Cathe Calendar Results for August!!!!


Good morning! I am packing for a weekend trip and one more round of celebration eating. This has been a month of feasting and fun! I am so ready to get back on track with clean eating and consistent workouts after Labor Day! I have been riding the wave of Road Trip glory and having fun since I returned home from Jersey. By the grace of God, I am ending this month 6 pounds lighter than I was when I flipped my Cathe calendar. :7 That is 16 pounds in 2 months (and a size smaller), and I am pleased with my progress in light of all the celebration eating and rest days in August. ;-) I have been a weekend warrior with my workouts this month. My Mondays through Thursdays have no stickers! :eek:

I am ready to focus on fitness again in September. I am getting tired of celebration food, and I am starting to crave fresh fruit! After coasting through this month and still making progress, I am excited to see what I can accomplish in September when I start eating to bless my body and working out with a determined purpose. No pressure. I am enjoying the journey every step of the way. I just want to see what I can do, and I actually want to work hard again after resting and playing this month! The Road Trip renewed my passion, and I am getting my fire and focus back! :7 I have one more weekend of fun (and Texas Sheet Cake!) to enjoy first! :9

After doing Cathe’s workouts almost exclusively since Mother’s Day, this has been a non-Cathe week for me. I am missing her like crazy and having withdrawals! I am looking forward to seeing her sweet smile next week! :) I am waiting patiently for the new workouts too. The step choreography is going to be so much fun! :7 Speaking of fun step workouts, I enjoyed Road Tripper Tracey’s Step Sweatfest this week. The second half is my favorite with complex and dancy choreography and not much breakdown. :7 I would love to see Cathe film Rhythmic Step 2 this way, but I know that some people here would start a riot! :7 Allison, I got so tickled watching you this week. Girl, you are a ball of energy! :7

There is not much else I can add to this month’s update. I covered it all in my Road Trip “novel” earlier this month. ;-) LOL! :7 See y’all soon.

Lorrie, I will be in touch with goals and a game plan. We can do this! Put your game face on and get ready!

Hugs to all my daily, transforming, putting your game face on, and T-12 check-in friends, I love y’all and look forward to getting back on track with daily check-ins next week! I am hoping to check-in later today with a workout but wanted to send a big group hug just in case! :*

Thanks again to everyone for all your love and support! :*

Heather B.

“So whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31 NIV).
Congrats on the 6 lb. loss & smaller size ~ that's awesome!!! Enjoy your last hurrah with the Texas Sheet Cake before you go back to hardcore training. :)

[font face="heather" font color=brick red size=+2]~Cathy [/font face]
"Out on the roads there is fitness and self-discovery and the persons we were destined to be." -George Sheehan
Enjoy your weekend baby girl! I'll be in touch. DH and I are off to an anniversary dinner tonight - so I'll be celebrating with you - we start next week Heather! We are going to be awesome! Hugs to you!

How great to have all that fun this past month and still lose 6 pounds! You go girl! Have a great weekend away! Isn't it fun celebrating your brithday for a whole week? We look forward to hearing your next month's achievement. I have no doubt you will reach your goal. God's Speed!!!! Safe travels and "see" you when you get back. HUGS!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
Lorrie, HAPPY ANNINERSARY!!! Have a wonderful time tonight. I look forward to hearing the next goals you will tackle amd meet! We'll GTG real soon. Big HUGS!

Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH (AKA "Den Mother Debbie")[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance, I Hope You DANCE!
Congratulations on your weight loss!! I love reading your posts...your positive attitude is always so inspiring!
>I would love to see Cathe film Rhythmic Step 2 this way, but I know that some people here would start a riot! ROTFLOL!!

Seriously Heather, congratulations on your progress -- I'm so excited for you! And I hear you about getting ready to get back on track with eating. I've been on a bit of a slippery slope myself and just knowing that I'm not in this alone is a big help:)
Hi Heather,

Congrats on shrinking down another pant size and 6 pounds! That's absolutely GREAT and within the 1-2 pounds per week you should be losing. You go girl!!!

Happy packing and I hope you get everything in that carry-on. I know you can do it! :7

I continue to watch for you posts Heather! You rock!!! I'm so happy you got to go on the Cathe RT....

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