking us for hanging in there with her through her injury and recovery. With the note is another DVD called "Cardio Fusion"! Here's the description: "Cardio Fusion is an advanced workout composed of various cardio segments from Drill Max, Body Max 2 and Low Impact Circuit". All you need is a step, no weights.

The workout:

Warm Up: 9.5 min.
Body Max 2 Finished Combos: 6 min.
Low Impact Circuit Bonus Combo: 11 min.
Body Max 2 Power Circuits (no weights): 16 min.
Six Drill Max Drills: 22 min.
Stretch: 7 min.

There you go! Kudos to Cathe for such a cool thank you gift!:7
Thank you Wendy!!!! Looks like she geared to to those folks who wanted complete cardio - how awesome is she!!!??? What a nice gesture that was - our Cathe is beyond words! Thanks for sharing - and you're right - it is cool that you were the first!


Pain is temporary - quitting lasts forever
Candace Grasso, CC-V-6
I've checked here every time I took a bathroom break praying someone would post this.

Cathe is the best, no doubt about it!!!
RE: Cathe Pre-Order Surprise Spoiler (Don't read if you...

I just got my shipment as well and was really surprised and thrilled with the gift. We're going away this weekend, so I unfortunately won't be able to do any of the workouts until at least Tuesday, but I hope to find some time to preview them today.

I'm looking forward to hearing about your experiences with them when I get back.:)
RE: Cathe Pre-Order Surprise Spoiler (Don't read if you...

I was one that had pre-ordered, canceled, then ordered again, so I'm sure I won't get the gift which is fine. However, it would be lovely if she offered this to buy -- I would love it I'm sure!
RE: Cathe Pre-Order Surprise Spoiler (Don't read if you...

> However, it
>would be lovely if she offered this to buy -- I would love it
>I'm sure!
i hope so too. in a way i am glad i cancelled b/c butts and guts and low impact circuit were not workouts i really want now that i seen the clips. but drill max and body max 2, all i can say is i can't wait for xmas :)


"And do what thee wilt as long as ye harm none"
Thanks Wendy. I was hoping someone would post this!

Not sure if I'll receive it though. I pre-ordered, but not at the beginning like most of you. I placed my order in August. I hope it's available for purchase. Sounds awesome!



RE: Cathe Pre-Order Surprise Spoiler (Don't read if you...

Ooooooh! Now I'm so excited!


PS: I was trying trying trying to stay out of this thread, lol. :)
Thanks for sharing. I can't wait to get mine. I ordered back in Sept. 2005 and never gave up. I would never have cancelled my preorder anyway, unless Cathe decided to abandon the project and force me to take my money back. Glad I hung in there.:D
I wonder if those of us who preordered later will get the surprise. I would have ordered last September...but I didn't find Cathe until this past June.

Mine will be here in Tucson on Monday and I am soooooo happy! I did 2nd day. It used to take 7 to 10 days. I do not remember when I ordered because I have a form of forty something dementia and memory loss I quite enjoy these days. My belly is full of butterflies right now! :D But, alas, I am off to do Clean Max so I can preview and workoout guilt free Monday night into Tuesday morning!
Tell me what it is you intend to do with your one wild and precious life? -Mary Oliver

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