Cathe: Advanced Series Set? Please!!!!!!!


Just wondering if you have given up on us advanced junkies for the short term? I think it is wonderful you are doing some of the beginner and intermediate stuff as they need the joy of Cathe too :)

However, are you planning on doing any series similar to the INTENSITY series again? I sware that is the best set on earth! I still use it every single day. To be honest I need something new! I sware I know every single word, breath you take by heart ;-) I find myself not pushing myself so hard lately as I need something different. I have every single tape you have ever made except the new easy ones. So I have been mixing some of the old stuff back in.

I would LOVE to see a truly advanced set come out that is not all circuit. I am in DESPARATE need of some TOUGH interval cardio and tough weight days. I do body for life so I split my cardio/wt days. Your LBP/UBP dvds work AWESOME! I tell ya' I would pay $50.00 for IMAX 3 all by itself!!!

Please tell me this in the future plans sometime soon???? :+ :7 :+ :7 :+ :7
I agree that the Intensity Series should be in the Workout Video Hall of Fame. Imax 2 and the Pyramids are my all-time favorites.
The new set is very much appreciated, but ITA, another advanced set like the intensity series would rock! :)
Just adding my voice to the call for a new advanced series, with separate strength and cardio workouts (maybe with some cardio and weight workouts on one DVD, with a premix that offers cardio/weight circuits, so everyone can find something to love).

I see in my crystal ball a 7-workout series:
One Slow and Heavy weight series with the PS split;(chest/shoulders/triceps and core; back/biceps core; legs and core); push/pull set-up or cyclical set up (one chest ex, then one shoulder, then one tricep, repeat then stretch and move on);
One moderate weight circuit weight workout (alternating upper and lower body exercises)
One kickboxing workout with plyo moves
One step workout (IMAX 3)
One stretch workout, starting with dynamic ROM moves, following with standing, then seated and lying moves(with premixes for shorter or longer versions)
I would love kickbox, traditional heavy strength training, good, old fashioned step/floor aerobics and one, please, please, please, low impact, high intensity workout for those of us who struggle with injuries and can't always opt for the high impact stuff.

How is the new facility coming along? I wonder if, once it's setteld into, SNM might turn it's attention to a new series. I'll be looking forward to the day it's announced! My philosophy is, you CAN be too rich and too thin, but you cannot have too many Cathe workouts! LOL!
Bobbi "Chick's rule!"

Tell me, what is it you plan to do
with your one wild and precious life?

- Mary Oliver
Fitnut~just wanted to let you know that Cathe responded to a post some time ago that she has not given up on Advanced workouts because that is her niche. (or what she loves) I can't remember the exact wording. I did a search to try to find her response but came up empty-handed. BTW, I LOVE the "I" Series too!
Your-Friend-In-Fitness, DebbieH[/img] If You Get The Choice To Sit It Out Or Dance...I Hope You DANCE!!!
OH ABSOLUTELY!!!!!! I will ALWAYS do advanced workouts. No plans to film again just yet but the next time we film for exclusively, I'm itching to go all out!

Be careful what you wish for (whaaaaa hahahahahahah....insert evil laugh here }(
>Be careful what you wish for (whaaaaa hahahahahahah....insert
>evil laugh here }(

Oh -- I'm wishing, alright!

Cathe -- on the next series, can you return to the music like you used in the IS and BB series? I find it much more motivating! I know you are some time out from the next series, but as always I can't wait to see what you come up with to torture us!
What A-Jock is wishing for:

Airborne jacks
Squat-thrust climbers with 4 sequential power kicks thrown into each set
Explosive lunges and plies
Plyo Jacks
Vertical jumps
One-legged hops
Sequential power kicks
Ice breakers
Straddle taps to the side of the step
Power taps to the front (a la the new Advanced High Step workout)
Box jumps onto the step
Side-to-side plyo jumps
"Speed skates"
Sumo squats
Running Man
Fast runs with boxer's flurry
Speed bags
Power 15's
Power squats with a turn on/off step

I'm sure that's an incomplete list, but that oughtta get you started. No hurry on the next release - August 2K4 will be just fine.


I have been holding my fingers on this one (no point in holding my tongue, eh?), because I too am eager for some evil malevolent accursed horrific vile's another word, diabolical workouts like Imax, the Pyramids, Boot Camp, Slow and Heavy.

Stuff that starts out very challenging and can be made to remain that way. I have enough workouts for days when I need something "Lite" and am looking forward to some advanced and innovative stuff. This announcement made my day. I was afraid Cathe had decided to step it all back a notch due to her approaching 40th birthday.

Mwah! Hahahahahahaaaaaaaaaaaaaa!

}( }( }(

It's fun being evil. I have to admit.

Anyway, thank you Cathe for the promise of EvilMax on the horizon. It made my day.
Mogambo, my hat is off to you, and my skull gleams for you.

I did a coffee-spit when I read "EvilMax".

Too funny.

"I was afraid Cathe had decided to step it all back a notch due to her approaching 40th birthday".

On noting the word "afraid".....oh, you can be "afraid" alright. Each year I climb that ladder, my heart only beats longer and stronger.
}( :7
Now you've done, Mog, gotten C. all pi$$ed off and fired up.

We can all now look forward to squat-thrust-climbers off the stability ball in the warm-up.

Keep up the good work.


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