Cathe, need adivce on new tapes

You never Fail............

You never Fail if you Never QUIT!
Boy, did I have a bad one today!

I experienced cravings today that I've not had since I was pregnant. It wasn't what I craved (well it was concidering it was junk) but it was the intensity of the cravings. I could not get to McDonalds and Wendy's (GULP) fast enough. It felt like I was starving. Then, when I got the food, I inhaled it so fast that a barely even tasted it. What I don't understand is I've been doing so well on my workouts and decent on my eating. I used to call this pregnancy cravings because I would only feel this intense "need" when I was pregnant. What a blow to ones ego!, I'm not pregnant.


I'm posting this on the fridge, in my bathroom, in the car and anywhere else I can find. It's a good one!

Hi Alli!

You mention you've been doing good on the eating so I guess our body needed a break to get someting you enjoy. I guess in a way it's like our workouts. We workout 5-6 days but then the body needs a break from it to rest and strengthen so we can come back stronger. Are you able to get back to the healthy eating after Wendy's and McDonalds? I know after I eat someting on acheat meal, it's hard to get back to clean eating. It's almost depressing! But I have to force myself. Weird, isn't it? Anyone else feel that way?
Hi Aimee!

I don't think I'll eve stop eating junk food. I just watch how often I eat it. To stop it would be very, very dangerous to me and to others because I'd be verrrry cranky and grumbly! LOL
I can't stop!!

Every night my husband brings something home! Last night it was ButterFinger ice cream!! If it's not in the house I'm (kinda') OK , but it's always in the house!! I'M DOOMED
Thank Maria and MsFitQuest!

I appreciate your supporting words. With the cravings that I had yesterday, I would tend to agree that I had been depriving my body of something. Maybe I was going into starvation mode. Who knows? I know that today is a new day and I can make it better than yesterday. That's really not too hard to do

Yeah, it's going to be difficult getting back to clean eating since the idea of running to McDonalds is appealing but I definitely do not have that "need" that was there yesterday. Phew....thank goodness for that!

Thanks again! Y'all are great!!
That's really hard.....

Having something in the house makes it so much worse. Right now there's a bag of Doritos in the kitchen and it's really bugging me. It would be so much easier if other's would just decided to eat cleanly too wouldn't it? Oh to have a fair world

Hang in there Aimee. I have no doubt you will make it! Go get 'em girl!

I know how it is!!


If I have goodies on the place, then I must eat it so I don't waste food. ;o) Then, if I don't have it in the apartment, I get an attitude! What are we to do with these cravings?? I think we just have to keep fighting. I won the battle today and did not have that piece of cake that called my name although I did manage to get sucked in and opened a container of cream cheese frosting and eat 2 big spoonfuls. I really can't explain how it happened!

That is my passion!! Another Dorito lover!! I like to take them and put them in the oven and melt hard cheese over a bunch of them. Mmmmm soo good and fattening!! I tell ya, the only way for me to do it is to NOT have it around.
These Cravings of ours!!

Guess what my DH brought home tonight? Chocolate cake with white icing!! Another favorite of mine!! Unfortunately, I gave into the ButterFinger ice cream earlier, so I only settled on a sliver of the cake
! I told him last night that I would NEVER lose my belly if he kept doing this. He doesn't listen very well. Of course, I get atitude also, when I want something sweet, but I was doing good! Maybe we should start up a food check-in on the open discussion forum. check-in with our exercise and check-in with our eating. Maybe that would help. What do you all think?
I think that's....

a great idea Aimee. I was thinking about suggesting it myself. Maybe even listing a specific eating goal at the begining of each week. Something like .... " I will only have ice cream 3 nights this week" or something to that effect.

All Right!!

Let's do it then. Do you want to do it on Sun. mornings when we do the exercise checkin? Only 3 nights a week? I was thinking more like 4 or 5
! Seriously, I like the goal idea. And having to show somebody how naughty or nice we've been and if we've met our goal just might be the motivation we need to get these eating habits in check!
That would be fine

Either Sunday or Monday would be just fine with me. I haven't been posting in the exercise check in but, I might as well start

Aimee, I knew the 3 nights a week of ice cream would get a response from you...tee hee.

I think this will help me a great deal!

Hi Nancy!

You are already on the right track. Generally speaking, to lose weight and tone up, you would need to do cardio at least 3 to 4 times per week, do a total body weight training workout at least one time per week, and eat a healthy and balanced diet. You are already doing all of the above so now all that you need to do is some fine tuning.

Before I go into any detail I just want to say "BRAVO" for taking the bull by the horns and stepping into action. As a matter of fact you already have the hardest part under your belt.....changing those eating habits. It takes about three weeks for your body to start to adapt to these changes and then it all gets a little easier. Since you have changed your eating around in the last 3 to 4 weeks, you will most likely see some nice new changes within the next week already.

Now onto your workout plan:

First, you said that you have not been faithful to working out for the last month. Because of this, you should ease into the pace of your workouts for the first two weeks by doing cardio every other day. Do the PS tapes with this rotation too.

Monday........Circuit Max

Tuesday.......PS Back/Bi/Abs

Wed...........Cardio Kicks

Thurs.........PS Chest/Shoulder/Triceps (add a five minute ab workout to this)

Fri...........Step & Intervals (cardio portion only)and go right into PS Legs/Abs (but skip PS warm up)


Sun...........Power Circuit(cardio portion only)but don't cool down. Go right into the "intensity drills section" of Cardio Kicks(add a five minute ab workout to this).

After two weeks of this rotation, your body will be more conditioned to handle the Xpress series which involves cardio on consecutive days. While on this six day per week workout plan, listen to your body. If it is feeling a bit sluggish from this pace, you may need to do 5 days a week or perhaps cut back to 5 days every other week. Another thing thats a good habit to get into is to push extra hard on one cardio day and not quite as hard on the next cardio day. Each week you should switch around which of the six pack Xpress series you are going to give your all to.

So after the two week "ease on in" phase rotation, you can begin doing the Xpress series tapes rotation as is (with modifications where ever necessary).

So its:

Monday through Saturday any Xpress tape of your choice but try not to put Power Circuit and Leaner Legs back to back. Two days of another Xpress tape in between these two tapes would be great.

Do the Xpress series in this manner for three weeks. After three weeks we are going to start incorporating a bit more weight training since you said you wanted to add a second workout for each body part. (NOTE: Notice how we are adding things in slowly so that you don't do too much too soon and either 1) injure yourself or 2) burnout.)

After three weeks on Xpress rotation, here is week 4 through 6.

Mon....Power Circuit in its entirety plus add on PS Chest/Shoulder/Tricep

Tues.....Kickbox in its entirety

Wed......All Step in its entirety

Thurs.....Step & Intervals in its entirety plus PS Back/Bicep/Abs

Fri........Leaner Legs plus the floor work portion of PS Legs(so its the section that has inner thigh, outer thigh, hamstrings, but leave out abs since you already had them on the Leaner Leg tape)

Sat........10/10/10 in its entirety


Week 7 and 8 you can add an additional 20 minutes of your favorite cardio to either Wed or Fridays workout.

Good Luck, and remember to listen to your body and modify when needed. Stay focused, stay determined and be patient!!!

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