categories of DVD


Wasn't sure what the topic should be. When you don't have a series, is there a category list you can choose from so you can do a rotation and change for what you do have?

I'd like to add *According to Cathe*
There's a thread stickied at the top of this forum called "RESULTS ARE IN!!! Ultimate Guide to Cathe's Workouts". It lists the workouts by types.

Hi Diane, I saw that list but:

Where are the interchange mixes?
I was not only looking for a list of upper body, lower body I was looking for something that is said,

If you don't have this, use this or this.

Not necessarily a list according to difficulty. Does that help in my question?

There is not a hell of lot to chose from for a beginner up there now is there???? x( I guess that's why I asked for more beginner series rotations, circuits... must be hard I guess once you get so rugged that you can't crank it down a notch and still be effective.

I think what humans might try seeing even though you say you can just do less, that denotes failure. It denotes you can't do this. To me, that is not a good thing in you head to keep saying. Your feeding yourself the *I can't mental thoughts* which will keep you hitting the top of the jar. Now if you make it on purpose lower impact, you can, you will and you might get better results. So for a beginner with injuries, where is the street you go down so you can still be in the marathon?

Picture it like this. The Boston Marathon is coming up. I believe they have a section for people with special needs. Why not in the fitness industry. Not saying to the point of wheelchair bound but anything more then Super Man.
I am not sure what you mean by "interchange mixes". You can modify any of Cathe's workouts to fit your level. For instance, you can use any weight dumbbell if you don't have or choose not to use a barbell. Many people sub dumbbells for medicine balls. If you don't have a step, plenty of people do these on the floor. If you can't do every rep, do what you can! As Cathe says, make it work for you.

As far as Cathe making so many advanced workouts, I am happy for this. I started working out at home in April 2004. As a beginner, I found a ton of workouts that I could use to improve my fitness level. As you progress, it's harder to find instructors that can deliver a challenging workout to the intermediate/advanced exercisers.

My thoughts:
- if you have a step-
1) Basic Step/Body Fusion is a good one to start with. It has 1 step workout, 1 circuit workout, a stability ball abs workout, and an upper and lower body strength workout.
2) You may also want to look at Cardio and Weights/Imax 2. You can start with Cardio and Weights (use whatever weight that works for you!) and then progress over to Imax 2 (you can do intervals 1-5, or 6-10). Cathe has enough premixes on her DVDs in the Intensity Series and Body Blast Series that you can pick and choose what you want to do that day.

I hope this helps somewhat.


Edited to Add:

I re-read your post. Are you talking about the rotations that Cathe puts together? So, for instance if she says do Muscle Endurance, and you don't have it what do you do?
yes yes yes, Valerie that's exacty what I'm trying to get at. Not knowing the terminology in my new Journey I was trying my best to get to what you said. Yes, on the part you edited. 100%

okay. agai. I guess I will be saying that alot cause I don't know what to say once i get something.

Even if it says advanced I can still do it, just not so high. I look at some of those high step things and I'm thinking I'll get a nose bleed way up there. lol.

Lord I am learning each day and this is great.
Gotcha! Now, I know what you are getting at!

As far as the high step, it's completely adjustable in two inch increments. I normally use 12-14", but have been known to go to 16" on a good day, and 8-10" during injuries. That's why it's far superior to a Firm Fanny Lifter.

Which rotation were you looking at? I am sure we can help you with some substitutions. You could always go to a 'generic' rotation like something below and just use what you have to meet the requirement.
1- Total body workout
2- Cardio
3- Total body workout
4- Cardio
5- Total body workout
6- Cardio
7- Rest


1- Upper body
2- Cardio
3- Lower body
4- Cardio
5- Total Body
6- Cardio
7- rest

the way it looks now Valerie, I will be doing the beginner one. someone did post it this weekend of which I need to get printed out so I can ingrain it in my head. Then I like your #2 choice. This sure is a place for me, There is so much variety in her vides and DVD's i just want to hug someone. so if you have gym style Upper body you can sub it for Pyramid upper body?
>so if you have gym style Upper body you can sub it for Pyramid
>upper body?

Yes! When I was starting out with Cathe's workouts, I only had Pure Strength series and the Intensities. So if a rotation suggested Power Hour, I'd do Muscle Endurance from the Intensity Series. I eventually did get Power Hour and everything else besides.

