Hi Keams! I read your post and I noticed that you are new to Cathe! I suggest you get Cathe OnDemand! You can get it for a month and if you realize that Cathe is a little more advance then you can cancel.
I don't like Jillian Michaels. Jillian doesn't do the exercises with you. It seems like she has more information, but she doesn't do much of it. And Jillian yells! Cathe is way nicer and cooler!
On Cathe OnDemand you can look at all Cathe DVD workouts. Cathe even rates them. From 1 beginner to 10 being way advance.
If you want to you can get Cathe Live to see other people doing Cathe Workouts at her gym, but these people have been with her for years.
I was really overweight and was overwhelmed by Cathe, but now I lost the most of weight and can most of Cathe workouts! I don't know your weight, but if I would tell myself back then is do Cathe Strength Exercise and her stretch and yoga exercises, Also Cathe Fit tower! Also, you don't have to do all her exercises on her DVD, you can do modifications. Instead of when she is jogging, you can walk in place. Also, when you get Cathe On-demand you get Cathe Belender, so you can make your own workout. So, if one workout is too tough, you can change it. You can edit it. Like if a workout has burpees and pushups, you can take it out and put something in its place until you can do it!
If I were you I would get Cathe OnDemand. It is easier then buying the wrong DVD and thinking, I can't do this!
Cathe has so many DVDs! If you get Cathe OnDeman you will understand what I am saying!
Also, when you get On-demand and you see a DVD you like you can buy it by itself. For example Basic Step! Let's say you just want to concentrate on Basic Step for a month then you can buy Basic Step and cancel your Cathe On-demand Membership. And the two month later you can sign up again!
When I was really overweight I did Leslie Sansone Miracle Miles. That was a really good workout. Leslie is awesome! She isn't like Jillian. It is a Walking DVD with the band. It didn't have push ups, sit ups. It was walking with other exercises. If I would tell myself back then, I would tell myself so Leslie and change is with Cathe Strengyh, stretch, fit tower exercise!
Hope this has help!