Cathe, need adivce on new tapes

Hi Janet!

How kind of you! Thank you
Hi Ms FitQuest

I'm not able to send e-mail at present (not working & DH is not here to help ). The programme is the 20/30 Fat & Fibre plan by Dr Gabe Mirkin M.D. Published by HarperColllins. It also comes with a fat& fibre gram counter to track your fat & fibre grams. I highly recommend it. Hope this helps!
Hi Nancy!

How are you? It has been sooo long since we have written! I was thinking of you today and just wanted to say "HI" and hope your rotation is working for you. Are you doing the 2 body parts per day? Hope things are going well for you!:)

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH

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