Hi Everyone,
Every week or two we like to update everyone about our progress on the Boss Bands and Loops workouts.
We have now finished making all of our edits on both workouts and have started working on the DVD authoring which is the last and final thing we need to do before we can create the DVD masters and send them off to the DVD replicator. We hope to finish this final phase of our work towards the end of next week or the following week.
As soon as this last phase is complete we will create and share some clips from the workouts with you! In the meantime, here are some links that will help you find all of our Boss Bands & Loops updates and pics from both workouts:
• Cathe Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/cathefitness
• Cathe Newest & Upcoming Workouts Forum: https://bit.ly/2RWtljA
• Cathe Pinterest Board: https://bit.ly/3uVnkCm
• Cathe Boss Bands & Loops Order Page: https://bit.ly/3u1ZkNw