Cathe Classics DVD (volume 1)

My picks for the DVD are:
1. Mega Step Blast
2. Step Max
3. Step Jam
These 3 are mega-intense, & the choreography is fun. Maybe you could sneak in the abs from Step Heat on this DVD also?

My vote is 1. Mega Step Blast
2. Step Jam
3. Step Max

I think these tapes give a good introduction to Cathe's workouts and will help bring more "newbies" on board!
Hi, as long as you put STEP JAM in it, I will be so happy. Also please chapter it at least by different sections of the workout, like Cathe Cardio hits.
Thankyou for valuing our imput.

My choices are: Stepjam, Stepmax and Mega Step Blast.

I would like to see each section chaptered so that for intance section one of Stepjam could be interchanged with either Stepmax or Mega Step Blast section one.

I was really hoping the Wedding Video and Bodies in Motion 1 would go on DVD (because they both include weight sections)... maybe next volume you could do this.

Of the choices above:

1. Step Jam
2. Step Max
3. Step Heat

And I just like them split up like this:

1. Warm up
2. First section of step
3. Second step section
4. Third Step section
5. Cool down/stretch

I don't believe any of these videos have abdominals, but if they do, it would be nice to have abs as separate section as well.

Thank you!
I would like to see Mega Step Blast, Step Heat and Step Max for my top 3 choices. Abs on a separate chapter of course as well as warmup and cooldown.
I *definitely* would love Step Heat on DVD, since I use that ab section so much (it is such a tough, quick ab section!).

My preferences would be:

Step Heat
Step Max
Step Jam

And chaptered so you can do the w/u, c/d and each section separately (and the abs on Step Heat separately).

Can't wait to get the Classics on DVD!

1. Step Max
2. Step Heat
3. Step Jam
Thanks. Then perhaps a Cathe Classics DVD vol. 2 with:
Mega Step Blast
Step N Motion 1
How To Get In Shape For Your Wedding

Thank you so much! I can't wait!!!
1. Mega Step Blast - I LOVE the leg and bun blaster at the end!

2. Step Max

3. Either Step Heat or Step Jam

Are we making it hard enough for you guys?

If MSB doesn't make the final cut, I liked someone else's suggestion of adding just the leg and bun blaster section ont the DVD.
My preferences would be Step Heat, Step Max, Stem Jam. I do like Mega Step Blast but it isn't as hard as the other 3, in my opinion, so I'd like the 3 hardest together.

For chaptering, I like Stephanie's idea of having a warmup, then all of the step sections(from all 3 tapes), then a cooldown. This would be in addition to being able to play each workout individually - right?

thanks for asking!
Candice :)
One suggestion about the dvd menu: It's helpful when you can use both the up/down arrows and the left/right arrows to move around. On some dvd's, you have to move sideways by going up and down all the columns and it's confusing. Thanks!
[font size="1" color="#FF0000"]LAST EDITED ON May-14-02 AT 12:39PM (Est)[/font][p]I agree with Chris, this would be the ideal 'Classics' set-up!

Classics Volume 1:
Step Heat
Step Jam
Step Max

Classics Volume 2:
Step N Motion 1
Mega Step Blast
The Wedding Tape

I'd like to see the sections just split up as they are in the tapes. One thing I would mention though, something that really irks me about my Step Fit DVD is that the cool-down and stretch segments are lumped in together, not split into separate sections. I hope SNM will separate the cool-down & stretch portions in all of the DVD releases from now on. Separating the abs in Step Heat would be good too.

And since you asked about sectioning...if SNM were to re-release Circuit Max with each cardio & strength section split up into separate 'chapters', I'd be just so much more than happy (more like ecstatic actually) to buy it (and Cardio Kicks) all over again just for that feature! Just a thought.......;-)

Thanks for getting our input, really excited about the classics getting their turn as DVDs!

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