Cathe How in the heck/How tall is...........


Cathe how do you elevate your body with your hands on Coremax 1?
Did it take long to master?
How tall is Rhonda and Lisa? Not sure of names.
There are two brunette haired girls on the tall side, sometimes they wear ponytails in their hair?
Also sometimes they use an 8 inch step while working out.
Thanks Cathe.
Your humble follower.
>Cathe how do you elevate your body with your hands on Coremax
>Did it take long to master?

I STILL can't do it!
I can do the levitation holds but they hurt my hands so badly! I feel it in my fingers more than in my abs. I'm not a huge fan of those....x(

Rhonda is about 5'7 I believe. I don't know who else you're describing. I don't know anyone in Cathe's videos named Lisa.

Rocky: I have a hard time with that levitation hold too. It always amazes me that they can do that...I can uaually get one side to get up there!!

Not sure about the heights. But, I did read somewhere that Rhonda was on the tall side.
Hi Rocky! This move is actually one I did all the time as a child in gymnastics. It is definitely a toughie but as I mentioned in the workout, even the attempt still works your core :) Don't give up, play around with different hand positions and how your shift your body to day you'll amazingly just pop off the ground.

As for tall cast members, Rhonda is 5'6 and Lisa is 5'3 or 5'4.

Have a fun day!
The best way I know how to do the levitation holds is to spread my fingers out and push off. I can't do them flat-palmed, and I'm not sure if that would be the right way to do them anyway. Also I make sure my hands aren't too close to my body so it makes for a wider support :D Still, they are definitely not easy and I'm glad when they are done! ha ha.

I'm really loving the Coremax 3 now that hubby got me the 8 lb. ball I asked for for Christmas!!

Good luck, keep on trying!
Thank you Cathe,Wendy,Kathy,Allison,Jansattick1,
I will keep on trying, but I think I'd have to be a magician
in order to levitate my body. }( :eek:
It is done in yoga too, but from the lotus sitting position and with palms open and fingers spread on the floor. I cannot do it from cross-legged sitting but it is easy to conquer in the yoga style (from padmasana).

I invite my yoga intructor to workout with me using DVDs and he is so impresed with Cathe. He is a qualified physiotherapist who also learned yoga. He thinks Cathe is great for being advanced yet safe and very intelligent about the way she combines exercises for effectiveness given a homeworkout scenario (relative paucity of equipment). He loved the first Core Max workout. He takes moves from it and gives it to his students to work up to yoga asanas that need core strength.
When I do the levitation holds from Core Max 1, I stack 2 sets of weight plates (usually 2-3 per stack) on either side of me close to my hips and place my hands on those. My hand placement is flat; I do not go onto the fingertips. I feel it in the core the same was as when I tried to do it as demonstrated in the workout. You can use any old thing(s) for elevation: yoga blocks; two same-sized textbooks; whatever.

Thank you... what a great idea to use weight plates! I have some hand issues and cannot get up on my fingers but this gives me hope that I can do this move.
In yoga, you can also use yoga blocks to work up to doing the full move. You can put the blocks at different heights (lower and lower to the ground) as you build strength until (hopefully!) you can one day do this without the blocks as props.

I've tried this method and it works. :)
I use foam yoga bricks to do the levitation holds also. I am able to do them without, but it really hurts my hands. With the bricks, I put my palms flat and let my fingers hang over the side so that my finger joints don't take any of the stress. Because the bricks have a bit of give, it's much easier on my wrists too. And I still feel the move in my core. HTH!

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