Cathe a question about your kickboxing certification


Hi Cathe! I was wondering what orginization you used to get your kicbox certification. I would like to teach group kickboxing and would like to know what organization is best. Also how do you choreograph your kickbox workouts. Does your certification help you or do you do it on your own. Thank you for your time. By the way your workouts are the best.:) Kristin
Hello Kristin,

Not Cathe... but there are several organizations that provide fitness certifications. I believe Cathe is certified through ACE. Their web site is
or you can try AFAA which is also a great fitness organization.

Hope that helps!! Good luck! :):)
Hi Kristin! I went through Lisa Gaylords kickboxing program. I also attended a two day boxing course offered at a fitness convention a few years back for additional info. While both were excellent programs, I personally did not find the programs I attended (can't speak for any others) to be helpful at all in the way of designing choreography. It was heavily focused on skill, form, and the technical aspect of boxing/kickboxing/martial arts. If time was spent more on anything, I would say more on self defense than developing fitness classes. I definitely enjoyed the programs and found them very informative and worth every penny, however. But for the classes I teach and what my students are looking for in a workout, I took what I learned and adapted it to the fitness arena. Hope this helps :)

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