Cathe -- do you have artificial nails?


Hey Cathe --

I'm wondering if you have artificial nails or just your own. I've been debating whether or not to get them because mine are so crappy and brittle, but I'm afraid all the lifting/working out would be hard on them (which is why I'm asking you :))

I'll take advice from anyone else who lifts a lot and has tried artificial nails too!


I have natural nails (they're long) and can't help you on the artificial ones. However, I've never had any problems with them getting in the way of my weight training, floor exercises, or cardio.

Hoep this helps.
I have had artificial nails for years and lift heavy. My nails have never gotten in the way.
Hi Shonie! I have acryllic nails and they withstand anything, ha. They definitely require a bit of an adjustment at first, and once you start with them, you will have to maintain them every two weeks. As far as lifting is concerned, I wouldn't go too long. That's the key to much less pain if one breaks.

In my opinion, there are definitely pro's and con's to the comfort and convenience of natural nails and acryllic nails. I would continue to ask around before making a comittment.

Good Luck!
I have acryllic nails and have for years. They never get in the way of my lifting weights or exercising in any way. When you first get them, you may feel strange and require some adjustment time but as long as they are done well, they shouldn't break from ordinary wear and tear of exercise.

I have my own nails and love them, I would never us acryllic nais now that I got my own that are about an inch out from my fingers. And they are soo much cheaper, I spend about $1 a month on my nails.

When you first get acryllic nails they will be in the way of everything, picking up anything small like money, grabing your weights, putting on your clothes, you name it. If you do go with acrylics, start as short as you can then get them a little longer each time until you find the length that works for you.

With real nails you don't have the problem of when you get acryllic nails, as they grow with you and you don't notice the difference, it's like you start out with a 2 lb wieght then you add on to a 3 pound wieght etc, there is a little difference, and you naturally learn to move your hand the right way and pick things up. WIth acryllics one day they are super short the next day they are 1/2 inch from your finger tips are better. And it takes a while to learn how to do your normals stuff without catching and breaking the acryllics off, as they aren't all that strong either, and do tend to pop or break. Which then means another appt to have the neail put back on and more money. Acryllics do cost a lot the two friends I know that have them and have worn them a long time, it's nothing to spend $50 a month to have them done and look nice all the time. You also have the fun have having to sit there for an hour and have the things put on your hands, cut filed and painted.

I would seriously try to grow out your real nails for the long run it is better for your fingers as well as your nails as the acryllics will make your nails even weaker so once you start wearing them, you can't as then it becomes a protection for your real nails, as they get even weaker, and then really break.

You have a lot to think about and if you want a good nail strengther, go for Sally Hansense's line of nail care, put a very very thin layer on your nails about every two or three days and it will help them a lot. Make sure you take off all nail polish at least for a full 24 hours allow your nails to breath and they'll stay strong, if you don't allow them to breath they get weak as well not matter what you put on them. Which also one of the reason why accryllics make them soft and weak, you cosntatly have a piece of plastic glued to the top of your nail and it can't breath. As well as the fact that the glue itself will make your nails x-brittle. I have a friend who is a nail tech and she's always telling me, if she could figure out how I grow my nails she'd be rich as well as the fact people wouldn't be ruining their nails to get nails as there are quite a few long term affects that wearing nails can have, on the body.

Hi Shonie....I'm kinda butting in here...I am a manicurist and have been for about 16 years. I have also worn artificial nails for about 20 years (I do my own), like Cathe said they do take some getting used to and if you do it please get them done short until you get used to them. Mine rarely get in the way of working out. I am also using a fiberglass product instead of acyrilic. Fiberglass is a wrap and more like silk wraps if you have heard of them. Just a preference for me as acrylic didn't work well on my nails and fiberglass seems a bit more flexable....:)...Carole
Hi Shonie! I would go w/Kit's advice. I have my own nails but at one time I did have wraps put on a few of them whenever they would break. I would look into for your nails. These products are nothing short of AMAZING. They probably have products for your kind of problem w/breakage & splitting. Its healthier in the long run to have your own nails. But if you should go the other way, there's a new method the technicians are using now. It might very well be what Carol is describing. Its some sort of material instead of acrylic; much lighter & easier to apply + I don't believe their using glue anymore. I saw this on the news just recently here in NY. You need to research this more extensively & ask a lot of questions. Nail technicians just want your money; they don't care about your nails. HTH, Kathy:D
> Nail technicians just
>want your money; they don't care about your nails. HTH,

I actually will have to disagree with you here KathyH, I care very much about my clients nails. First off any covering you put over your own nail is certainly not going to be GOOD for the nail, but some people have very dry cracking nails. I have been thanked may times for relieving their pain as the nails crack right into the nail bed. A tip and an overlay will stop that as long as they wear them. I have also told any client that I see, if their nails are getting real soft and flimsy and very unheathly to soak off the artificial product and let their nails rest at least 6 months. Not getting much money there...:)...It is of course a job, and I do make money but I also love my work and have some of the most awesome clients around...:)...Carole
If you want to try them, go for it. The only down side to me is the cost. I have worn acrylic for years and love them and when I give my nails a rest it's hard to get used to picking up things without them! It's all what you're used to. I love them and my nails always are even and look great.
I wore acrylics (and then silk wraps) for years and they never really got in the way of working out (except the few times I went vampy long, lol), but I stopped wearing them about a year ago. The upkeep was too much for me... I felt like they only looked really good for a few days and then looked like they needed to be done again. Of course, I should mention that I am a writer and my job involves extensive use of the keyboard, so they do take a pounding from me. And if you do a lot of typing, expect your speed and accuracy to be affected! I went from typing about 115 wpm to about 70 for a while... they take adjusting.

Another option might be to get manicures for a while - my nails break easily but if I am taking care of them regularly at the manicurist's, they are stronger and look better.... just my .02.

I have had acrylic nails for over 10 years--almost as long as I've been working out with Cathe. It's never been a problem and I can't imagine not having my acrylic nails. I love them!
I am also a manicurist (for over 15 years) and think acrylics are great. If you get them done by the right person they don't lift or pop off. I do my own too and keep them VERY short. I love them b/c you can wear polish forever and your nail always look great.

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