Cathe -- No need to apologize


Hi Cathe -- I just read the update on your blog and it sounds like you're working hard on getting these STS workouts just right and out to us as soon as you can. Thanks so much! It seems like you have a tone of "sorry these aren't out any sooner, but this is why . . ." and I just wanted to tell you I'm just fine -- no need to apologize. Whenever they're complete and ready to send, wonderful. But until then, I know you're doing the best you can to make these a top notch product and I have PLENTY of your workouts to keep me busy until then.

I'm finishing up a periodization rotation of your workouts right now -- did ME, PH, L&G the first Mesocycle, Gym Styles and Pyramids the 2nd Mesocycle and am on week 3 of 4 Day Split for the 3rd Mesocycle. It's been a lot of fun and hopefully will help me be ready for STS when they're released. I'm still not great at doing push-ups, but I can lift a lot heavier than I did when I started!
>Hi Cathe -- I just read the update on your blog and it sounds
>like you're working hard on getting these STS workouts just
>right and out to us as soon as you can. Thanks so much! It
>seems like you have a tone of "sorry these aren't out any
>sooner, but this is why . . ." and I just wanted to tell you
>I'm just fine -- no need to apologize. Whenever they're
>complete and ready to send, wonderful. But until then, I know
>you're doing the best you can to make these a top notch
>product and I have PLENTY of your workouts to keep me busy
>until then.
>I'm finishing up a periodization rotation of your workouts
>right now -- did ME, PH, L&G the first Mesocycle, Gym Styles
>and Pyramids the 2nd Mesocycle and am on week 3 of 4 Day Split
>for the 3rd Mesocycle. It's been a lot of fun and hopefully
>will help me be ready for STS when they're released. I'm
>still not great at doing push-ups, but I can lift a lot
>heavier than I did when I started!

Are you part of a check-in? Would you mind posting your rotation in the rotations forum (how many days of cardio, how you worked the periodizaion, etc.)? TIA!
I'm doing a check-in on the VF ( forum. Here's a link for the search of all our weeks

Basically, I alternated weights and cardio days for Mesocyles 1 and 2 something like this:

Meso 1

M -- Power Hour
T -- Cardio
W -- Legs & Glutes
Th -- Cardio
F - -Muscle Endurance
S -- Cardio

I tried to add in some yoga on my cardio days and mostly did Cathe's step for cardio -- some kickboxing and occasionally rebounding to Cardio Coach.

Meso 2

M -- Gym Style Chest & Triceps
T -- Cardio
W -- Gym Style Legs Standing + PLB Stability Ball work
Th -- Cardio
F -- Gym Style Back, Biceps, & Shoulders
S -- Cardio

I reached for more Dance cardio workouts in this Mesocycle for some reason -- maybe I was needing less impact and muscle work that stepping and kickboxing requires? I also found that I slept in the day after my leg workouts. Maybe it required more recovery. I initially planned to do more of the Pyramids, but I just enjoyed the Gym Styles so much that I stuck with them. I did throw in PUB Ball work for core here and there.

Meso 3

M -- 4DS Higher Intensity Step + Chest & Back
T -- 4DS Cardio Kickbox + Legs & Core
W -- Cardio
Th -- 4DS Low Impact Step + Shoulders, Calves, & Core
F -- 4DS Bootcamp + Biceps & Triceps (just finished it :) )
S -- 1/2 hour Cardio + 4DS Legs & Core

I've been doing rebounding to Cardio Coach on my cardio days that aren't 4DS. I've hardly gotten any yoga in on this Mesocyle, but plan to do it more after the rotation ends (and do a lot of yoga on my rest weeks).

Check out our check-ins -- especially the planning week, and weeks 1, 6, and 11 - -that's when we usually spelled out our plans (although they often changed as life continued on and as our preferences became known -- like I first thought I'd do Slow & Heavy for half or all of Meso 3, but by the end of Meso 2, I had no desire to do S&H -- just wanted to do 4DS).

I'll go post this on the Rotation area if anyone's interested. Thanks for asking.
ITA with the OP!!! Cathe's workouts are well worth the wait. One thing that really stands out for me about Cathe's workouts -- they are as close to perfection as you can get. You can tell that Cathe and SNM take great pride in what they do by the way they tend to the pickiest details. I really appreciate the way Cathe cares about the products that bear her name. I know that when I get STS, I'm not gonna care how long I had to wait for it, I'm just gonna get cracking with it! :D :D :D

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