Tytbody, I was reading your other posts and feel your frustration. You don't have to do what Cathe and her crew are doing. I don't. I have bad knees and constantly have to modify the leg workouts and high-intensity stepping.

Also, when I was starting out, I read a lot of books and did many online searches about rotations and splits so I could come up with my own. I've never done any of Cathe's rotations. I do print them out, take the idea behind it, take what I like and need, and go with that.

It's your body, your goals, your workouts. Take what Cathe offers and make them your own. And if you can't (I'm disappointed that I can't do this with IMAX 3), modify. Hope this helps.:)

I totally agree with what Pinky said! Make it work for you! :)

Here is the beginner/intermediate rotation from Cathe-


Mon: Basic Step
Tues: Upper Body and Ab Add On
Wed: Basic Step
Thurs: Lower Body and Ab Add On
Fri: Basic Step
Sat: Upper/Lower/Ab Add Ons
Sun: OFF

Mon: Basic Step/ Upper and Ab Add On
Tues: Lower Body and Ab Add On
Wed: Body Fusion
Thurs: OFF
Fri: Body Fusion
Sat: OFF
Sun: Upper/Lower/Ab Add Ons (optional to follow up with Basic Step)

Mon: Basic Step/Ab Add On
Tues: High Step Circuit(Int)
Wed: OFF
Thurs: High Step Circuit(Int)
Fri: Basic Step/Ab Add On
Sat: Body Fusion
Sun: OFF

Mon: Body Fusion
Tues: Basic Step/Ab Add On
Wed: High Step Circuit(Int)
Thurs: OFF
Fri: High Step Circuit(Int)
Sat: 30 minute moderate run plus Upper/Lower/Ab Add On
Sun: OFF (optional Body Fusion *cardio only* followed by Basic Step)

Is there a post (or could someone please devise one) that lists all the Cathe workouts by same "type" or category so that someone who doesn't have all the DVDs could pick another to sub in a given rotation?? For example, I'd like to be able to look at a Cathe rotation and easily know which workout to sub for one that she lists, but I don't have. If she lists MuscleMax (i don't have yet), would that be comparable to ME, Supersets,PP, all 3 or none?

See what I mean? This would be a great reference to have.


Keep smiling & sweating!
I understand what you are saying, but I don't think that such a list exists. You are right, it would be a great reference.

Do you think I should post request on its own thread or will someone possibly respond here? It would be so great for Cathe newcomers (or recently returned folks - I used to do her 1st few step vidoes years ago) if someone would take this task on...


Keep smiling & sweating!
I would start a new post. You are more likely get more responses that way! I only have her newer stuff (Intensity Series forward).

OK I will. Thanks. Is this the best forum to post it in?

Same here - but not all of each series.


Keep smiling & sweating!
I think that in the Rotations section would be best - maybe title it something like Need Help with Rotation Substitutions List or something like that.


that is what this thread is all about. re-read my question. you just said what I've been asking. I don't think there is a list the way we are asking. they understand we can sub but for you an I we don't know which is equivelant to what is originally in the rotation.I understand. Must not be a list like this so maybe Cathe can make one. Maybe go to the *Ask Cathe* topic and ask her to make one. then each time she does a new DVD she can put it in the correct category.

>Is there a post (or could someone please devise one) that
>lists all the Cathe workouts by same "type" or category so
>that someone who doesn't have all the DVDs could pick another
>to sub in a given rotation?? For example, I'd like to be able
>to look at a Cathe rotation and easily know which workout to
>sub for one that she lists, but I don't have. If she lists
>MuscleMax (i don't have yet), would that be comparable to ME,
>Supersets,PP, all 3 or none?
>See what I mean? This would be a great reference to have.
>Keep smiling & sweating!
Yeah - I figured that's what you were asking, but I thought I'd interject & try to make it a little clearer. I posted the request seperately & hopefully someone will help. I did not put it in Ask Cathe though, beacuse I thought I' get a quicker response just throwing it out to the general public. We'll see.


Keep smiling & sweating!
the problem with the general public is that is their point of view. I would think (figure) that if Cathe made the videos, she knows what she had in mind for that particular video.If you let everyone start throwing in their thoughts of where something should be,you'll get various opinions without the real meaning behind the video. That's why I added that *according to cathe* quote. lol. We'll see.
If you want Cathe's opinion on this, you may want to post in the Ask Cathe forum. She does answer a few things outside of her Ask Cathe forum, but it's rare.



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